Does this cycle sound familiar?

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my son 16. he will be perfectly normal for weeks, then BAM sore throat, fever, swollen lymphnodes, sometimes a cough too, i give him high doses of vitamin c and he is better in a couple of days. then a few weeks or couple of months go by and then it comes again. anyone else have cycles like this? It's been a year now. did it do something to his immune system? Thank You! I am so worried

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    So sorry to hear your son is going through this, and I totally understand your concerns. My doctor also said it would only last a couple of months. Now it´s been on and off 17 months. I was sent to specialist for testing at 12 months because of onging lowgrade fever every day, but all tests came out ok, boodwork, ct scan - nothing! Specialist says it can weaken immune system for a while, so that´s probably what is going on with a lot of us. Hope your son gets over it soon, and your worries can ease. I was told a couple of months and had no idea, what was wrong with me, since it went on so long. Honestly I still sometimes have my doubts! But this last specialist said that he believed my immune system had been weakened by the virus. I expect to get completly well.

    • Posted

      thank you malene. One thing that bothers me is he has a cough that comes and goes with it. and i know that isn't common with mono. Dr thinks allergies. But, it makes sense if his immune system has been weakened he is getting colds more easily which would cause the coughing. idk. This time around it is the cough and as far as i know he hasn't had a fever with it. His lymphnode that usually pops up isn't there. He says he is fine, but was coughing his head off when he woke up this morning. It started with the sore throat and stuffy nose. I think I asked on here a while back about coughing and i don't think anyone said they had it.

    • Posted

      I didn't have a cough, but makes sense your thoughts about the weakened immune system. I also never had swollen lymph nodes, but I had the ongoing low-grade fever, which others don't have. I've read about so many symptoms on this site, it seems like the virus reeks havoc on the entire system and it takes a long time to heal the immune system afterwards.

      But of course don't attribute everything to ebv, and if strange bothersome symptoms persist, talk to your sons doctor and have some testing done.

      Good luck!

    • Posted

      So true Malene about this virus causing so much havoc in so many ways! It is good to see posts from you, there are certain people on the forum when I see their name against a post that I want to read and listen because I know they are good people and speak a lot of sense - you are most definitely one! Hoping you are doing well at the moment and thinking of you!


    • Posted

      Thanks Craig, that´s very kind of you to say. Lots of good people here, but without you, it wouldn´t be the same!

      I am doing the same as usual, and I just hope to within the next half year to kick this virus completely. I hop you are doing well, I know you have issues to deal with, even though the mono left you many years ago. Take care!

    • Posted

      Thanks Malene, I really hope and pray this next few months can be the one where you get the breakthrough I know you must be so desperate for.

      Thanks for thinking about me too, this has been a tough few months for sure and I'm hobbling about on an injured foot just now, any prayers for me too always gratefully appreciated. Praying for you Malene.


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