Does anyone know where I can buy a Respirtech high frequency chest compression vest.

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I have recently started hypersonic saline and an acpela device for my physio but find it hard to do with 2 young children around. Does anyone know where I can get hold of a Respirtech high frequency chest compression vest.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I do both of these (hypertonic saline & acapella) I do it first thing in the morning before I look after my grandchildren a few times a wk then in the evening. Can you not do the exercise when children are in bed ? Do you have a partner or family who can help you out when you need to do yr treatment etc? I hope you have a good support network around you. I've never needed the vest as I find the both hypertonic saline & acapella do the job. I'm sure there's lots of lovely people on this forum that can advise you. Where do you live?.

    Take care


    • Posted

      I live in gloucester. I have a husband who works alot , different shifts. I have had bronchectasis for 16 years now and the last year and a half has been the worst . i dont have a support network as my dad and sister live in wales and my mother passed away 9 years ago from lung cancer. I find it hard especially in the morning. Do you tgink its worth asking physio specialists in the royal bromton london thanks
    • Posted

      I'm 48 an had bronchiectasis all my my life. It has got harder as I've got older but I'm very positive. You got to be to when yr dealing with this condition. I also live in Wales! I've been under a consultant at Brompton but I'm now under Helen Barker at Papworth hospital I prefer Papworth to Brompton as I'm have had better care there. I think it's personal choice. If you're unsure of what to do next go an see yr GP and see if you can get referred. Do you send off regular sputum samples to see what you are growing?? This is important.. Do you nebulise anti biotics? Do you take mucodyne? Sorry so many questions ☺
    • Posted

      I send off regular sputums. I live by a main road. Which worries but my consultant said it would produce more mucus. Wondering if its worth getting checked for allergys e.g dustmites and possibly get ear nose and throat tests as it always starts with a bad throat. Next option will be nebulised antibiotics which i have been tested for and can tolerate. I have never heard of mucodyn thanks

    • Posted

      I think you need to see someone who's at the top of their game. You seem to need reassurance which will help you deal with things in a more effective way? We have so much conflicting advice it can get confusing. Is there a gym near you that provides child care whilst you can exercise this would help no end. Mucodyne thins the mucus so it's easier to cough up. Try and get referred to Papworth hospital if you can theyou deal purely with heart an lungs. If you need anymore help feel free to contact me.


    • Posted

      Thankyou rachael . i have proffeser wilson as my consultant as my respiratory consultant in Gloucester hospital was useless. Does hypersonic saline which i am new to do the same as mucodyne. I have tried the gym and goes well fir 1 week then wiped out and ill fir the next thanks
    • Posted

      I use the both hypertonic and mucodyne and together they have the desired effect. For years I just took the mucodyne (also known as carbostistine) but as my condition has got more difficult they introduced hypertonic saline. I also nebulise meropenem twice a day to control the pseudomonus bug I got. I used to go running a few times a week but I'm unable to maintain that so I try an go for long walks when I'm up to it.

      Hope this helps xx

    • Posted

      Helen Barker at Papworth is also my consultant, Pink!

      Have also been seeing Helen Baxendale, Papworth's consultant immunologist latterly, as my immune system has been diagnosed as shot (though they use more technical terms than that!).

      I am still blessed with having not a lot of trouble shifting my junk, so I don't yet take saline or nebulise my antibiotics or use any physical aids. Give it a year or two!

      I take 600mg acetylcysteine a day (same as carbocysteine, the active mucolytic drug in "Mucodyne") which, as you imply, really helps loosen stuff up.

      Although they are more commonly used for asthma, I also use a "Symbicort" inhalant and take a doxofylline "Puroxan" (similar to aminophylline/"Phyllocontin Continus"); these are a hangover from my earlier consutations in Thailand when a pulmonologist there was treating my early-stage pneumonias but I find that they still help with my inflammatory and broncospasm tendencies when infections are around. 

  • Posted

    Why not ask the manufacturer? Their website gives full contact details. Google "respirtec".

    I posted their web-site URL in an earlier version of my repky but that has been put into m_oderation hold, presumably because they need to check that I have not posted some bunkum web-site

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