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I wake up everyday full of doom. I can't get excited about anything and have know enthusiasm at all. Does anyone eles that is going through perimenapause feel like this?

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    I wake up exactly like this if my Vit B is low.  A few days with supplements and I am better. When I am tested, my V levels come back 'fine.'  But there is such a strong cause/effect when I take the supplements!  

    This started for me in peri too! It was a near suicidal emotional pain. Even though the externals of my life are actually OK.  


  • Posted

    Hi Bev,

    Absolutely! Depression, anxiety, panic, feelings of doom and gloom are incredibly common in perimenopause, and they are absolutely horrible! 

    You just have to hang on and keep telling yourself that this is a phase. Translation: it will end. In the meantime, reach out for support, love yourself in the best way that you can, and cherish any moments when you feel well.

    Sending thoughts of healing your way.


  • Posted

    Agreed.  The ups and downs are horrible.  And unfortunately, the downs have resurfaced (after being at a “simmer “ for the past 5 months).  Anxiety, depression, morning gloom, etc.  Wish I could crawl into a hole and escape.  Oh well.  Thank god for this group.  
    • Posted


      Yes thank God for this group, my heart goes out to any woman dealing with this at this level.

      We are here to help eachother as needed, and its very comforting. If i could wave a wand, our suffering would be GONE.

      hey that rhymed?!


  • Posted

    Thank you for all your replies. I just wish I could snap out of these feelings and be myself again. I live in spain moved here a year ago so everyday is like a holiday but I still cannot enjoy it. I never realised that menopause could make us so unhappy 😔

  • Posted

    Its the doom and gloom and the fuzzy head feeling spaced out like iv constanly got a virus that i cannot handle !!!!!! The achey joints, back pain and breast pain i can just about except.
  • Posted

    Hi bev... I can so relate to you as my life became one more symptom after another and just trying to cope with no joy in my life .. It became a battle of 3 years.. .. But lately I have turned a corner. I began to take vitamins religiously and my mood and other symptoms settled.I still get them but not as much. Also sharing here has helped... It's awful when like just becomes a place where we just exist... But hang tight... Are you on hrt or vitamins? .. I take magnesium, Turmeric, vit bde and cod liver oil... I'm also on 2mg of hrt.. It's awful phyologically but for me now, and with the passing of time,My Mood began to lift and symptoms began to be less frequent ... Hang tight... Be patient and kind with yourself.. You are not alone in this.. Hope this helps... CK.

    • Posted

      Hi Carol I don't take anything and I'm not on her. I only got told I was in perimenapause in March when I went home to have loads of bloods done. I take it all the vitamins you take are all individual and not an all in one vitamin?

    • Posted

      Hi bev... Yes they are all different tablets... I don't take a multi vitamin as my dietician reccommended good dosage of calcium ect... Our immune system takes knock especially in away on holiday tomorrow and I bought a doset box for the 9 vitamin tablet on each day... First time ever for this but want to feel my best... Drink plenty of water... Have a good diet and exercise has been just great for me even if I don't feel like it... ?? CK

    • Posted

      Could you send me the vitamins you take please I think I would like to try them.
  • Posted

    I also take Tumeric, which seems to help.  Yet I agree.....this has become the "new normal", which I don't like.  Things that help....MINDFULNESS TRAINING AND MEDITATION.  Believe it or not, amongst the doom, gloom, anxiety, and irrational "what-ifs"....there is always the "breath" as your anchor.  I have subscribed to "Headspace", which has been a god send.  I also practice my own version of transcendental meditation.  One other source (which I just found) is Eckhart Tolle, who is a sage.  Read the Power of Now and "Practicing the Power of Now".  I am in the midst of the the latter......and it has been helpful.  Nothing is a panacea, however there are times where emotions do indeed seem to "settle".  And there are times where things are a mess.  Antidepressants have always been helpful to me, as well.  Just have to ride out the ebbs and flows.  And utilize self care, even if nobody (husbands especially) do not understand.  A great free app is Insight Timer, for all types of meditation.

  • Posted

    This is not a club you want to be a member if but....... For a long time I woke up with doom and gloom, now lately, it's just been a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I have to push myself to enjoy anything.  I've started going to the gym and that helps. Yesterday a friend asked me out for lunch and I almost didn't go but I did. after lunch we just ended up riding around since is was such a beautiful day. I had a good time, but never felt that complete joy I used to feel. It doesn't help these commercials talking about death. Then at church the youth Pastor that was preaching that day had to tell us about a high school friend(a woman who dropped dead from a heart attack at 39).  I had some issues that I was thinking might be heart related(they're not). The health anxiety is THE ABSOLUTE WORST! Every twinge or pain or change in you body is some dread you think is some dread disease.  I'm so glad I found this forum so I know I'm not crazy or alone. Week before last was a good week. No doom and gloom, no sick feelings in the tummy in the morning. Then all of a sudden, my face broke out, I had heartburn, sick feeling in tummy, low mood(went home from work one day and just cried). I dream of retirement(in good health and  sound mind, and I want the same for my family and  friends). Does anyone else find work exhausting mentally? Pretending to be fine, and you just want to get up and walk out?

