Doctors don't care.
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Menopause has not got the attention it deserves by the medical community. Every year thousands of woman go thru excruciating menopause related problems for which medical science has no answers and worse they are not even looking for answers. Every doc that i have been too and said my libido is gone has given me the same advice. Try to spice up your sex life, go on a holiday with your partner, do meditation to reduce stress, use a vaginal gel for lubrication etc etc. I get soooo mad. There is nothing wrong with all that, i'm not stressed and holiday is not helping. We were having sex thrice a week just six months before my menopause started. The fact is now there is NO sexual feelings or any response from the body. Breasts are not feeling anything and orgasm takes sooooo long to happen that i lose all erotic feelings by then. It's a PHYSICAL problem but the doctors act like it's a mental problem, all in your mind etc. What idiots. I forced my doc to give me HRT but it's only estrogen and progesterone. What we need is testosterone i think. Anyone with a similar experience?
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mauiblue mee16031
hi mee
Yes I believe it is a pretty big deal and they are ignoring the physical aspects of the changes.
How old are you now and how are you handling it?
Obviously not well but yes HRT testosterone is very important it’s part of the whole thing it really helps with mood and libido. it doesn’t matter as much for me unfortunately because I’m alone but I can tell my focus and energy and I’m stimulated easier than without this.
Male doctors have no clue they do not know how to treat this they really don’t sometimes even female docs dont
I’m with you
rebecca_68782 mee16031
My doctor recommended Female Libido tincture. It worked for me. Maybe worth a try?
mee16031 rebecca_68782
wow! i haven't heard of this! must speak to my doc about this!
Lisa_in_Tx rebecca_68782
I haven't heard of this either! Which one worked for you?
Suki_girl mee16031
The health and social care services have been very slow to tackle those conditions that are a consequence of our increasing longevity e.g. menopause, dementia, loneliness.
Try estriol cream - my vagina and vulva not only feel younger and are more lubricated but look younger too and there is increased sensitivity so orgasms are amazing!
mary27278 Suki_girl
Is the estriol cream biodentical? where do you get it from? I've tried biest cream(biodentical) and it doesn't work for me.
Suki_girl mary27278
It is bioidentical. Estriol is the protective female estrogen. HRT containing estrone or estrodiol carry risks of cardiovascular problems and cancer, estriol actually protects against these (it is actually in its highest concentrations during pregnancy). It is particularly good at solving urinary problems and vaginal atrophy in very small concentrations. You can get the cream on prescription in the UK - called ovestin cream. In the US women have to get the estriol compounded at a compounding pharmacy. It is my miracle cream!
AJacynM Suki_girl
Do you know if there is a bio identical progesterone, apart from utrogestran? I'm going to ask for the ovestin cream too...
Thanks. x
Suki_girl AJacynM
No idea about the progesterone, sorry, i only use ovestin cream.
mee16031 Suki_girl
i started using estriol cream a few months before Menopause. yes it does lubricate but if i stop using it even for two days then the dryness retunes.
mary27278 Suki_girl
I've gotten the estriol compounded cream. didn't seem to help me, it only irritated me.
Suki_girl mary27278
Yes, other women in the US have said that. I wonder what else they put in it? Every product or cream stings or burns me, except natural oil - i am very sensitive in that area - but, surprisingly, i am fine with the ovestin cream.
AJacynM mee16031
This could be me writing exactly what you have! I have been to my doc about this plus all the other awful symptoms, I have been given HRT and tried three regimes of it - and have felt no difference! The NHS will only provide synthetic hormones and utogestran all of which I do not suit. I was met with a look of horror when i mentioned testosterone... I'm going back to discuss it all again on Monday but I don't know what the point is as I always get nowhere and seem to educate them as I know more through extensive research and actually going through the menopause myself.
There is a massive lack of knowledge, empathy, understanding and help here in the UK... it may be the same world over I guess.
We should all start our own clinic - at least women would be met with understanding!
AJ. x
pam90720 mee16031
preach it sister!!! and it hurts like hell, i dont care HOW much its lubricated!!!
Suki_girl pam90720
Sex is wonderful since i started using ovestin cream. Vagina and vulva plump and wet, look much younger than the rest if me and increased sensitivity, so great orgasms!