Does this look like Genital Warts or Vestibular Papillomatosis? ***GRAPHIC PHOTOS***
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My bf cheated on me with a woman in Feb who he says is getting tested for HPV. I noticed these finger like tube things on my vulva or inner labia last week. I checked everyday and they weren't there until Wed. or Thurs. of last week. I'm currently awaiting my results from my full panel STD test I took two Saturday's ago. I'm worried they're warts but from what I've seen they don't look like warts. What could they be? They started in a like a circle but now go down in like a line. I have another app. with my doctor tomorrow to take a look at the lesions. I got my period so please be warned, the photos attached are extremely graphic!
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eli89761 TonyaR
One more pic
AN1235 eli89761
hey Elie. Literally have the same problem as you. Did you ever find out what it was?
eli89761 AN1235
Hi, it went away by itself after a while. i guess it isn't warts, rather VP or some other type of skin irritation. i was told skin can build up as protection if it gets hurt during sex etc
AN1235 eli89761
thank you Eli
Guest TonyaR
can anyone tell me whats this please me and my boyfriend had sex with each other only and have been together since year and half!! a month ago i checked with gyno and she told me i had uti cause of lots of vaginal discharge!
bay59724 TonyaR
help itchy and burning .. pain during and burning after sex
laurascarlett bay59724
i have these bumps too, also theyre itchy, burning after sex/weeing and washing myself in shower. I went to gp who invesigated and said definitly wasnt hpv related or warts, she did sti check and all came back clear. She suspected the itchy bumps may be an autoimmune response or BV. Just waiting on smear results before she will decide if I’m going on antibiotics or not.
Put you mind at ease and see the doctor. let us know how u get on x
bay59724 laurascarlett
thanks so much. I have an autoimmune disease so that would make sense
laurascarlett bay59724
me too, i feel your pain. i was convinced it was something sexually transmitted so was so relieved when my gp said this. im using a steroid cream for itch. its called betnovate, i find its making me less irritated.
hope you feel better soon x
lola74873 laurascarlett
hey did you get a response yet, i have the same thing and they hurt a little when i pee and touch them
marieeee TonyaR
Hi everyone, i hope y'all can help me regarding with my concern. Recently i discovered that i have white bumps on one side of my labia, their not itchy nor painful. Lastly, I have a boyfriend, were both clean and he's been faithful and loyal to me. Hoping for your immediate response everyone. Thank youuu!
madelyn70438 marieeee
To me they look like VP, not genital warts. But I'm not a doctor.
bella58538 TonyaR
Hi everyone. I started feeling a bit itchy about a week ago, but thought i was just irritated from shaving. Well, the itching hasn't gone away, but it mostly happens at night. I haven't had any unusual discharge or smell. I've actually felt a bit uncomfortably dry lately. I'm about two months into a new birth control, and I'm 21 years old. I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half, and we're both totally exclusive. He doesn't have any bumps.
I had my first pap smear a few months ago and the results came back abnormal, but not cancerous. Though, my mom's side does have a history of cervical and ovarian cancer.
I'm really scared to see all these bumps, but before this week I've never really looked that close so I'm not even sure if these bumps have always been there but I'm only noticing now because I've been itchy?
I'm not sure, but I'm really scared and could use any sort of guidance. Thanks!!
milan25306 bella58538
i kinda have the same problem like you with the itching down there and i have growth all inside the labia minora 😦 been like this for a month now as i'm scared go doctors cause of this coronavirus,
guest60645 TonyaR