Doctors said im FINE! why am I feeling this way then!!!!!
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I had my ECG and ECHO tests done today.
THANK GOD both reports came back absolutely normal.
I was... am relieved but I still have this ...( idk how to explain this feeling,) feels like my heart is being stabbed or pinched or pulled on and off many times throughout the day the sensations last for a sec or less and continue on and off throughout the day. Any time.Sometimes they dont happen at all.
The more I think of them the worse they get.
And they are reallllly uncomfortable.
They're actually happening right now. Every few seconds.
I was CONVINCED something was wrong but both the tests came back nomal.
ECG was normal.
In ECHO, the doc checked up my heart and showed me too! It was scary.. you know, seeing my heart.. ( its like an ultrasound) everything came back normal! And both the docs and nurse were basically smiling
They were like " you're a healthy 20 year old"
Why the hell am I feeling this way then! GAH!!!! And yeah, I get this lump in my throat feeling on and off too... I can still tolerate it but this feeling in my heart. I just wanna cry so hard right now!
Whats goin on!
P.S I visited the Biggest and the best hospital in my Country.
It cost me alot too. * sigh*
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swoosh tiffanyxoxo
4 years ago, I had exactly what you explained. I was 15 at the time. I had very very sharp mains around the heart area (sometimes right side of the chest). I went to the doctor after having multiple anxiety attacks and they reported back to me that everything is fine. However, i still felt the sharp pains in my chest and felt paranoid. I didnt know how a heart attack felt like but everytime I had the pain i thought i was about to have one.
Turns out all I had was a cold. I dont know the exact translation (I was in libya at the time) but it was caused from moving to a very hot place into a very cold place. In my case it was from being outside in the heat and going inside under the AC. After a while the sharp pains stopped. Everytime you have these sharp pains, just stretch your arms out, breath in and out multiple times. Even if it doesnt go away, just remember the only thing that brings on fear is yourself.
Your mind has been trained to think anything abnormal is going to harm you or kill you Even if it your mind, its become a habit and that is the first reaction you will have when responding to the pain.
I reccommend just relaxing, go on holiday, exercise or even meditate.
You'll be fine. I promise.
tiffanyxoxo swoosh
I hope it goes away for good. I hate feeling like this.
swoosh tiffanyxoxo
1. Stay off websites like these. When I was going through my anxiety, reading up on symptoms made me feel symptoms that I never really had.
2. Don't google what you feel. You wont find the answer on google, it will just give you bad information that will make you worse.
3. Don't listen to other people. They will make you feel like you are weird and not normal. You are normal. Everything you are feeling is normal. Believe me I had the same thing and it made me reall upset.
The only difference is I had no one to relate to, so i couldnt really feel comfortable. Im here to tell you that I know exactly how you feel. It will go 100%!
tiffanyxoxo swoosh
Its all in the head right!
I actually googled things up and made my situation worse at times.
It shows u things u don't wanna see.
And puts a doubt in ur mind.
Ugh. Terrible
swoosh tiffanyxoxo
Try hard to resist googling symptoms, it will do wonders
tiffanyxoxo swoosh
Yeah I'm avoiding googling up things like that.
I think its really nice when people actually RELATE to how you feel and what you're going through, also the REASSURANCE helps alot.
How are you doing today?
Have you got rid off anxiety?
swoosh tiffanyxoxo
Im good today, how are you?
and yes my anxiety is gone!
A thought that may be in your mind is 'how long am i going to feel like this for?' and 'This is going to last until im old'. These thoughts will not allow you to progress and will make you feel trapped.
Your thoughts are not you. Your conscious is you. One brilliant way of controlling this is meditation. Watch this video
The video will help you a lot. People really look down on meditation when it has been practised for thousands of years. Research it and watch your anxiety go away!
tiffanyxoxo swoosh
looptheloop tiffanyxoxo
My support was called desensitisation. I had to face my feeling whilst still carrying on with my everyday activities. At the end of each day I had to tell myself that I was still alive and healthy and that it was my brain overreacting that had ruined that day with uneccesary worries and anxiety.
I realised from repetition that nothing dreadful ever happened to me.
I also decided to believe the medical profession. Like you endless tests came back telling me I was healthy.
And I am....I'm 60 now and can look back and feel so cross about the time and days that were spoilt.
Our bodies do strange things sometimes and when we get a feeling we dont like we focuss on it and it gets worse.
Try and say to yourself. "oh dear, here is that horrible feeling again but I will come out the other side of it" Just like a mantra. When it has gone forget it. Dont cry and carry on with what you want to do...It truly is mind over matter.
Dont forget everyone has horrible feelingd sometimes but most can let them go....
tiffanyxoxo looptheloop
I can't put an end to it its so frustrating living with this constant fear
looptheloop tiffanyxoxo
You are letting your brain focus on the fact that it can make you feel the worry. It is draining you and eating you up.
But you know you will come out the other side. Say this to yourself. " I will come out the other side" It is a positive phrase and your brain will react in time. (there are no instant cures and it is hard work).
You wrote you can't put an end to it.. YES YOU CAN... always positive thoughts.. not negative thoughts.. no more I can't.
Instead of I'm feeling terrible think or say out loud "I am getting better".
Turn it all on its head...negative to positive.
You can do it. I did from a terrified young woman who could hardly cope with anything and was constantly so frightened I have now had a professional career, travelled the world, brought up my 2 children.
Tonight I am travelling on a coach to London to the theatre.
When I was 20 I could not have got on the coach let alone sit in a theatre.
It does work......))
tinahaller4 looptheloop
CoupeJ tiffanyxoxo
This was almost 2 years ago. Did any of you ever get over this or how so this has been happening to me for the past 3 months going on 4 and I need it to stop,it might be anxiety because it started for me exactly around the time that I started to get anxiety by definition but I actually never told anyone,my family sees me as a quiet man or whatever lol but the doctors constantly say I'm fine after every ER visit. All 8 of them in less than 3 months. I need anxiety meds but I'm afraid to admit I have anxiety my mom always disappointed in me I just need to reach a certain thing that's closer than ever some plz respond I need to be sure.
Mensah9 CoupeJ
I am also described as very quiet and reserved however I do a lot of thinking, sometimes a little too much.
I believe I also have anxiety issues and need to get rid of it as soon as possible. All but 1 of my test havery come back 100%. My most recent test shows I have slight abnormality in my heart beat apparently. I need to obtain a heart monitor at the docs as soon as I can.
I really hope it's nothing but my mind is not at rest at all.
I need help and tips on breaking this anxiety.
alaas110 tiffanyxoxo
hello tiffany
i think these are gas :\
Often times, chest pain due to gas may be the result of heartburn, which is caused when stomach acids escape and flow up into the esophagus. ... If you have frequent heartburn, it could indicate a condition like acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. Symptoms of Trapped Gas.
hope i helped