Does anyone know??
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ok i get it ..we get older ,we no longer get our period or like some, have a period but its messed we either are in peri. menapause or post menapause. or when younger suffered with pms now everything falls apart just cuZ we no longer have a period?? hormones have that much control over our bodies that we feel like shi... everyday?? why only a few of us when i know so many women my age who only had a few hot flashes and are done. me..i got it all and trying very hard to not take every new ache or anxiety x 1000 is hormones?? this lasts for 10 years?? what ever happened to our golden years?? this is pure hell..
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lisa95354 Jaynie12
Morning Jaynie, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I do not believe a single one of these women who only say they’ve had a few hot lashes and that’s it. BS! There’s no way physically or scientifically that that is possible. Some women are too prideful to talk about it, or are ashamed because they have that stigma etched in their head that menopause is when you get old, wrinkly fat and ugly blah blah blah blah blah. I don’t believe it... I’ll never believe it, a womans hormones cannot be that depleted and it not affect them. Plus you have a lot of women out there that wanna make their lives look perfect, like they just breeze through everything, I’m calling BS. I think something is going on with the barometric pressure because I have been having terrible terrible aches and pains for well over two weeks now. especially in my shoulders and my shoulder blades down the center of my spine! and then you also have women who are on HRT but lie about it and say they’re not that they just had a couple heart flashes and everything is just rainbows and butterflies! LIARS! I had a friend say that to me weeks ago when I asked her how she did with it because she’s several years older and that’s what she said she only had a few hot flashes… And then she said how about you. I didn’t even answer her back because I knew it was a lie! and she is the type that wants to make her life look perfect. Women who do that, that’s not women empowerment and it’s not doing any other women any favors. So thats my answer to that, Jaynie 😉 I know it seems never ending at times. It’s actually 20 years, like a friend of mine said one day when I saw her at the store. You go through 10 years of Peri and 10 years of meno/post meno, thats 20 years knocked off our lives. FO REALS 😉;( Hang in there 😃;
marisol06794 lisa95354
hello lisa
i was reading through your comment and saw that you are having pain in your shoulders and down your spine area get you plz let me no if the pain also spread to the sides of your back and ribs I've been having this pain for a week but it's more on my upper back and ribs this is something i got last month before my period but it last only a day never this long can this be another symptom of this peri hell I've gotten so many symptoms i stopped counting!!!
lisa95354 marisol06794
hey Marisol, man I am telling you I am having a bout with this. I’ve probably mentioned before as I sound like a broken record, I am post menopause three years now. Right when you think you’re out of a certain area Bam your back into it. This pain is so bad that literally I feel like going to the ER. I also have fibromyalgia and the heat and humidity here is horrible so I don’t know if that’s affecting it. It’s in my neck but more in my shoulders my shoulder blades down my arms and into the hands. It was into predominately the left hand and the funny thing is I’m right handed. it’s like I think Robin said it’s such a pain like a bruise but it’s even more than a bruise it feels like I’ve been in a car accident. I’m sorry you are having this also. In answer to your question, it’s not my lower back it’s my upper back also same as you. I have a lot of the rib pain but especially more so when I wear an underwire bra which I had to yesterday because I had a birthday party to go to and I was in pure hell the whole time. could not wait to get home and rip my clothes off and that bra. I have said I’m going to have a bra burning party... I’ve been saying that for years ...but I have yet to do it. I told my husband today I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I mean it’s so hot outside you can’t even go outside and we already feel isolated as it is.... GRRRR I think I mentioned this before if you have a nice bathtub which I don’t I’m 6 foot two so my bathtub is tactically too small to soak in. But if you have a nice bath tub take a nice long absent salt bath. you will feel so much better when you get out. Also get the nice little gel ice packs and literally put them under your breast so that they rest on your ribs, that feels terrific and helps greatly. I also have a heating pad that goes on Massage Therapist‘s table, it’s the full length of your body and you put it underneath your fitted sheet. That also feels wonderful but of course that could also throw you into a hot flash, double edge sword. i’m really sorry you’re having this pain, I know it’s no fun. you know there is that quote from the Bible, “this too shall pass,” but I’d like to know when, it’s been years and years and years. sorry to be such a downer but it’s a difficult day today. I also am having trouble lifting my arms over my head the pain is so bad. I guess we just need to breathe deep 😉 hang in there ... i’m with you !!
