Don't care about anything since menopause

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Let me start by saying, I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful home, a very successful bussiness, and yet since I have went through menopause I don't care about anything, I go through the motions everyday becasue that is what I am expected to do, but I don't care, I feel like I have this saddness way down inside me, that never really goes away, I did haver a full hystercomy about a year ago, but i was pretty much through my menopause by the time I had it.  I am soooo tired of feeling this way, all the stuff I used to take enjoyment in  means nothing to me anymore...what is wrong with me????

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sherri, that is normal to feel that way I use to be like that nothing matters anymore hang on there it does get better believe you me 

    when the hotflashes stop the symptoms hold up and you then start to feel yourself a bit so don't give up better days are coming

    i don't know if i will feel terrible again but at least I got break for now.

    • Posted

      Hi Coleen I was told I'm menopsal as my FSH is very high so I think my periods could stop anytime now hope I have answer your question.

  • Posted

    You are human. Don't beat yourself up. I feel the same way so often. Our bodies go through so much. How could it not affect us ?

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    Have you been to your doctor to ask if there's anything you can take?

  • Posted

    All I can say is you are not alone. I am watching all coverage of 9/11 and paralymics, telling myself to get a grip & be grateful for what I have but even that isn't working. This is our own hell and we can't control it. 

    • Posted

      I am going to ask my doctor for some tranquilizers. Seriously. I need them. Everyone within ten feet of me is sick of me, including myself. I'm worrying myself to death and I don't even know what's going on yet. I'm scared

    • Posted


      I watched the 911 show today. I feel the sameway get a grip on myself! ! People lost family members, husband's, wife's, children! !! It's just so hard when we are dealing with so much everyday! ! Still feel dumb, foggy mind,no ambitiousion. I hate so much feeling this way!! I cry alot drop of hat emational roller coaster ride.

    • Posted

      I've cried most of the day too at all these stories, the great north run, The Archers & Paralympics ( I'm in Britain so know some of these things won't mean anything to some of you)  so it helps me knowing I'm not alone feeling like this. I hope you get some comfort too. 

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      I've got to the stage where I'll take anything to get me through the day so go for it. 

    • Posted

      Oh! No . Please don't go on tables what ever you feel. No . You won't be yourself.

      We will get better!

    • Posted

      I had a hysterectomy - it's been hellish! May I ask why you want one?

  • Posted

    Sherri, its still meno making you feel sad and not caring about anything! I went and am still going through exactly what you are saying, it's like NOTHING matters and the sad feeling is way down deep and hard to shake like life has lost its meaning and purpose it's scary when you really stop to think about it. When in meno our hormones drop so low whats a woman to do!   May I ask why you had the hystero? I've had some women say its' the best thing they ever did and other women to say it was their worst nightmare having made that decission. I know some women have no choice but to have one. 

    • Posted

      I had the hysterectomy because I developed syst, my doctor said I could try a DNC, but he recommended the hysterectomy, because of my age weight and I have never had children, so I went ahead and done it.

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