Does massage help with TKR scar tissue/pain?
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Cheers. I was in PT yesterday, sitting next to a women who'd torn a shoulder muscle. She's an experienced, licensed masseuse, and she'd recommended a masseuse she'd been going to who is "very good with scar tissue." She said that becase she's a masseuse herself, she knows real massage therapy from bogus massage.
I'm three weeks to the day from TKR of my right knee, and while I'm progressing fairly well (-2/100), I thought I'd give this a try, but wanted to check with my forum buddies to see whether anyone has had good/bad experience with massage therapy for pain and/or scar tissue relief.
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susie07313 kgunch
Hi, I'm 6 and a bit weeks tkr and use massage on the scar as per forum advice - use Bio Oil. Surgeon said don't do it until the scar is totally healed because of risk of infection, so that's when I started. Good luck!
lynn15111 susie07313
Couldn't one just cover the scar with a long bandage? Or is this area part of what is needed to be massaged?
pyesangel lynn15111
The scar area and the scar itself is what you want to massage. That's why it needs to be completely healed. Usually after you have your stitches or staples out. As long as there is no seeping or oozing of anything, it should be OK to start massaging the area. Also moving the knee cap up, down, and side to side. Yes, it does move and moving it also helps break up any scar tissue.
tijim pyesangel
Hi, I've seen it mentioned a few times about moving your knee cap .. I have never been told this and haven't ever had it touched or moved. I tried the other night to find it and couldn't I know by the xrays that it's as tiny as .. why are you recommended to move it .. seeing my pt tonight must remember to ask her about it!
pyesangel tijim
If you lay your leg out on a bed and relax it...slowly feel around on top where you think the knee cap would be. It may look like a bump, Mine is about the size of a half dollar. It will move if you take your fingers and push gently on one side, then the other. It will move up and down too. It might be a bit uncomfortable at first because of scar tissue, but it sure feels good. At least it did for me. I know I had less pain after the first time my PT did it. Everything seemed to move much easier.
tijim pyesangel
I spoke to my pt last night about and she had never heard of it being moved b4 and she's a rehab pt and does lots of pt on TKR she said that she'd never heard of it down here in Aus... she also said that she couldn't find mine due to excessive swelling and fluid .. I'm 10.5mth post op now. So after hearing her I'm not concerned about not having it moved.
Hi rang my surgeon to query about moving the knee cap and he replied never .. he said with my parts it's never to be moved he said it was one of the newest ones out and he has never recommend anyone to move their new cap as it's not like your old bone one.
kgunch pyesangel
I told my PT about this, and she showed me how to do it. Creeped me out, frankly, and didn't really do much for me. 3-1/2 weeks out, BTW. I'll try it a few times before giving up.
ellen45 kgunch
So what creeped you out about this ? It does make a sort of popping noise or feeling. If done consistantly you will have a flat small scar . The other thing I was told to do is put sunscreen on the scar to keep it from turning dark .
Keep in touch.
pyesangel kgunch
It creeped me out too, but I kept at it. Since it's right under the incision, scar tissue will form there also. Anywhere there might be scar tissue, you want to work on and break it up. Three and a half weeks isn't a very long time, when you consider the total healing process will take up to a year!!!!
pyesangel tijim
Both my Pt and my orthopedic surgeon said that since your 'real' knee cap moves, you want the 'new' one to move also. To each their own.
pyesangel tijim
To each his own. Since your 'real' knee cap moves you want your 'fake' one to move also. Sometimes the surgeon will totally remove the real one but usually they just shave some bone and glue it to a bit of plastic and put it back. Mayve you have a 'totally fake' knee cap and that makes the difference.
tijim pyesangel
ellen45 kgunch
My Best !
susan20089 kgunch
In my opinion I think it's too early to be having this.