Do you think wine is making my anxiety and depression worse?
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Hi everyone, I've been drinking quite a lot of wine everyday. Do you think it will make me worse? It's just so tempting as it makes me feel so much calmer. I'm really worrying about it though. Does anyone else do the same.
Love Caroline xxx
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ellacraig caroline74698
it calms me RIGHT DOWN...
I also fear how it's going to effect me ESP as I have major digestive issues too...
the problem being two wines used to clam me down but now it's four....
feel free to send me a private message if you like
im actually very depressed since all this started, I can't bear to be alone so sometimes I turn to wine which is so bad
caroline74698 ellacraig
I tell myself that as soon as it kicks in I'll be OK and won't need wine. I don't want to give it up totally just cut down. My anxiety started in December, so I think it's now begun to make me depressed too.
If I could sleep it might help. How do you sleep?
ellacraig caroline74698
im not on anything ie hrt but I swear I'm close to asking for anti anxiety meds...
im in the early stages too. I swear I got home today and just cried my eyes out, I hate being alone since all this started.
welk I hope the hrt helps you I really do, this is no sort if life.
i myself am trying natural pills which take longer etc unfortunately
caroline74698 ellacraig
ellacraig caroline74698
I detest drugs but I hear them calling me... :s
Thanks though glad I'm not alone
anita31460 caroline74698
I really sympathise with you and u know how tempting it can be to tranquillise yourself with wine but in the long run it WILL make you feel worse. Alcohol is a depressant. Although it is a temporary fix it will suck you down into a spiral. I know it sounds really trite and clichéd but please try to find another relaxation technique that suits you. Take care my friend
Anita x
pinkcatfairy caroline74698
I like a tipple but i wonder if it makes my anxiety worse plus i always feel panicky after the week end when im likely to have a tipple, plus lack of sleep makes me worse plus caffeine! I think the combination of them is a catalyst to my anxiety. I recently tried to cut the caffeine down because i was getting panic attacks. I prob do feel abit calmer but i enjoy these things and would be down right miserable if i couldnt have them! X
caroline74698 pinkcatfairy
I agree I'm having a bout of anxiety and as it possibly
Makes me slightly more nervous, the wine is such a welcome escape. Take care xxxx
pinkcatfairy caroline74698
Sochima822 caroline74698
Research has found that both drinking alcohol and taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can increase breast cancer risk. A large study combined the two by looking at how drinking alcohol while taking HRT affected breast cancer risk.
The study looked at the drinking habits and HRT use of more than 5,000 Danish women for 20 years. The researchers found:
Drinking alcohol while not taking HRT didn't really affect breast cancer risk.
Postmenopausal women who were taking HRT AND drank 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks per day had a breast cancer risk that was 3 times higher than women who didn't drink and didn't take HRT.
Postmenopausal women who were taking HRT AND had more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day had a breast cancer risk that was 5 times higher than women who didn't drink and didn't take HRT.
Drinking alcohol increases estrogen levels. It's possible that the extra estrogen from drinking combined with the estrogen in HRT caused the dramatic increases in risk in this study.
lennie45832 Sochima822
elaine33371 lennie45832
The reason im telling you this, is, not to encourage you to take HRT i cant do that incase it doesnt work for you..................but you seem petrified of it causing cancer in you, so would you take it, if there was no risk of that happening, because at the end of the day lennie, we could get cancer anywhere in our body, without taking HRT, so why suffer now, but i understand and its entirely up to you, on the otherhand you sound determined to get fit, and cope with this through alternative lifestyle changes, and if you can do that, then great, im not trying to pressure you, just dont like people to suffer unnecessarily. best wishes xx
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
Your doing everything you should be doing lennie, but yes it could be the fact that your peri that has increased your fears, it is a symptom unfortunately, it can do that. Like you i have an illness, so i have to keep myself as fit as possible, and i am careful with my diet and exercise etc, it is our bodies afterall, and knowone else can do that for us, and if we listen to too much advice from specialists, or, scientists, we would never eat anything again, would we.
Thats great that your family have no history, that is a plus lennie, but very sorry to hear of your loss over your friend. Unfortunately there is quite a bit of cancer in my family, dad, sister, nan and auntie, doesnt always follow you will get it though, but chances are higher for us obviously, but, will cross that bridge if or, when i come to it, not giving an illness like that any of my energy worrying about whether i will get it or, not.
And of course, if you smoke, or, overweight, drs will always blame this, one minute there telling you its ok to eat this and that, 10 years down the line its oops....................sorry its now not, so, what and who are we supposed to believe, I do believe your risk to be high, when both parents have genes for certain illnesses, think its pretty safe bet to say you are then at a very high risk, of developing the same illnesses as a result of that, still doesnt always follow though, you have to live your life!!
Let me know when your post, fingers crossed its soon for you, will always check for your messages.
Best wishes
Elaine .
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
Thats sad about your father, it is tragic when people dont look after themselves, yet you can see where they are going wrong, but if they dont meet you half way with you trying to help them,, or visit doctors, what can you do, and our older generation, were like that, they didnt take kindly to the medical profession, and they certainly didnt take to taking pills, so, its understandable, but generations change, were taught to take care more of our own health nowadays, and not rely on drs as much, so the onus is put more on us,i feel, thats partly down to how crap the drs seem to be i know, but with some people, its like they have a death wish,and however much, you try to help them, and get them to try and see sense, they dont!............very frustrating for their grown up children, my mother in law was like this, would not allow us to send for drs, and when the dr came, she refused to go to hospital, even when the drs said, if you dont, you wil die in this house alone, still refused, it was a very frustrating stressful, sad time for us, and it all could have been avoided.
My sister had several phobias as a child, where dogs were concerned that were off leashes, petrified of them, she also had a fear, of walking over bridges, and going up shop escalators, as she got stuck on one once, and during peri, these fears came back, and really went out of control, she was not offered therapy, just meds which, really just controls the symptoms, shes not as bad now shes post and is off her meds also, which is encouraging, and yet, as a person, i consider her to be very strong emotionally, my elder sister on the other hand, who has always been on the nervous side, and doesnt cope well generarlly, whilst, she did have panic attacks, but no childhood phobias, or, new fears, her anxiety only lasted a short time, so you would think if that was going to happen to any of us, it would have been her, doesnt always follow does it............ whilst i did have some panic attacks during early peri, they were few and far between, didnt have any heightened fear over things, and my anxiety was something i could live with, i use to do yoga, where i was taught relaxation and breathing exercises, so, that may account for it, because i have been able to stave the attacks off when i felt them coming on, So i feel for you that it is so bad, especially when you seem a strong person, who seems to have a handle on things as well, just shows you how it can affect people, there seems to be no set rule for any of us.
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
Yoga is much more gentle ont he body, and the relaxation part i found brilliant, your a teacher, your use to structure in your life, opretty sure that would help you control your anxiety, good luck lennie, let us know how you get on, i always tend to think, ill do it when the weather is warmer................ha we tend to hibernate in the winter dont we, swimming i have found another good one, for gentle exercise, now that one really made me feel well all over with the fatigue, but one for the summer i think..............ha
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832