Doc visit today
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Hi ladies well I went in white coat freight and all lol but results of all the blood work was good I lost 12lb he told me he wants me to get my a1c level to a 6 which it's a 6.5. He said with my hormones bouncing around it can cause my level to bounce around as well my blood pressure was good 120/76 usually when I go in my pressure is off wack but today was great he checked my shoulder out he said bursitis and it can be very achy sometimes feel warm it's the sac's that fill with fluid that's where the warmth feeling come from but other than that I feel pretty good today wish I could trade shoulders with someone lol but hey if that's all I have to deal with for the moment I'll take it god bless ladies and as album praying for all of us
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maria101 monique_93857
Hi good news for you M.... I went to Doc last Friday my blood pressure was 140 can't remember the rest bit high when she did it again 138 strange
my hormone readings FSH was 99 very high I'm in menopause but until I reach the 12 mark I can say I have been through moving out of peri I guess
iam feeling better then I was but I don't trust mental pause always reading to bite again.
michelle46271 maria101
I wanted my hormones level tested but my doctor keeps saying no need. If I say I want it can they refuse? X
carmen_22574 maria101
I go to ob Dr tomorrow. I'm asking to get my hormones tested. Has any one here been on hrt? I'm kind of skeptical because my body doesn't adapt well to medications.
michelle46271 carmen_22574
Yes I'm on HRT. There are a few ladies on here that are. Everyone is different. Any questions I'm sure any of the ladies on here will help x
carmen_22574 michelle46271
monique_93857 carmen_22574
I did it all natural and still going all natural doc says it's the best way going the hrt route is trouble he says because once you come off the hormones hit like a tiger
michelle46271 carmen_22574
It helps the anxiety and hot sweats. You still have certain things but I suppose it can't completely get rid of them all. I've been on it 6 months x
carmen_22574 michelle46271
carmen_22574 monique_93857
I have been going through this for little over a year and I think the worst has hit. Praying and keeping my fingers crossed. I just really need something where I can sleep at night I'm exhausted. I want all natural stuff as well.
looloo43 carmen_22574
Hi Carmen. just think hrt stands for "hormone replacement therapy" so it replacement hormones for what you are lacking. if you go on hrt ask for the micronised formulas, as they are as near to what your body produces as possible, more pure than synthetic hormones, & more effective in helping with peri/meno symptoms than cheaper synthetic forms. my doc is a specialist meno/gynae doc & she was happy to put me on the micronised formulas - in fact she knew all about them & these were her first suggestions to try for me. I've been on hrt since april now - estrogen gel applied to thighs every night, & progesterone(utrogestan) capsules days 15-26 of every 28day cycle taken at bedtime. the hrt has helped my mental symptoms of erratic low mood, random tearfulness, unchacteristic short temper, brain fog, anxiety, panic attacks, & i sleep much better on the whole. it also eliminated frequent "hormone" headaches i was getting, & i hardly get any palpitations at all now. things started to improve after 2-3wks, but got better with more time on hrt. my hrt regimen is low risk, low dose. you could see if your surgery has a specialist meno/gynae doc or nurse you could make an appointment with. discussing it wouldn't hurt, & once armed with all the information & options, you can make your own mind up if you want to try it to help your symptoms. xx
carmen_22574 looloo43
Thank you for all the information. I go see a ob/gyn that specializes in menopause today at 3:30 I have been waiting a month and a half for this day. You were right on time. Thank you so much. I'm just trying to make it through it has been a rough year. I know it could be a lot worse but this stuff is no joke. I will keep you posted after today's appointment. Have a great day.
looloo43 carmen_22574
carmen_22574 looloo43
carmen_22574 looloo43
Well Im back from the Dr and I liked him a lot. I asked about the hrt and he told me that it can escalate the symptoms I already have in the long run and suggested that I didn't take them unless I wanted to. So I choice not to at this time. He also said he could give me zoloft for the hot flashes and I'm not good with medications my body doesn't handle them well. He suggested drinking unsweetened soy milk so I'm going to give that a try. I will keep you posted and please keep me posted. Thank you again.
