Doctor has stopped my Tramadol.

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Hi there, I had been on Tramdol for a little over 12 months and within those 12 months I had a few seizures. My doctor out it down to the amount of Tramadol I was taking, however a few weeks ago I had another seizure that couldn't be due to Tramadol because I'd not had any. I've not been prescribed any since November and I still can't get them out of my head, I've even been stealing my mother in law's (I'm ashamed to say). I really don't know what to do! :-(

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  • Posted

    This is not a reply to the above but wondered if anyone else has reached cutting down to 1 Tramadol a day (50mg)and what side effects they were having? I have only been on them a short while and not a very high dosage, I don't take any other drugs so thought it may be easier. I am having headaches and feel extremely low and tearful, incidentally they never gave me any good feelings at all nor did they help with the pain. Any comments appreciated. Thanks.
    • Posted

      Depression is one side-effect if your lowering to quick on Tramadol.

      They do a good job to be on for pain, coming off them is a dam nightmare, which is why you really need another drug to take that edge off, before dropping them all together. They make can make you an emotional wreck, I've been there and it was unbearable.

      Kate, you really need a substitute drug first before dropping the last one.



  • Posted

    Thank you for that prompt reply and advice Les. I presume you mean a prescribed drug? I have a few Mirtazepine left I could take, wonder if my Doc would prescribe

    me some more to see me through. It's good to know it's not just me.


    • Posted

      HI Kate, I been prescribed Gabapentin to be weaned on to over a month. Then, Pregabalin for another 4 weeks once I'm on 6 of each of those then I can start dropping the Tramadol.

      To be honest I will be glad to get off them - they don't tell you they are a Class drug, people have even offered me cash for them. Oh, yeah as if I'm going to sell prescribed drugs - people must think I'm mad.

      It's the Depression that causes the emotional problems, my wife says we are you crying, it's these dam drugs... The doctor stated it is a side-effect when you're on them and a pain to get off them - either way it can take awhile, to get off Tramadol.



    • Posted

      Hi Les, hope you're well. I'm wide awake worrying about calling the doctors at 8AM. It's so difficult to get and appointment and with the doctor of my choice. I'm sick of seeing different Doctor every time, that's probably why I'm not sorted yet. Anxiety is taking over me at the moment, didn't know what else to do, other than post on here.
    • Posted


      Anxiety, can break you, just as bad as depression both are related to Tramadol as well. It's a side-effect of the horrid drug. I found with Tramadol I couldn't stay awake in the day, at the moment I'm having the same problem with Gabapentin, then again many people can't take this drug because of the side effects, tomorrow will be the start of the 2nd week on them, next Monday I go up to 6 a day!! I'm just coping with 3 a day...I don't have problems sleeping, but falling asleep eating is dangerous.

      At the moment I got Tramadol and Paracetamol staring at me, to take before bedtime... at least there's one good thing, they block my wifes snoring out! lol  I shouldn't really say that, she cares for me 24/7.

      The things I've beat in my life is unreal, I'm not letting Tramadol beat me. I used to smoke, packed that in after 30 years with no help. Had cancer, still in remission for that. Nearly died twice within 3 days having two major operations. These Gawd dam, Tramadol won't beat me either, I've had much worse problems. Yes, I've been depressed but that was related to a medication I was put on, it is ridiculous I'm on over 30 tablets a day, 5 injections of Botox every 10 weeks! (that kills, like having ten bees sting you at the same time) and I have a high dose of that to try and kill the neck pain... its a dangerous injection, one wrong move and you end up staying in hospital being fed by tubes. Not a nice thought either!

      Can you not book online with your practice/surgery? I can book an appointment now if I needed one tomorrow and I have access to all doctors, not just my own.



    • Posted

      Hi Les, you seem to be a really strong person and it's good to hear that you've beaten all those problems, I'm sure Tramadol won't beat you either!