EPSON SALT bath, i’m dictating of course it misspelled the word sorry.
christine66659 lisa95354
i must be coming to the end then 😂im ten yrs post meno at 52 ..tff that 😂😂😂
crystals51917 lisa95354
Hi LISA, You hit the nail on the HEAD! Gotta be fake! I'm a real lady and I KNOW it can't just be the ladies on these forums. Also you described another symptom that I thought was only me. You stated ache down your spine.... I feel that almost daily along with the brain fog. It's the most bothersome. 😦 Has your dr said anything about the spinal feeling that you have? I love all you honest and beautiful ladies! X
lisa95354 crystals51917
Hey Crystal... I know I had a strong opinion on that 😉 and I hope I didn’t offend anybody. But I’m sorry... there’s just no way possible that your body is making like a quarter of the hormones that it used to and your reproductive system is literally literally shutting down and you’re gonna have a couple hot flashes and that’s it. If that’s the case, then they’re already on something that is helping it, that they didn’t realize, like an anti-depressant. these women that flip their hair and act like they just breeze through life, come on, I can only deal with transparent honest people FO REALS;)
marisol06794 lisa95354
Thank you Lisa so much for your feedback sorry I just replied but for the past two days I've been really under the weather if you could call it like that not wanting to do anything or talk to anybody Just in this terrible pain that doesn't seem to want to go away I've been like this for more than a week and a half it's just horrible feeling this way I've been taking painkillers and my husband rubs on my back Biofreeze and nothing seems to work it could subside for a bit and out of nowhere there Comes the Pain again and also a burning sensation that radiates from my back to my ribs to my stomach and as you mentioned it feels like bruising I am so tired and scared at the same time can you tell me how you been feeling these past two days has it gotten better or has another symptom popped up as usual all I do is cry and pray for this to be over soon it's been 5 years and counting with no social life and if I do go out I just want to run home and get into bed I just want my old life back don't we all I really do hope you're feeling better blessings hugs!!
lisa95354 marisol06794
Marisol, i’m so sorry you’re having so much difficulty. And you do not have to apologize I completely and totally understand. I had so much pain yesterday that I took the “stop pain“ and dumped it in my hand and literally doused it on my entire body. I mean my entire body back shoulders front of my legs back of my legs, everywhere. Have you been checked for fibromyalgia, I apologize if I’ve asked that before. Google it and Google a picture of the fibromyalgia triggerpoints. I’m postmenopausal so it is trying but I think w/ perimenopause there are many more symptoms. Do you think you should go to the doctor? Perimenopause is a terrible time four health anxiety, mine was off the charts, I always literally thought I was dying, not kidding. I was also afraid of other people dying, I mean it was ridiculous! That gets much better in post menopause, I think because there’s not as much anxiety and you just don’t give a sh** by then 😉 I was putting frowns on the calendar, I was having so many bad days, that I quit doing it. I have mentioned this to other people, I think the barometric pressure is really screwed up. I wish there was an app for barometric pressure, I’m sure there is, I’m going to check that. When the barometric pressure is screwed up it causes horrific aches and pains. And Honey... I think we all feel that way on this forum. It is talked about nonstop about how we don’t feel sociable. I was just sitting on my sunporch the other day watching all these cars go to and fro, literally thinking everyone is out having fun and living but me. but me. And Honey ...I think we all feel that way on this forum. It is talked about nonstop about how we don’t feel sociable. I was just sitting on my sunporch the other day watching all these cars go to and fro and literally thinking ...everyone is out having fun and living , but me. my husband and I used to go to hockey games, baseball games, into the city and I just don’t feel like doing anything. i’m always in my bedroom watching TV and relaxing when I can, trust me, that’s my socializing. The Real housewives of Beverly Hills have become my best friends 😉 lol! Please be careful with pain meds though. There was an article that I read, and if you Google it you should be able to find it, about women going through perimenopause and menopause and addiction to pain pills and alcohol. i’m not saying you are, so please don’t think that, I’m just saying be careful. my pharmacist said taking pain meds for only like three days, can get you addicted, it’s a surprisingly short window of time. also google foods that cause inflammation, and foods that have what’s called purines, they cause inflammation. There’s also what is called nightshade vegetables, if you eat vegetables, there are vegetables that cause inflammation as well. do you think maybe you have a gluten resistance, my friend has celiac‘s disease, her reaction if she has a piece of pizza, is she can barely move. I thought it was just diarrhea, it’s not, it attacks the joints and I think muscles. have you tried soaking in the Epson bath salts yet? if you do that you should feel much better, I try to soak for an hour. but I can only do my feet as our bathtub is so small Again, I’m sorry you’re feeling this bad, but I think if a poll was taken, people would say the last week has been really bad for them. I’m sending you positive thoughts 😉
Rainbow976 Jaynie12
Hi, I have been checking in here for awhile but haven't started commenting til now. I wanted to add that many women are likely having symptoms that they are told by their Doctors are not related to perimenopause. And they mistakenly trust their Doctors who seem to think women's life magically start to overwhelm them in middle age.
When I started having issues right after turning 40 and was told by several Doctors it was anxiety and/or depression, I started asking my older sisters about their experiences and researching on the web which thankfully brought me here. I thought I was dying or losing my mind.