looloo43 carmen_22574
I'm glad you got on well with the doc Carmen. i've never heard hrt makes symptoms worse in the long run, not even from my specialist meno gp! it just replaces what your body isn't making enough of, which is why its important to only go on the lowest dose that relieves enough of the symptoms. Anyway, at least he offered you some sort of help. Its upto you at the end of the day Carmen, but at least you know there are things available to help should you find it hard to cope with symptoms. Its all about quality of life. take care hun. xx
carmen_22574 looloo43
I was very please with his answers and thought he was very helpful. Also I liked that he didn't try to push medicine on me, which a lot of Dr's do. Well I will ride it out and see and if it gets worse I will call him up. All of the 46 out of 66 symptoms I've had I think I have gotten the worse part over. Praying that I did. 😊 I told him that I'm skipping periods so I now know I'm definitely in perimenopause. Praying for all women that have to go through this. And once again thank you.
carmen_22574 looloo43
One more question for you did you ever get your fsh checked? I had mine done back in February and it was 6.7 my primary dr says it was fine but I really don't understand the reading if I was perimenopause back then or not. It gave a range of mid follicular 3.85 - 8.78. Midcycle cycle peak 4.54 - 22.51. Med luteal phase 1.79 - 5.12. Postmenopausal 16.74 - 113.59. Which I see I don't fall in that phase yet.
looloo43 carmen_22574
Hi Carmen. no, my specialist meno/gynae doc said hormone blood tests are very unreliable as hormones fluctuate so much even hour to hour. they go more by age, menstrual cycle changes, & symptoms to diagnose peri/meno. then when you try hrt if the symptoms improve significantly it really endorses that diagnosis. xx
carmen_22574 looloo43
Ok that's what he said about the hormone test. Thank you for getting back to me. You are such a great help. Also have you heard of motherwort? I heard this helps with hot fashes.
looloo43 carmen_22574
i have not heard of that Carmen no. I haven't really tried any natural supplements as i have chronic bowel conditions so have to be REALLY careful not to add to those problems with the side effects alot of natural products can cause on the digestive system. the last time i tried a natural supplement to try & get myself off one of the meds i take for nightime acid reflux, it made everything a lot worse bowel wise, so i stick to moderate amounts of fundamental vitamins & minerals plus my prescription meds. but many natural supplements work for lots & lots of ladies (especially if you don't have other health issues with bowel conditions!!) so don't be put off by me. i see you've done a post asking about motherwort so hopefully someone will reply to give you some info/experience of it soon. i still get night sweats even on the hrt, but a bit less than before hrt, & only the odd hot flush since taking hrt. i can cope with these now my mental symptoms/long intense headaches are virtually absent now since starting my hrt. i think when you get mental symtoms under control, you feel much more in control & able to deal with everything else better. xx
carmen_22574 looloo43
Sorry you can't take natural supplements. Since this all started my potassium would drop and they put me on pills but I could only take them to get my level back up then I would have to stop them.I don't agree with a lot of medications. My dr changed my blood pressure medicine because it had hydrochloride in it. So my blood pressure has been good and my potassium. When I tell you I had 46 of those symptoms it was like one after another. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I have days I don't feel good but it seems like it is getting a little better. No just trying to keep the weight off which seems to be a struggle. I've always been heavy but at least when I try and cut back now it seems when I look at food I gain. 😊 well I will keep you posted on the motherwort to see if it works. Thanks for your help. And I know everyone is different what might work for you may not work for me. 😊
looloo43 carmen_22574
Carmen did you know bananas are rich in potassium? maybe a banana a day would help to keep your potassium levels level/stable without the need for up & down supplementation - might be easier for you to maintain your potassium levels. also, my doc told me during peri/meno fat does have a tendency to redistribute itself so you can feel fatter because of this, but often you actually weigh the same. xx
carmen_22574 looloo43
I eat bananas everyday. I really don't like them anymore but I still eat them. 😊 and trust I have put on weight but I started my food intake this week and I'm down 4.6 lbs. So I'm going in the right directions.
looloo43 carmen_22574
I can just imagine you trying to eat a banana everyday with a face like my 9yr old nephew when you make him try something new to eat, LOL....That's great you've lost 4.6lbs!! When i have a "bloaty" day (usually a day or 2 occurs when i'm in the progesterone 12days of my hrt) i can gain 2lbs just in water - i pee alot for a day or 2, then 2lbs disappear on the scales, my doc confirmed this is common when hormones fluctuate throughout the month especially with progesterone fluctuations. be sensible though hun, still have a little of what you really's too short to be on a permanent diet without any treats in moderation. xx
carmen_22574 looloo43
Yes bananas don't taste good to me anymore. 😝 But I need that potassium. Oh yes my ob said don't diet just cut back. Do more walking and arm exercise with weights. And trust me I had chocolate chip cookies last night. I told my daughter I have a craving as if I was pregnant lol.
monique_93857 carmen_22574