Posted , 16 users are following.
I wake up everyday full of doom. I can't get excited about anything and have know enthusiasm at all. Does anyone eles that is going through perimenapause feel like this?
5 likes, 47 replies
Posted , 16 users are following.
I wake up everyday full of doom. I can't get excited about anything and have know enthusiasm at all. Does anyone eles that is going through perimenapause feel like this?
5 likes, 47 replies
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Guest bev66
MsHui bev66
samantha42264 bev66
Yes, I have this probably 75% of the time, just going through the motions but nothing seems fun or exciting, not even special foods I used to enjoy as treats. Some days are good. It's got to be peri.
mauiblue samantha42264
I really know also what you mean by the treats or something tasty not being so satisfying anymore.
And im a big snacker..i love chips, chocolate etc, but even these things dont do anything for me sometimes...its like the joy switch is off right now, and i dont like it at all....
samantha42264 mauiblue
Yes Maui blue, that's exactly how I feel. I can deal with it to a degree, but the thing I miss most is just feelung relaxed, I hardly ever feel calm, content or relaxed anymore, it's hard to enjoy things when you feel this way.
mauiblue bev66
Hi Bev!
Funny you post this as I was going to post something very similar.
it was right along these lines..
More specifically towards morning doom and gloom as i call it.
Ive touched on this before a bit in other posts,
What happens to me and has been happening for months now has been like this:
Im lying in bed, eyes closed, stirring awake, not quite awake even. I come out of dream state to conscious semi awake state, and the 'doom' the 'adrenaline' hits the core of my being, without even a thought process. It is a very physical sensation as well as mental. Its like the feeling of remembering something very important that you forgot to do, or some sort of disaster that may ensue..
This is why iim confused because with anxiety we are thinking thoughts that bring it on. I am not thinking of anything, and its with me every morning upon wakening.
Not having estrogen for sure has affected my moods entirely.
It is day to day for sure, i empathize 1000 times with you all.
A very scary 'not fun' world to live in.
I dont give up though, just keep on keeping on. I think what gets me sometimes is that this never existed in my life, and i took for granted 'normal', to just feel balanced and happy and normal most of the time.
sending support
Thank you Bev for this post
pam90720 mauiblue
Mauiblue I feel the EXACT same way you feel!!!!😔😔. Even when I get out of bed, my whole body trembles with anxiety and panic 😔😔. It's so scary and tiring and depressing
Guest mauiblue
mauiblue pam90720
Pam dear.
Well i guess here on this forum we are allowed to feel 'in a morbid way' happy that someone else experiences similar misery.
Yes i truly understand. I am almost convinced that im not doing something right in my life and its causing this. But i know ive done many things to help myself, and this is what im experiencing.
Im not taking or doing anything to provoke it, its just raw, a bomb has just gone off and you are in survival mode.
I walk it off after about a half n hour, but anxiety and low mood have become my companions come of late...
the mornings have me really puzzled though. I have it most every morning so ive become accustomed to it.
Yes its SCARY. Its hard not to be scared. How can one get used to something like this is beyond me.
Are you perimeno or going into menopause now..?
Im here for you for sure.
mauiblue Guest
Thanks for the compliment!
As Bev says, it will end and not go on forever. Attitude is also important, all of those things.
During perimenopause i had many aches and pains but now post menopausal, its shifted because im without estrogen basically.
Lots of important things in our bodies dont happen as well when we lose these powerful, and important hormones.
Im guessing from my own intuition i will be going through this for a few more years. I dont think its going to be over any time soon..
I see you have 6 stars! Where do you find yourself now on your journey.?
jc__16362 mauiblue
What I can share with you is what seemed to help for me was activity - even when I felt low, if I played tennis or did some running or fast walking on the treadmill, afterwards I would feel really lifted! Almost on a high! I guess you increase the endorphins this way. It’s the only thing that helped for me - there was no ‘snapping myself out of it’. Worth a try ladies.
Guest mauiblue
Well, I started posting here a couple of years ago when I was preparing for surgery (removal of ovary along with cervical and uterine polyps). I'd been having peri symptoms for a couple of years by the time I had the surgery and it just went downhill from there. I used to think surgery was supposed to make us feel better but learned this is not always the case! Lots of other weird things have followed and I keep posting here because I haven't found any other place where this much support is available.
mauiblue Guest
I'm glad your here Liz. You are helping people and i am also trying to be there for people. We are here for eachother, at least we know its not just us going crazy. I tell ya...some women have it easier than others. I got
totally taken down almost by this. I have very little support, almost nil, so I sometimes have a hard time being strong..
I am now just preparing to keep on keeping on as long a I am able to. Probably into the late 50's is my guess..maybe there will be a reprieve then. But also this is a time to work on ourselves, our history, our health, unfinished business in all aspects..i think we have internal work to do, I dont believe we wait around for it all to change and we are like we were before. Its not going to happen..its not supposed to...we are changing for a reason. and with that comes acceptance and hopefully a little peace.
Guest mauiblue
Thanks mauiblue, I'm glad you're here, too! I agree with you 100%. In fact, I think a lot now about how the past is gone and I am different in many ways now than when I was younger. It helps to remind myself that things weren't perfect before peri, either, but just different. Going through this phase of life is hard, but there have been some rewards, too. Some things about me have changed that I have prayed would change for a long time. It's hard to explain but makes sense in my hormonal brain, such as it is.
mauiblue jc__16362
Being outside helps but unfortunately for me it doesnt reverse the mood.
I also may not be pushing myself know..really pushing it to where im breathless for a good 20-3oo minutes.
I honestly have so little energy to dp this. In peri i could jog easy for 30-40 i dont have the stamina, im literally weaker, so i try to do as much as i can.
hope you are doing awesome, and the mood is lifted!!
mary27278 pam90720
mauiblue Guest
you have a very good attitude. Its been a total shift for me. I think thats why women think they are 'dying' because in a way we are.Meaning..we are rewiring, changing completely, minds and bodie.
Im glad that the things you prayed about have changed for the better.
I get the hormonal brain..its sooo weird!
CarolKelso mauiblue
Hi there mauiblue.. Yes you are so right.. We are changing mind and body.. Huge adjustments and we assume that we will just sail through it but so not the case. It is so debilitating at times but I lately I feel I have turned a corner..Well for now.. Thank god for the ladies here as the medical profession really don't know a lot in my experience or there is not alot available about the subject and every woman is different so I'm very grateful for this site..
Thx for sharing and we press on..😉 CK