Does anyone come through this????

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I'm jus twondering if anyone knows do we come through this? Is there an end to all this nightmare? I'm seeing ladies in their 60's having a terrible time.....just how long do we suffer for, is there a light at the end of the tunnel? I just want to be able to aim towards something! anything!  Every day we get up and wonder what is today going to bring us!  So fed up with not being able to plan anything or apply for jobs, I so much want to get back to 52 it's unbearable to think that's it, there is no more to look forward too....sad  

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26 Replies

  • Posted


    well as you know, i did the natural peri for 9-10 years, and with the supps feel okay, i get the blip from time to time, but thats ok..

    now in full meo i am 50 i feel not bad at all..

    i have some vag dryness and flushes still but i cope... It does get better..

    the flushes are more to do with the 39 degrees spanish weather for me, a flush is the womens way of cooling in peri and meno..

    some women go on full HRT in peri ... Then the hormones are put back in their bodies and then when they come off in later life they may well have a hard time ... As they have to go through hormone decline again, not all have a hard time, but i know of some that have... 

    i am using a tiny tiny bit of ovestin estriol the gentle hormone for vag dryness, but as I dont want to up my hormones as mine are declined naturally into menopause , i only use ovestin vaginally every three days and only half the measure ..

    whether i continue for the short term i am unsure right now....

    it does get better ... Mine improved with Vit B6 ... 150mg day... And B12 ..

    i also find that the effervescant magnesium i drink before bed is very calming and relaxing and aids my sleep problems ... 

    I take menapol plus tabs x2 daily, calcium and vit D etc too

    a good mega B 100mg complex which contains 100mg of B6 really helps, and focusing and keeping busy, positive mind 😃

    jay jay xx


  • Posted

    Hang in there. I'm not sure what you find the hardest symptoms but for me it's sleep deprivation but there's always hope! I've seen improvement after prayer and diet changes. Taking some meds and some minerals and vitamins & diet changes made big difference. I was off work 3 yrs approximately but now back working though sometimes is hard. It took long time as well to find out what actual issue was for me as i read few unhelpful things. It was low oestrogen my issue but i am young still 39 so that put them off diagnosis 7 specialists later and an op which think caused it along with stress. I'm now finding knowing that very helpful in working through. Maybe you can share what you find the hardest? Folks here are very supportive and helps to know you not alone. Gps vary dramatically in their support. I've tried many many treatments etc
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your message 💓xx
  • Posted

    I think a lot of us feel this way. Your so not alone. I had no idea it would be this way. And it does slow things up doesn't it? I wish I too could be more active especially with my grandchildren!! I feel I'm missing out on so much with them. But we will get through this!! I'm 54 and I thought once your children are grown then you would be able to do the things I've always wanted to do and now this??? Believe me I know how you feelsmilesmile
    • Posted

      Thanks Beth.... I hear you. 💓👍... I don't have grandchildren yet but I hope if I am blessed with them that I'm feeling a whole lot better than I do now 😔.   Xx
    • Posted

      I understand!! I guess that's why they say women are strongsmile even though sometimes it seems so hard! You take care and as I am trying to tell myself just try to be positive " pamper" yourself !! smilesmile your not in this by yourselfsmile
  • Posted

    Hi trevis we all hope it's going to end life after menopause !!! I'm sure it's going to get better in fact I'm positive it will. This is meant to be the best time if our lives a MAN has to have come up with this one ....... I seem to spend most of my time shopping in herbal stores and getting excited if I find something else I can take to stop another symptom oh and reading books on guess what the change of life.    We have to keep smiling and take each bit at a time. Glass of prosecco anyone????
    • Posted

      Hi Liz 

      no prosecco for me 😝😫

      i cant drink any alcohol ... intolerant ... makes me as sick as a dog ..

      even a mouth ful ... i am sick... 😢

      i will have a pepsi light though ...

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Yes and not good for hormones either. Water and caffeine free things for me x (:
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      i am smiling .... as people think when you dont drink your either weird, or a recovering alcholic ... ' not true' 

      when I see the amount they shove down their necks here in spain i think 'good luck with that' 😊

      i am guilty of a cappucinno  (caffeine) and pepsi light ...

      do drink water though ....  

      your very good if you avoid caffeine aswell ... well done you..

      jay jay xx 

    • Posted

      Very hard though. I use "no caf" from Whole earth. Its lush in hot milk. Yes i know he he. I prefer sleep though so i don't mind (:  
    • Posted

      I mix lots of nonalcoholic as well ginger beer and orange juice Atomic cat is lovely also ginger ale tonic water lime juice very refreshing. I'm always driving so end up on mineral water so it's nice to take different soft drinks with me. But I do like a glass of prosecco it's the bubbles. A girl has to live a little. 


    • Posted

      Now Jayneejay ... I think sometime I could start alcohol and I don't even drinksmile if anything could make you I think it would be menopausesmile Just sayin!
    • Posted

      hi Beth

      oh yeah, i understand ya ... 😃

      if it didnt make me sick i would be glugging a bit 😃 


      jay xx

    • Posted

      I've never tried alcohol .... But this could be the timesmile hehehesmile


    • Posted

      Physically yes as it exacerbates them, mentally wellll.... it does relax you smile
    • Posted

      Hi Taz / Beth

      oh dont mention hot flushes to me ... 😊



      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Oh Taz

      yes please 😀

      i could at least 8 ice buckets a day at the moment ..


      ️jay jay  xx

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