Does anyone else get this horrible exhaustion?
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I am clearly experiment as I am 53. I seem to have every symptom in the book aside from flashes. I do get very hot or cold though at times?
I am tired most of the time, although I do suffer depression, but the worse part is, I can be hit with the most horrible exhaustion at any given time. Without even being that physical.
It happens a LOT when I go out. Or when I get dressed to go out. It can also just happen at home though. I think I feel it more when I am out since I just need to get the heck home. My partner says I look like a plug has been pulled out of me. Is this peri or the depression I'm so confused?
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gentleballads callianne_65675
i have it most of the time
kathleen69032 callianne_65675
Zigangie callianne_65675
I think what you are describing is called crashing fatigue and it's horrible.
At its worst I didn't have the energy to walk anywhere without finding the nearest bench or café and I would haul myself up the stairs using the banister.
I'm a year older than you post by 3 years it had improved slightly before I began HRT but my worst time was about a year ago (2 years post).
I had depression also but I don't think the two are related as even on a good day with regards the depression I could still not manage a shopping outing with my daughter and had to give up and sit in a café and wait for her.
My daughter kept saying I'd lost my spark.
callianne_65675 Zigangie
Thanks so much for your answers. One can feel so isolated in this.
Guest Zigangie
Zigangie callianne_65675
My estrogen is bio identical gel so I just have to apply it to my skin every night. I do have to take progesterone for 12 nights a month.
I think I had 4 hot flushes.
What was happening to me is first every evening I felt too hot no matter how cold it was and then when my periods stopped within a few weeks hot all the time just cooking inside but never a sweat.
I still had to put covers on and off all night in the winter as I'd get cold. The last two summers no covers ever.
I think apart from hot flushes sweats and heavy periods (mine just seemed to get lighter as time went on) I had every other symptom beginning with insomnia sore breasts and what felt like morning sickness then depression anxiety and fatigue.
I have discovered I have an electrical problem with my heart Wolff parkinson white syndrome, very low b12 addressed with injections and an ongoing enlarged white blood cells issue that no one knows why I've been tested for blood cancer and things. I now need to have this checked once a year.
Also about halfway through peri cn11 cervical abnormality and I think the only reason I'm not refused HRT is because although unusual this got better on its own. It took several years reverting back to cn1 then borderline before getting the all clear. I have to get my smear done yearly.
The spark is not as bright but it's there again.
callianne_65675 Zigangie
Zigangie callianne_65675
Yes mine is on NHS and I smoke and I have had pre cancer (cervical) cells.
I think they gave me it because I had done so much research. It's considered much safer than horse urine types.
I know the risks but so sick of feeling yuk all the time I really don't mind.
As I say taking just the HRT must be a lot better for me than a cocktail of psychiatric drugs anyway.
So I think I already said is oestrogel and Utrogestan.
karen71465 callianne_65675
callianne_65675 karen71465
tmpearce callianne_65675
yes I get this too. I am 54 and hopefully out of this peri nightmare soon. Had Hysterectomy 4 months ago but ovaries left in so still getting those hormone fluctuations and surges. The crashing fatigue is horrible and can be unpredictable as to when it hits. I find most often when I run a few errands or am out doing something I'll suddenly feel mentally and physically exhausted and will have to come home, where I barely have the energy to sit on the couch or use my brain in a functional manner. After about an hour of just sitting I can feel my energy levels coming back but I'm still tired for the rest of the day. I will also have days where I'm just feeling wiped out and then that will get better and I'll have days where my energy feels normal.
Its very frustrating because I know I'm not the perky, energetic person I was 2 years ago and I feel bad for my loved ones who have to put up with this "alien" who has replaced me.
callianne_65675 tmpearce
The funny thing is. We knew each other 10 years before we met. So he saw a great funny woman on the other side of the world, via cam. As soon as I arrived here, I went to seed. So sad really
I told him I feel like I woke up with a different body too and I am trying to understand how to dress her loll.
unico31026 callianne_65675
Zigangie unico31026
Good multivitamin b12 and magnesium used to be what I found best.
callianne_65675 unico31026
tmpearce callianne_65675