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita... yes, I feel that way every day.  It makes me sad because I used to have lots of energy and feel more competent in my job.  Of course, my anxiety tells me that no one else at work has problems, which is a totally false assumption that just makes me feel isolated.  I know there are people dealing with things that are much worse.  As a friend once said, though, that doesn't mean that my problems are less important.  Everybody deals with health problems in life.  The problem with menopause is that so much comes on at once and tends to make us feel that we're in survival mode all the time.  I am trying to reach out more for support.

    • Posted

      Hi ladies

      Yes its not a club you want to be in. Good way to describe us  smile

      Its isolating for certain to not really see anyone or observe anyone that is struggling in any way, but then again one doesnt walk in the shoes of another.

      Work is very hard also and exhausting. Most things create anxiety for me. I tell myself that its not rational, but my brain is wired different now to were everything causes stress and worry.

      For me having lost weight and having no appetite, i know ive lost bone, and alot of my health, its scary, i have to really make an effort to make sure i eat ok and my kids ofcourse eat well. Its overwhelming sometimes when your trying to cook and make meals when you want to throw up. It takes everything in me to make sure i do that.

      Im glad we are here for eachother, its a great forum. x0x00x


    • Posted

      That's another thing I'm dealing with now too mauiblue. I have NO appetite. I can go all day and not eat. I have to make myself eat, and when I do eat I get full so fast I don't eat very much. If I eat too much I feel bloated.  I've also noticed my tastebuds have changed. Food doesn't taste as good as it used to. Has anyone noticed that? Maybe that's why we have no desire to eat. rolleyes

    • Posted

      That's it Liz9305, I don't feel competent anymore. I used to go above and beyond, now it's all about just getting through the work day without having to put out too much effort. Sometimes I feel stupid next to my younger coworkers(two of which I know are going through peri, but they seem fine). But I also breezed through peri. and four years post menopause. I had my last period in 2010, but had no symptoms until 2014. Now I'm just one big ball of menopause craziness!  I'm also dealing with balance issues now. Went to the ENT, 70.00 for him to tell me I was fine.

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita!! Ditto to everything you said!!  I have had a ton of motion sickness and this week seem dizzy 😪 I've been thinking about going to my ent.. I feel a bit better knowing I'm not alone!!!  My last cycle was dec 2015... I felt like I was dying and was very scared ... post meno hasn't been fun either !! Lord help us all!!! 💞🙏🙏

    • Posted

      I too have lost my appetite, I've lost all interest in the foods I loved to eat and force myself to eat and don't really enjoy it. This menopause sucks and if the doctors have said I've only just started perimenopause then I'm absolutely dreading how long this is all going to go on for before I feel normal again !!!!!!!!!

    • Posted

      Pam90720 the Lord has been there for me. But menopause is something you can't go around, under, or over, God help us we have to go THROUGH it. rolleyes?  Hang in there!  The only reason I went to my ENT was because I knew I could pay my copay.  If it will put your mind to ease go see your ENT. I'm not happy about spending the 70.00 but at least I know. I go through periods of good and bad days, sometimes good and bad weeks. I exercise, drink water, take a mild antidepressant, try to eat healthy(mostly), and pray. I also see a therapist through my job(10 free sessions I have one left). I take magnesium and vitamin D3. I try to cook with turmeric when I think about it and I have Valium for the days when I have doom and gloom thoughts. It's a rollercoaster.

    • Posted

      I know how you feel. Lost 12 lbs, look frail and older now. Used to look fuller, stronger, healthier. Now im graying, am nauseous about food because im not digesting anything really well, burping, just basically never feel good.

      Everything that mildly bothered me prior to Meno now is magnified. This is how im noticing things.


      digestion issues before were bothersome, NOW i am nauseous and lost weight because of it

      PMS and NOW full on mood disorder (anxiety-depression)

      aches and pains, NOW major body aches as if i had Rheumatoid arthritis or major DDD

      So you get the


    • Posted

      Yes, I've read that any minor problems you have are exacerbated during menopause. Whoopee! Let's feel even worse.😕

    • Posted

      I'm glad to hear that you've been able to see a therapist through your job.  We have that option, too, and can have up to five free visits to a care provider.  My gyn wanted to refer me elsewhere, but I'd rather get what's covered.  It sounds like you've found this to be helpful.

    • Posted

      It has been helpful. She is 65 so she gets it. When I get health anxiety, her mantra is "if it goes away, it's not going to kill you". Lol! I'm really sad my last free session is June 7th.😕

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