Don't know where to go from here
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things just don't seem to be getting any better I can feel myself becoming detached from the world my family and my partner and friends all I do is sit in my room alone coz I can't face anyone and all I do is cry :-( had my tablets changed which I start tomorrow which I'm very anxious about.. I'm so scared of what my future holds if I can not get better.. I have everything to look forward too getting married getting my own place and everything is there for the taking but I can not seem to get myself out this rut and get myself back to work the thought terrifies me ! Really don't know what to do .......
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rebecca31721 domdomz
domdomz rebecca31721
rebecca31721 domdomz
domdomz rebecca31721
syl15252 domdomz
I've been in your situation (actually I'm in a process of getting out if it) and hopefully what helped me might help you as well:
1. Don't wait for depression and anxiety to pass in order to resume your life. If you do, it will suck you in even deeper. Try to make a simple schedule for yourself and stick to it (gives you feel of "normalcy" and accomplishment if you follow it).
2. Spend time with people, even if anxious. It is difficult but it helps a lot. If you are too anxious to leave the house, just ask a friend to visit you.
3. Talk with your doctor about the pills. Just as Rebecca mentioned, so many pills in such a short period of time is not normal. Most antidepressants need between 4-6 weeks to work. Also, what kind of pills are you trying and why are you worried? You may ask your doctor for calming pills, at least for this difficult period.
Last thing: YOU WILL GET BETTER. You might be lucky and get better right away (within weeks) or you might need to be patient and keep on searching for the right therapy for a while. But in the end, it will be alright. Worrying about the future is just making you feel bad now so just try to block it. Your future might be awesome and all this suffering you are going through might be for nothing. So relax and take one step at the time. Hugs!
domdomz syl15252
rebecca31721 domdomz
domdomz rebecca31721
rebecca31721 domdomz
Im on citalopram 20mg which I think is relatively low. I've never gone beyond that dose before and I don't know if that's why I was struggling to accept that it could maybe be increased, I spoke with a friend who is studying to a therapist/councillor and she said that it is a low dose. She also said that therapy could really make a difference for me and to try and not be afraid, it's hard work but worth it! I'm just so afraid to say what goes on in my head though! But I have a phone consultation with my dr tomorrow so I can ask for a referral and to up my dose! I will let you know how it goes, stay in touch, it makes things easier if you know someone understands xxx
domdomz rebecca31721
rebecca31721 domdomz
syl15252 rebecca31721
Rebecca, that's very exciting! I understand what you mean- my first two sessions with a therapist I was just joking (of course I was also very depressed, so I am guessing my jokes weren't very funny :P ), only the third I broke and let all out. Although, the therapy alone was not enough for me (I tried 1 year without meds) it is a great experience and the amount of insight you gain into your own thinking process, etc is amazing. Also, I got quite few coping mechanisms (such as ones I wrote above). I'm sorry, I'm talking(well, writing) too much- what I wanted to say is good luck tomorrow and keep up inspiring kick-ass attitude!
And Domdomz-fingers crossed for mirtazapine. Myself, I am waiting for my pills to work (so far 4 weeks on them and still need to rely on behavioral tricks )
rebecca31721 syl15252
domdomz rebecca31721
syl15252 domdomz
domdomz syl15252
syl15252 domdomz
domdomz syl15252
UK-Ven-medicate domdomz