Posted , 16 users are following.
I wake up everyday full of doom. I can't get excited about anything and have know enthusiasm at all. Does anyone eles that is going through perimenapause feel like this?
5 likes, 47 replies
Posted , 16 users are following.
I wake up everyday full of doom. I can't get excited about anything and have know enthusiasm at all. Does anyone eles that is going through perimenapause feel like this?
5 likes, 47 replies
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CarolKelso bev66
Hi bev... Do you live in the UK 🇬🇧?
bev66 CarolKelso
CarolKelso bev66
ellen37416 bev66
Hi Bev
I feel exactly the same every morning as soon as I wake up I am full of dread and anxiety I also suffer from panic attacks hot flushes and depression.
My sex drive has totally gone I have been given anti depressants although they help a little I still feel so s**t!
I have been researching a hrt drug called Tibolone which contains testosterone and have read many favourable reviews, it is available in the uk
but only privately , have a look yourself I'm seriously thinking about paying for it.
Take care ?
bev66 ellen37416
Hi Ellen thank you for your reply as I am feeling everything you have mentioned. I didn't really want to go down the hrt root but think I might have to 😔. The doctors here in spain are not that hot on giving hrt they say many women here get through it with soya based vitamins? X