Does anyone else get this horrible exhaustion?

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I am clearly experiment as I am 53. I seem to have every symptom in the book aside from flashes. I do get very hot or cold though at times?

I am tired most of the time, although I do suffer depression, but the worse part is, I can be hit with the most horrible exhaustion at any given time. Without even being that physical. 

It happens a LOT when I go out. Or when I get dressed to go out. It can also just happen at home though. I think I feel it more when I am out since I just need to get the heck home. My partner says I look like a plug has been pulled out of me. Is this peri or the depression I'm so confused?

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    with all the extraaaaa weight i have put on especially waist down im just looking for a place to plonk my ass down wherever i go......

    in malls they dont have many of those these days but i go t e shoe section and i use the low cushy siting arrangements

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