Doctors Need More Training in Field of Hormones
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Hi ladies, society really needs doctors who have in depth training when it comes to dealing with hormones. Most doctors are not skilled in the mechanics of hormones and the effects it has on the body. Especially for women. Many women are just given a prescription for anxiety, and a referral for the psychiatrist.
I think they just don't know where to begin when it comes to dealing with women who are experiencing hormonal changes. Hormones are so complexed, and their job of keeping everything balanced is so huge. We have to really have to be an advocate for ourselves, because most doctors are clueless and others don't want to be bothered.
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deborah_37796 maria____a64048
I totally agree Maria, after my hormonal melt down last year my GP didn't even do a blood test to see where my levels were. They just put you on HRT for another few months of trial and error. If it was approached from a hormone level angle maybe they could help you quicker and more successfully x
carmen_22574 maria____a64048
Sochima822 maria____a64048
Well, I have to disagree, but here in the States, I've found just the opposite of what you're talking about. When they can't find what it is they chalk it down to hormones. Of course, if you come in saying you believe you have the Hanta virus with no proof they're going to you're a hypochondriac and send you to the psyche ward. But here many doctors are being trained in symptoms triggered by hormones.
carmen_22574 Sochima822
Well I live in the states and my dr and several others didn't find anything wrong with me except my vitamin d being low. And I had several tests done. My primary Dr told me to seek counseling and I had a case of anxiety. So I sure would like to go to your dr.
Sochima822 carmen_22574
Carmen, I go to a women's private clinic where the main doctor is a female doctor. In fact, the whole office is run by women doctor's and nurses.
They are well versed in hormonal issues. One time when I was taken to the ER with all sorts of breathing issues, they put me in the psyche ward, cause they said they couldn't find anything wrong with me, my doctor got livid saying those people don't know anything! You're going through perimenopause, you're not a hypochondriac, as they had suggested. So I have stayed with this clinic now for many years.
I find women doctor's are better than male doctors at hormonal issues, although, the one doctor, an ob/gyn where I worked as a nurse, he was European, didn't miss a beat when it came to hormonal issues. Depends on experience I guess.
carmen_22574 Sochima822
My dr is a female and she was clueless. I basically diagnosed myself after a friend of mine told me to start tracking my periods. Because I use to be right on track with her and another friend. That's when I realized after all the bloodwork, ekgs and a heart catheter done. Plus several trips to the er. And I typed in symptoms of perimenopause in Google and I found this forum which has been a great help to me. I really appreciate everything woman on her. I have learned more here. Plus I finally went to an ob/gyn who is a man and he told me more and he didn't suggest hrt and offered to put me on an anti-depressant for hot flashes which I told him no. Then he suggestedsoy milk for hot flashes and it worked. I'm pushing through natural and days can be good or really bad but I pray to God to help me through. I wish I could go to your clinic to seek help when I need it most. Thank you for the encouragement.
Meant that I appreciate every woman on here. 😊
jane5216 maria____a64048
amanda51979 maria____a64048
Hi everyone, I've just joined this forum today. Been reading some of the chats and feel a little better already .. No point suffering in silence (now I get it)!!
I had a hysterectomy just over 2 years ago and I am now going through some over powering symptoms of anxiety, chlostraphobia, depression etc. I haven't been to my GP in fear of being told to "stop being dramatic" .. I am terrified that I'm losing my marbles!
Lotti1966 amanda51979
Hi Amanda
I'm 14 months since my total hysterectomy. Really does suck. Keep reading. It helps a lot! I'm here if you need someone😉
natallia04776 maria____a64048
I would be happy to hear :
How old are you?
What worries you?
As a Doctor I don't think it's anything wrong because of your hormonal changes SO let's check your hormones, blood test and what else you would like to check.
Instead they look at you like at mad person and offer antidepressants! !!
Or "you think too much about your health! "
Angel_V maria____a64048
Hi Maria I totally agree. I'm so sick of going to every type of Doctor there is for different symptoms. Why aren't our GP's trained to deal with something as natural as menopause?? I'm going through anxiety and weird feelings in my body. No pain just strange feelings. Nobody has a clue when I explain how I feel? I feel so alone and then the doctors try and blame everything on anxiety. I feel like when my Doctor sees me coming he gets aggravated or thinks to himself she's crazy. It's so frustrating and I live in a small town where there aren't many specialists. I would have to travel to Philadelphia which is a two hour drive for me. I really don't know what the answer is. I just want my life back.
ssminnow Angel_V
I'm in the same boat as you. Philadelphia is about an hour and a half for me. I've been to the Reading hospital 3 times and to Lancaster 1. My GP isn't sure what to do with me and I've been sent to a counselor, psychiatrist, and put on anexity and depression meds. My symptoms are all over the place. I've had stress test, echocardiogram, EEG, MRI, chest xrays, and countless blood tests with no results other than Drs saying I have anexity.
Angel_V ssminnow
Hi I'm currently seeing a psychotherapist and she's helping but I still need to see a menopause specialist. I'm gonna just bite the bullet and go to philly. I need some answers. We live at the Jersey Shore and there's not one specialist in this area. I'm taking gabapentin for my anxiety because antidepressants make me worse. I also have Xanax for emergencies. I need answers.
ssminnow Angel_V
I'm on 100 MG Zoloft and have Ativan for my panic attacks. The symptoms still come and go and I'm trying to track them in correlation to my cycle to see if I can find a relation. All the Dr say it's anxeity, but the symptoms happen even when I am not under stress and feeling good. The anexity comes after the physical symptoms because I know something else is going on. I hope you find the answers you need. I hate to know someone else is experiencing the same things, but it helps to know I am are not alone.
337amys ssminnow
I am also taking 100 mg Zoloft and also get anxiety when I'm not worried. I am convinced that some anxiety is physical cause rather than thoughts .