Doctors: please be on the ball about menopause I'm in hell of a state with worry

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For a few years I haven't felt right and at the back of my mind I thought it might be the menopause as my periods were getting heavier.  Flash or rather flush forward and I now at 53 I have been getting horrible hot flushes with either a tummy ache or headache or both.  I have mentioned this to the doctor but they never do anything, no test or anything but I'm guessing at this age it must be.  My periods are taking ages to come as well.  I have had pains in my chest, armpit, back (going right through to the front right, pains my legs and leg joints.  I had my heart checked a few months ago and there was nothing wrong there.  What is going on with my body?

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    Hi motherhawk. I have had heavy periods for several years.

    I have one now which has lasted about six weeks and is getting heavier. I also get panic attacks, think I'm going mad, bad anemia, cant sleep, keep forgetting things I used to easily remember, back pain, flushes - you name it. I'm 53 as well.

    Its practically the worst thing i've ever gone through.

    I was offered an endometrial ablation about six months ago and went in to have the op but was delayed for hours and because of the nil by mouth rule ended up with a thumping headache and bad IBS which I suffer from. The nurses told me that the patient in theatre before me had 'had some complications, and was in there longer than they had planned. This scared me to hell, and I felt so ill anyway, that I called my husband, he came and picked me up and I went and didnt have the op.  I wish I had now, because after a reprieve for a couple  of months my period came back, not to bad a first but steadily getting worse until after about six weeks of bleeding for about 10 days its now been full on and getting heavier.

    They had stopped for a few months, but becaue I was still so anemic,

    my doctor sent me for a colonoscopy and endoscopy because I was so anemic, and while waiting for those she put me on iron tablets, which because I get IBS maybe, I just couldnt tolerate - they gave me terrible gut and stomach pains. I ahd to stop them. I was in a total state - thought I had cancer.  The tests were negative, so  - good. I also have a pituiatry tumor, and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which most of the women on my mums side of my family have. Then a few months back my blood tests came back, and the doctor said I dont need the levothyroxine anymore. I wanted to stop it anyway because I was getting bad palpitations, and though it was due to the medication.  

    I have been referred back to the endocrine clinic, had aN MRI scan of my pituiatry becasue it is over producing prolactin again, and have a follow up appt in 2 weeks.  I an now terrified I have endocrinal cancer or something. I have also been told I have a slight heart murmur but its nothing to worry about.  One doctor told me all my symptons are probably most likely linked to the menopause.

     The bottom line is that ever since my doctor sent me for the cance test, which I simply hadnt thought about before, I have felt progressivley worse, become obsessed with all my symptons, think I have one awful disease after another, and in the space of few months have become a complete wreck.

    I have been referred back for the endometrail ablation which this time I will go for, - no buts.

    Sorry this post is quite long. Its my first on this forum which I'm thankful to have found, and just glad I'm not the only one thinking I about to die any time soon...


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