Does anyone come through this????
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I'm jus twondering if anyone knows do we come through this? Is there an end to all this nightmare? I'm seeing ladies in their 60's having a terrible time.....just how long do we suffer for, is there a light at the end of the tunnel? I just want to be able to aim towards something! anything! Every day we get up and wonder what is today going to bring us! So fed up with not being able to plan anything or apply for jobs, I so much want to get back to 52 it's unbearable to think that's it, there is no more to look forward too....
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Tazchurch Trevis
jayneejay Trevis
well as you know, i did the natural peri for 9-10 years, and with the supps feel okay, i get the blip from time to time, but thats ok..
now in full meo i am 50 i feel not bad at all..
i have some vag dryness and flushes still but i cope... It does get better..
the flushes are more to do with the 39 degrees spanish weather for me, a flush is the womens way of cooling in peri and meno..
some women go on full HRT in peri ... Then the hormones are put back in their bodies and then when they come off in later life they may well have a hard time ... As they have to go through hormone decline again, not all have a hard time, but i know of some that have...
i am using a tiny tiny bit of ovestin estriol the gentle hormone for vag dryness, but as I dont want to up my hormones as mine are declined naturally into menopause , i only use ovestin vaginally every three days and only half the measure ..
whether i continue for the short term i am unsure right now....
it does get better ... Mine improved with Vit B6 ... 150mg day... And B12 ..
i also find that the effervescant magnesium i drink before bed is very calming and relaxing and aids my sleep problems ...
I take menapol plus tabs x2 daily, calcium and vit D etc too
a good mega B 100mg complex which contains 100mg of B6 really helps, and focusing and keeping busy, positive mind 😃
jay jay xx
Trevis jayneejay
rcharris8 Trevis
Trevis rcharris8
beth64101 Trevis
Trevis beth64101
beth64101 Trevis
liz53953 Trevis
jayneejay liz53953
no prosecco for me 😝😫
i cant drink any alcohol ... intolerant ... makes me as sick as a dog ..
even a mouth ful ... i am sick... 😢
i will have a pepsi light though ...
jay xx
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay rcharris8
i am smiling .... as people think when you dont drink your either weird, or a recovering alcholic ... ' not true'
when I see the amount they shove down their necks here in spain i think 'good luck with that' 😊
i am guilty of a cappucinno (caffeine) and pepsi light ...
do drink water though ....
your very good if you avoid caffeine aswell ... well done you..
jay jay xx
rcharris8 jayneejay
liz53953 jayneejay
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
oh yeah, i understand ya ... 😃
if it didnt make me sick i would be glugging a bit 😃
jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
Tazchurch beth64101
beth64101 Tazchurch
Tazchurch beth64101
jayneejay Tazchurch
oh dont mention hot flushes to me ... 😊
Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
yes please 😀
i could at least 8 ice buckets a day at the moment ..
️jay jay xx
Trevis Tazchurch