Does this cycle sound familiar?

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my son 16. he will be perfectly normal for weeks, then BAM sore throat, fever, swollen lymphnodes, sometimes a cough too, i give him high doses of vitamin c and he is better in a couple of days. then a few weeks or couple of months go by and then it comes again. anyone else have cycles like this? It's been a year now. did it do something to his immune system? Thank You! I am so worried

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22 Replies

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    i am 40 got sick at 39

    so, adults sometimes dont have throat issues (fingers crossed)

    my symptoms have been a novels worth

    so many come and gone

    remain then loop around again

    i have yet to see a symptom free day

    but at 1 yr am getting better hours closer together than ever before

    im inching my way back to health


    muscle issues



    head stuff


    tough to function

    but am better than four mos ago

    progress is slow

    its great hes 100% even if he slides back

    you can relapse for two yrs sometimes after this event

    all are different

    its scary

    scary & scary

    we need a cure here....

    i would keep him on high dose vitC always

    not just when he relapses

    im sure it will go dormant at some point

    thats the key.....

    hopefully this helps

    prayers to all and me too

    • Posted

      thank you starr. this is such a comfort to me that this happens to others. i hate that others go through this though. sometimes i think as a mom, its worse on me bc i worry and he really doesn't. i have enoigh of my own health anxiety . i don't need to add him to my list. lol I am glad you are getting better!

  • Posted

    I got it at 20 and it was the same for me for the first 6 months. my dr at the time said this can happen for up to 18 months as that's when the virus still replicates inside your throat.

    • Posted

      thank you for sharing that. you have no idea how much better that makes me feel. his doctor hasn't been as helpful. That's why i love these boards.

    • Posted

      I've been to numerous doctors through this hard time and only a few of them actually recognize mono as something other than a 2 week long sore throat.

      You can get a lot of confusing answers if you keep visiting the doctors for the symptoms. It's the recurrence of the virus in the first year + post viral fatigue that really brings out these weird symptoms and unusual course of disease and as it's still a self limiting illness most of the time it's not really well researched, post viral fatigue and the recurrence of symptoms.

      It's fact though that for 1 and a half years the virus is actually inside your throat and even years later it can start reactivating there if your immune system is compromised. For some people it doesn't cause any symptoms after 2 weeks, for the less fortunate it's recurrent sore throats etc for about a year or even longer.

    • Posted

      Thank you. That is very reassuring.. How long did you suffer with it? were you ever 100% during that time?

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      The sore throat was a come and go thing from february till about august.

      I'd say I'm at about 60% now 7 months later compared to my previous self. But the sore throat is gone. I also had strep throat multiple times during those months and all kinds of upper respiratory infections. I'd feel relatively good for 2-3 weeks and then something always happened. I still have body aches and stuff but they're getting less severe.

    • Posted

      okay. so there are a lot of symptoms that my son may not be telling me about. he may think they are related to working out or something. He got mono this time last year. so it has been a year. sometimes when its been so long i will think whew! thats over. thank you for sharing so much.p very worried mom here

    • Posted

      Hang in there Baconman, you will get back to 100% - truly you will. I thought at one stage I never would. Only with God's help did I get there, and truly grateful for that. 60% after 7 months sounds not far off where I was, perhaps a little less than that for me at that stage, but things will improve - there's more improvements to come for you!


    • Posted

      I know it's hard 2chr but try to encourage your son not to focus too much on symptoms of other people as it can really start to get into your mind and can be such a horrible thing. Remember everyone's experience of this is very unique and personal to them - some symptoms that one person is really bothered with is something that another person often has no trouble with - it's so strange and this virus can affect so many people in so many ways.


  • Posted

    Hi Chris,

    So sorry to hear your son has been through such an awful time with mono. I truly believe he will recover and it's not that his immune system has been affected or anything, often this virus just takes an extended time and it can go through that kind of zig-zag cycle like a little progress and then backwards and it can be so frustrating - that is so common with this virus.

    But my experience was the Year 2 was a year of hope and recovery, where I felt free and liberated again thanks to God's healing, as opposed to the horrors of that first year - so hang in there, so much hoping and praying you son feels better soon - thinking about you and remember there is hope and there is recovery even after this length of time - the vast majority of people still unwell after a year still go on to make full recoveries. But of course always wise to keep checking in with the doc and hoping they can offer some good and reassuring support / advice / help.


    • Posted

      thank you Craig! this is so frustrating. i don't know why the docs just act like oh it only lasts a couple of months...must be another virus. or no you cant get it twice.

    • Posted

      Hey Chris,

      Oh I know, I was so frustrated so that doctors seem to dismiss this virus as some minor ailment, and if it doesn't get better within a few months they start to act as though that's not normal, when it most definitely is normal for many many people going through this virus.

      Hoping that your son is coping during this terrible time, he is young and I still believe his body will fight back with God's help and that he has many many health and happy times ahead as a young man - and he is going to be so much stronger as a person for having went through this experience and so much more grateful for his health when it returns - and it will, I trust God with that!


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