      Does it sound odd that I need Tramadol to get of the Tramadol? I'm worried that he's just going to say I've managed since December without thems o what's the need to have them now? I'm 22 years old and all I do is stay in the house. He put me on bloody Setraline because of the depression but it was caused by just stopping the Tramadol, so technically I'm not depressed if you get what I mean? I really doubt I'll get an appointment tomorrow, especially with the doctor I want to see. I've not got a clue how to do it online LOL. 



    • Posted

      Yes, you need Tramadol in your system, I know it sounds stupid once it's in your system. Then you get a substitute drug like what I have/being weaned on to, all in all it takes 1 - 2 months to get Tramadol, but it also depends on your system as well... no one is the same, some take longer than others.



    • Posted

      At one point (if I'm honest) I have taken up to 20  Tramadol tablets in one day. I've not got a clue what to say to my doctor, they just brush me off all the time! sad

      How do I book online Les?



    • Posted

      Hi Joe,

      I think on boxes of Tramadol it states 8 per day maximum, and you took 20, that would have put me to sleep for hours! I know one guy that come on these forums back last year was taking 40 a day!!! But he was going to extreme lengths to get them, I mean anything.

      Do you have problems talking to your doctor? With me, it's the dead opposite, doctors don't know whether I'm being serious or joking with them. I went to see one of my doctors once, not my own doctor, this one quite pretty, went in and she had a really nice smile on her face. So, I looked at her and said "Well, you know I'm married with 3 children, I slept with another woman and I think I have a STD!!" - her smile dropped straight away! Then, I said I was joking, "I just wanted to see your reaction from the nice smile you gave me!" LOL lol

      I'm the sort of person that is very easy to get along with, I think I have had every dam orifice checked by doctors, at my age you lose your dignity - what you did have left of it!

      How do you book online? Good, question Joe, this will depend if your Doctors Practice uses the electronic system. Basically, with mine I have to enter the surgery code, username and password - from there I can make an appointment, I can see which spaces have been taken, I can specify an extended appointment which is 15 minutes or a standard 10 minute appointment. I can also order tablets online and quantity, basically it makes life a lot easier. The system I have to login into is Vision Online.

      Are you in the UK? It may differ in other countries.



    • Posted

      Hahaha. That's hilarious, I don't think I'll quite go that far. Well I've thankfully got an appointment for in 15 minutes (9:10). I'll let you know what he says. I'm raring to go. Lol. Yup, I'm in the UK.
    • Posted

      Well, I wish you all the best mate! Tell them everything, and how you got to the point now.



    • Posted

      I'm in the surgery now, anxiety is kicking in now! sad Quite nervous, all I want is my Tramdol and a plan to come off them but I've not got the knowledge of what the best plan is. sad

      Thanks Lea smile


    • Posted

      I'm fuming Les! I just want to cry. His words were "Well I'm not aware that you're not allowed to just STOP Tramadol. I'm not prescribing it you!"

      He's given me damn anitinflamatory tablets and increased my bloody antidepressents! I'm lost now...  There's nothing I can do. I need Tramadol and a plan to stop! cry

    • Posted

      Hi Joe,

      If that was me, I would take further action against that doctor.

      Make an appointment to see another Doctor, stating that you were told to stop taking Tramadol straight away, and you know people need to be weaned off of them first, by using a substitute medication - if they refuse then ask them to look it up in medical books, all doctors have medication books which they use, to check if one drug is okay to take with another.

      That doctor you seen needs reporting for how he treated you, I wouldn't stand for anything like that.

      Okay, my approach was different to yours and my doctor must abide by my Consultant Neurologist reports, and if he makes suggestions they must be followed. It was my Neurologist that referred me to the Pain Clinic, they set up a system which will take me off Tramadol but, in an easy way NOT just stopped. Then my Neurologist received a copy of the system and my Doctor must prescribe what the Pain Clinic has suggested.

      Have a read of this thread about stopping Tramadol abruptly.

      As you see it is not a drug you mess with...



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