Dr. apt.

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so I made a Dr. apt for next week.  same clinic but different Dr. because I have concerns that I dont want to wait any longer.  so a few things I plan to discuss are:

testing for Hypothyroidism(symptom checklist)

checking my estrogen levels

changing to clob oitment (still have cream) seems i often have rawness

possibly asking for topical estrogen (thoughts on this)

bringing up PTLS(symptom checklist)

small rough raised area with white skin tag thing( anyone have a clue to this) not painful 

any other suggestions that I should bring up



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39 Replies

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    I used a tiny bit of the Protopic ointment prescribed to me last night and got up feeling itchy and burning. Enough with that stuff. I guess my only choice is the Clobetasol. Definitely the ointment, it stays on longer. 
    • Posted

      Did the doctor prescribe the Protopic because the clob failed to work or because it irritated you? I've read that Protopic is kind of a last resort. It sure would be good if the clob ointment worked for you!
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      He prescribed it because the Clobetasol wasn't working... But now I'm thinking it was a mistake and too harsh. I'm so frustrated! I've had 1 day without irritation, just 1, in the past several months. That was 2 days ago, the swelling was down, white patches gone, I was me again. It lasted a day. Shoulda had sex, but was too scared 😫😫😫
  • Posted

    hi shari

    brilliant that you're getting this list together....sorry been away and also got grabbed for a med review before being properly organised myself....met my GP in the corridor (!)  ...he popped in behind the counter and we negotiated the test requests then and there...I was struggling with my brain fog to think of everything but here's what went forward:





    VIT D

    I think that's about it...he queried the CRP ....so I pointed out autoimmunity...he said well there's nothing wrong with your joints!! I had to point out that I'd had an xray showing some arthritis...and thats what swung it ...think he was forgetting the LS as his female colleague diagnosed me. Feel chuffed that I did get those agreed at least and can always ask for further tests.

    I particularly wanted you to hear from Suzanne as she has the definitive list and has been really organised and enlightened and inspirational. I didn't get anywhere near the full list but have made a good start. He just did the TSH last time...which was raised.

    Does anyone have the norms of the other markers? Challenging question!!

    Disconcertingly when I asked GP if he'd include free T3 and reverse T3 he told me they don't exist!!. I reminded him that he'd read Datis Kharrazian...but think he'd forgotten...his own brain fog...!! 

    Anyway I feel very much that I'm batting in the game and will try to be more orgarnised next time.

    Thanks so much for advancing this shari...and Good Luck for your appointment!

    Maybe take in a copy of Dr Brownstein or Datis under your arm ...in case they might like to borrow your text!?  My daughter's GP was asking about some of the resources she drew upon so theres more open mindedness out there now perhaps.

    Oh I know what I forgot shari... you mustn't forget to request an adrenal test - hanny is the one to ask about that...and also...very importantly...for an iodine loading test. You take an amount of iodine in the expectation that 90% will be wee ed out...if you retain a % over 30% I think it is.. you've got an iodine deficiency..its apparently becoming quite common....as much as 80% of patients in the States are deficient. To do with the halides replacing iodine...so thats chlorine, fluoride and bromine...and being extremely negative to us...but the good news is that adequate iodine will push them back out again.

    Progesterone, oestrogen and the mother hormone pregnenolone (actually made with cholesterol). Also another test involving your saliva...but I can't remember for what just now ..too tired and brain fogged but you're doing great in assembling this list and THANK YOU so much again for the question x

    night night xx

    • Posted

      Ty for the reply and all the info. I plan on typing everything up to hand the dr.
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      You've included a lot of important ones, Marey!  I like Datis and Dr. Brownstein, too.  And such interesting info on the chorine, fluoride, and bromine connection--likely a big contributer to why everyone is coming back deficient in thyroid these days.  And adrenals are such a big part of the picture with thyroid.  Thanks for being so on top of this!
  • Posted

    oh sha...forgot T1 and T2 as well....! more to come out of the word work no doubt!!
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    sha... PTLS?

    Can you help with a translation?

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      Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome.  during tubal ligation sometimes the blood supply to ovaries get cut and ruining the  ovary function.  My LS started up after my tubal. I seem to have symptoms of PTLS so I am curious if this may have happened to me and caused me to get LS at age 31.  I will ask to get my estrogen levels tested. my first symtpom of LS was itching which Dr. Goldstein says usually only occurs in patients with low estrogen such as girls and menopausal women.  
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      Hi Shari--That makes so much sense.  Are you having other low estogen signs?  That is a great hypothesis and would be good to get checked.  --Suzanne
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      Yes I have like all the signs of low estrogen.  I wish I had brought it up to the drs before. 
  • Posted

    i think you are a brilliant detective sha and very astute....i think that thats exactly what happened

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