Doctor has stopped my Tramadol.

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Hi there, I had been on Tramdol for a little over 12 months and within those 12 months I had a few seizures. My doctor out it down to the amount of Tramadol I was taking, however a few weeks ago I had another seizure that couldn't be due to Tramadol because I'd not had any. I've not been prescribed any since November and I still can't get them out of my head, I've even been stealing my mother in law's (I'm ashamed to say). I really don't know what to do! :-(

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36 Replies

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    Tramadol messes with your neurotransmitters in brain. Increases Serotonin an Norepinephrine. So any tapering is hard not only physically but mentally. Depression an anxiety is among sideeffects. Restless legs,diaherra, etc. I know. I was taking 20-25 a day back in May of 2014. Went to detox facility for 5 days. Put on anti-anxiety (Klonapine )& Zoloft(antidepressant ). It started to work in about 5 wks but sideeffects were so bad had to stop in 2 1/2 mnths. Then started tapering off Klonapine,which their hard to taper down. You feel like sh*t. Then Oct severe depression came an found out Im n beginning menopause. So had very bad depression an wanted back on Tramadol. Didn't look forward to Thanksgiving or Christmas. Finally on Dec 13 started 10mg Lexapro an took for 7 wks but nothing really happened an I became agitated an mad an lashing out all time so stopping it slowly. On 5mg for 8 days now until 14 days then every other day for 7 then stop. Also started bio-identical hormone therapy in end of Nov. Had hormones tested an showed I was low. I still want my pills (tramadol ) but now in U.S. tramadol is now a controlled substance since Oct (?)of 2014. So illegal to get off internet an your prescription has to last 30 days with limited refills then you have to be seen again by a Dr. A nurse practitioner or physician assistant cannot write for them without Dr doing it. But I just want back on them as an antidepressant! An take them normal. I would have to due to new laws.its been 8 mnths an still unhappy. Look into PAWS on internet. I think thats what I have now. I took Tramadol for 7-8 yrs being last two taking the 20-25 a day. If you are over taking them you can have seizures. 8 is limit a day. Two at a time evety 6-8 hrs is limit. I had 1 2009. I had taken 3 an didnt realize it. Forgot. Two hrs later had seizure an fell straight into my parents t.v. cabinet.hit corner. Went ER. Had cut on head. None after that. I guess my tolerance went way up. So you probably need antidepressant an find rt one for you. Everyone is diff. Also psychologist is good. NA meetings. Esp if your stealing the pills. Drug abuse actions. Your not a bad person just addicted. Either come clean with Dr or wuit on ur own by tapering very slowly. Stay hydrated. Exercise.



  • Posted

    You could be in PAWS. there's information on the internet about this stage of withdrawal. It can take up to 2 years the brain to heal. I'm in withdrawal myself, a very slow withdrawal where I open up the capsule and divide it to reduce every week. I'm looking at months in withdrawal of the Trams, then the healing will take place after finishing yhe pills! You have to be patience and kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up if you have to go back on them. They are addictive and not easy to get off! Good luck x
    • Posted

      Ideally I'd like to go back on them but my Doctor has basically just said no because I've not been prescribed them since the end of December. Right okay, so help me with the symptoms caused by just stopping? He's not helped what so ever. He increased my Sertraline and now given me Diclafenac. I can't cope, I've not got a clue what to do. They really don't care.
    • Posted

      Sorry, jus to ass to my reply...

      I'd like to go back on them and then slowly reduce them.

  • Posted

    I'm very sorry to hear that you're having problems with pain and with Tramadol.

    Tramadol is a safe and effective pain medication for most people when used judiciously. It blocks pain in the same way as other opioid narcotics, and doesn't contribute to organ damage the way high-dose, long term use of paracetamol and anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen can. It can be used together with them to boost the pain relief without physical risk.

    However, like other opioids, there is a dependency risk. It is smaller than that of hydrocodone etc, but still real, and the dependency risk varies between individuals. If you were taking up to 20 tablets per day, that is well outside the use profile. No doctor would have prescribed that amount, and nearly everyone would be expected to suffer withdrawal effects when stopped.

    Exacerbating the problem is your very real pain that still needs treatment, and the depression you're experiencing. Tramadol has a moderate anti-depressant effect, so you're essentially dealing with quitting a narcotic drug and an anti-depressant cold-turkey at the same time. Not fun to say the least.

    Don't take it personally if your doctors decisions aren't helping you. Some people react differently to medication, and what works for most of his patients just may not be right for you, but you can understand his initial use of Tramadol.

    More important, I'm not sure if you made it clear to your doctor how many you were actually taking or that you are still getting access to them. Your doctor absolutely must have all the information to be able to understand your problem. If your doctor isn't good at pain management and withdrawal management, you should ask after one who is.

    You have a psychological addiction at this point, and as you're still getting them and taking them you are probably prolonging the physical one as well. With the amount you've been taking fir as long as you have, you need a specialist who can get your pain under control and properly treat the dependency as well. Good luck.

  • Posted

    I have spoken to another Doctor earlier today but after my initial appointment this morning, he's put me back on the tramadol, giving me 42 per week with the intention to reduce. He also referred me to drug addiction clinic, hopefully they can help with the dependeny and if the depression doesn't subside then I shall be visiting a counsellor.

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