Don't care about anything since menopause

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Let me start by saying, I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful home, a very successful bussiness, and yet since I have went through menopause I don't care about anything, I go through the motions everyday becasue that is what I am expected to do, but I don't care, I feel like I have this saddness way down inside me, that never really goes away, I did haver a full hystercomy about a year ago, but i was pretty much through my menopause by the time I had it.  I am soooo tired of feeling this way, all the stuff I used to take enjoyment in  means nothing to me anymore...what is wrong with me????

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17 Replies

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    Hi Sherri. I also had a hysterectomy (never should have been done) and it has stolen so much from me. Although some women in natural menopause suffer horribly, it seems like it tends to pass once their bodies "settle in." My sisters and cousins who are in natural menopause have had an easy transition (little to no physical symptoms and no emotional ones) nor have they aged overnight as I have.

    Naturally menopausal women's ovaries produce hormones their whole lives which is why "surgical menopause" can be severe even after natural menopause. Have you tried or considered HRT? I had so many symptoms including severe depression. Once I got enough estrogen in my body, the depression lifted and most of my other symptoms improved. I don't think I'd want to live without it.

  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for the input, at least I know I'm not crazy, this is just so hard, I have always been such an active out going, have a love for live person, now this, I have tried everything short of getting on drugs and nothing helps, maybe I need to resort to estrogen. Once again thank you all

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