One sister was on antidepressant, anxiety and sleeping pills since early 40s but she never thought about hormone changes because her Doctor just wrote the prescriptions and she didn't do research herself. Years later she had a very hard time getting off the antidepressant Doctors are so quick to prescribe. If anyone informed women of what to expect, they could manage it better instead of thinking they are dying or their life fell apart suddenly for no reason.
Everything is "stress, depression or anxiety " but they never believe you when you say you did not have a stressful life or anything to be depressed about before you started falling apart. I am having a rough time but so glad I didn't take the prescriptions written for me because I had no anxiety or depression until all this crap started lol. Hang in there, we are all on a roller coaster.
mary27278 Rainbow976
Rainbow yes I definately agree with you. I know women that are having what they think are " so called other health symptoms" and some of these symptoms are what alot of us women mention on here. But these other women are being treated with meds for what Dr is telling them is something else but I think is really perimenopause /menopause.
Jaynie12 Rainbow976
yes u are so on point..tgat is all they think drs i mean..after all that science has come to they have no idea about menapause. let alone are right if we were warned or even told about what will happen to some of us i think we as women would be prepared and be able to cope. after all we have pushed humans from our bodies. lol
Rainbow976 Jaynie12
I can't help but wonder if we ARE actually having a worse time than older generations due to something in the modern lifestyle...longterm bcp usage? Chemicals in our food production? Or if there is some common denominator for the unfortunate women that have wild/early symptoms.
I have read that petite women and women that have never given birth may have a tough time but it sounds like many women on here are mothers so there goes that theory.
mary27278 Rainbow976
My hormone specialist said that in his practicing he has noticed that petite women tends to have more symptoms. He says it may be because with larger women the estrogen tends to hide in the fat..which during perimenopause they have more estrogen than a petite woman. I don't know if it's any truth to that but i am a petite woman and it's been miserable for me.
Rainbow976 mary27278
Interesting, I am petite too and it's been miserable. My cycle got shorter down to 21 days starting 2.5 years ago. I only feel decent 1 week of the month and then the madness starts again. I have been experimenting with DIM, Vitex and cyclical natural progesterone pills. Everything I try makes 1 thing better and 3 things worse 😃
mary27278 Rainbow976
Rainbow how old are you? I'm 53 and my symptoms started in 2017 . My periods were on time until then. Then last year I started skipping months..the longer I've gone is almost 8 months and just got one last month and all misery hits BIG again. Like you i had about 1 good month but I noticed the longer I started to go into the months of missing I actually started to feel better. Yes! same with me i tend to do better with out taking anything..anything I take that tempers the hormones will make me much worse. So I try to be very careful of that. When I was taking DIM it was bringing my estrogen down too low so I had to stop and the vitex makes
my back cramps and feel like my period wants to come on so i stopped it too. At first I had no idea what was causing the cramps and as soon as i stopped the Vitex the cramps stopped. Progesterone cream does the same. Someone mentioned to me about the progesterone oil it goes in the mouth under the tongue. I may try it.
Rainbow976 mary27278
I will be 43 in Dec. 😦 Interestingly, this all started within a month of turning 40. I did a 1/2 marathon in Jamaica the month before it started. Along with cycle changing to 21 days, I was having major bloating, heart palpitations or panic attacks after eating, nausea and constipation . I thought I picked up a parasite or Candida with the extra vacation drinking. Went to a gastroenterologist and was put on reflux rx, told I had SIBO and given antibiotic for that but nothing helped. I went on a probiotic and cleaned up diet, the stomach issues went away but new ones emerged like very low libido, dark/course facial hair growth, massive hair shedding, mood swings and insomnia especially the 10 days before period. Gyno says hormone levels are "normal ".
Some symptoms seem to come and go, that's when I found the list of 66 perimenopause symptoms and saw I had most symptoms at one point or another.
I think my hormones fluctuate month to month and that's why everything I have tried works for a little while. Like progesterone cream worked the months I didn't ovulate but then when I did ovulate it was too much and threw me off balance again. Impossible to fix, I wish it would just end already:)
I was hoping to at least somehow extend my cycle back to 28 days so it wasn't fluctuating so frequently but haven't been able to do that.
mary27278 Rainbow976
How interesting that you mentioned parasites and candida. My main issues started with my digestion and at one point it got better and now back to dealing with digestion again. I have severe food sensitivities and lost so much weight. and can't seem to gain any back. My naturopath said that most of my issues were coming from parasites, candida and heavy metals. I had amalgams fillings and I got them all removed symptoms improved alot afterward. So at this point I dont know what is causing what.
Rainbow976 mary27278
That is interesting...lots to think about. I also lost a lot of weight during that time but have gained it back, likely due to experimenting with progesterone. I wish I could figure out the real cause and treat it because I can't imagine going on like this for years. Most days, it feels like I am having an out of body experience. I feel so different than who I was. I just don't understand why some women have a vastly more difficult experience than others.
sunaina1983 Rainbow976
Agree with u dear...Dr donot understand our problem