Does coffee make withdrawal worse?

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I'm so used to having a couple of cups of coffee a day but since i started withdrawing it seems to make my symptoms worse...espcially the buzzing in my brain. Has any one else found this? Any tips?

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24 Replies

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    Anything that jazzes you up will make your anxiety worse.  Avoid caffeine.  That means coffee, tea, chocolate, soda -- all of it will make anxiety worse.  I am almost seven months completely off of venlafaxine and still miserable.  This has been the worst experience of a life I am very close to ending.  I can recommend some things to help with withdrawal but it doesn't cure anything.  Get some moderate exercise every day.  Walking, I have found, is the best.  Long hot baths with lavendar essential oil in the water will help reduce anxiety and encourage sleep.  Personally, I have gone from getting 8-to-9 hours a night to 3-to-4 hours a night.  I am always exhausted.  Meditating helps to keep one connected while all of these horrible things happen in ones head.  I was on a ridiculously high dose of venlafaxine --350 mg a day.  I take some pride in having taken myself off of this destructive drug without medical supervision.  But all of my efforts leave me with the original problem -- I suffer from severe chronic depression.  It doesn't go away.  None of the medications I have tried have been effective and I am no longer willing to be a guinea pig.  I wish you the best of luck, Lucy.  Withdrawing from this medication will likely be the most difficult thing you have ever done.  I hope that you eventually find some peace of mind.


    • Posted

      You have come this far great job. You were on such a high dose. Maybe it's going to take a while . This drug is the devil himself!! Thanks for the advice . I was told by my psychologist working out 3 days a week is equivalent to taking antidepressants...... I worked out 5 days a week . I must have really been on a high dose. 

      All the comments and conversation on this website and blog has really made me realize that . I am not crazy! 

      Thanks to everyone!! Keep the convo coming!!

    • Posted

      Hi, I really hope you're ok!! Please don't end your life...the drugs honestly saved me when i was really ill and i think if you are feeling this ill you should take them again - i would...they are horrible to come off but for me at least they worked...they meant that i could build myself a life...if it means taking a drug and being alive i'd choose the drug. Please tell someone how you are feeling.
    • Posted

      WELL DONE for sticking in there!!

      Agree WALKING is by far the best - It mentally gives me the feeling of moving (anywhere-doesn't matter) and achievement (completed something, gone somewhere.)

      I'm now walking 1/2 km to shops to get some light stuff I would have used the car for so its fairly positive if you think of it that way.

      My ex always said that I need sunlight / Vitamin D which she believed was a mood helper.

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      Maureen I was reading your message on my phone and did not see the line that you said you wanted to end your life. Please do not do that you are so wise and hve helped people on this site already! I have had those thoughts as well  but knew I couldnt do it . it was just a thought. Like Lucy I needed this drug at a certain time of my life. Contact a professional and do what you need to do to get your mind on track. I would take the drug as well before taking my life. Please send us a comment to let us know you are ok. 
    • Posted

      Hi Maureen, I was so sad reading your post, but you have done so well in weaning yourself off this drug. I hope you are doing okay and i truly empathise with how you are feeling though, I'm only in week 4 off the drug, but the depression is back and I feel like nothing is ever going to be okay, ever again. I have a daughter getting married in 2016, an elderly mum who relies on me, and two wee dogs who adore me, but I tell you, the pain I feel inside is relentless and the thought of going to sleep and never waking up ... well, I don't need to tell you. I have been talking with others though, and realise the importance of supplements for depression, I have always been a supporter of alternative medicines, and now more than ever as I am begining to understand the imbalance in the brain, the link between the gut and the  brain and nutrition. I also know I will never be depression free, there is NO cure for me, I've been this way since I can remember - even at age 10! But at 53, I know I have to manage this somehow and supplements are the only tool I have. In particular, those that are known to help are Vitamin B and Omega 3s, even Evening Primrose Oil is helpful and a probiotic. Also, I've learned to eat whole foods, veges/fruit etc. Nothing rubbish or out of a packet  - this is hard sometimes, and I struggle most days. But, if you haven't tried any of those options, please please do. I am probably preaching what you already know, but would hate to think there is anyone on the planet who feels like I feel at the moment ... I just started on supplements today, and I do feel a tiny bit, ver slightly better than I did 8 hours ago ... xx
    • Posted

      Hi i have been off this med for 4 months an am sufferin worse than ever..i refuse to go bak on it an refuse to try anymore anti worse than before going on it..f**k up much..prey to get my brain bak from this horrided drug..hav they tested to see if you are hypothyroid

    • Posted

      It goes away . The brain zaps and buzzing or bees in my ears go away. I still get them occasionally, but, it is a reminder that they don't come as often as they used to. Hang in there. I swear by the omega 3  and b complex. Keep up the good work . I'm like you I am going to try my hardest not to go back on that drug. I need to deal with the issues at hand. And I have been. We are all like the little  engine that could!!!!! We just need to tell ourselves we can!!      

      Best wishes to all . Keep writing and asking questions. I've gotten so much help on this site!

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    I was just having my coffe and those little bees are back buzzing OMG my ears . Once I eat the buzz buzz lessons . Sometimes I think one thing works then again I'm not so sure.
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    I would also like to add that many people have described this drug as 'devilish', i agree it's hellish to come off but at the moment it's the best that drug companies have to offer (i realise drug companies are no angles!!) As much as it's hard to come off it is much better than drugs were in the past and is better than enduring crippling clinical depression. Please don't anyone feel that they've failed by taking them.
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    I am trying very hard to stay off of this drug . But when it comes right down to it I might have to be on something. Do I want to? NO . but I might have to and thats ok too. We all have to do the best we can! Hang tough!...... 
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    Personally I think its a case of living vs droning, but you are right, droning vs not surviving is preferable.

    RE: Caffeine, I drink a LOT of Cola - > 2l a day ..

    But I don't know if the buzzing is worse or not, how would you quantify something that is an internal noise.

  • Posted

    Just started a new discussion asking anyone out there that has been off V for a while if they are some what normal again. I am having a hateful , crying , mean episode and I just verbally abuse my  husband . He is on his computer looking for positive out comes for me as well . He must really love me huh?? poor guy. has been at my side since day 1. I will copy and paste if I find some.  I just need to  hear It!
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      He is a keeper!!! smile Will go and look at your new discussion now - good idea to try and find some long term success stories!!
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      I wish I could link stuff but I had two mind dumps on this forum that also may assist him / you ?
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      I had these issues and shut my parents out for 3 weeks at GREAT stress to myself and them, or destroyed something - laptop, mobile phone.

      Ex fiencee always said I should take up boxing to get rid of the energy / anguish. I suggest walk round the block, maybe chewing gum.

      No idea what I sound like mumbling to myself, but its better than turning on myself, and/or others.

      I work at an institution - could I also suggest put it in your mind that you did not "verbally abuse my husband " as thats what the press uses to make things big, and bad and formal, and legal, hey you "had a go" at your husband.. he's over it and positive already!

      My parents had a jar and they wrote 'incident notes' which they went thru at the end of the week and discussed them when the emotion had gone. This turned out was a chance to see the funny side of some of the issues they had. (squeezing the toothpaste from end vs middle etc)

    • Posted

      Hi im 4months off an still fighten to get my brain back..had no idea off the tough path for coming off this nasty drug an didnt get told how hard it was either..grrr angry that they are allowed to prescribe this drug when its doing worse to people trying to do good in therr life buy going ob a anti to get throught there tough time to be trapped at the end...😠😭

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