Dread bedtime

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Hi I'm starting to get really down about going to bed sad I can fall asleep fine and sleep for 2/3 hours then awake tossing all night I also keep having these dreadful feelings waking me up as I try to drop off I can only explain it as complete melt down depressed feeling this happens several times a night it's so getting me down and scared along with the very dry mouth and eyes again 😢😢😢 Anyone else suffering the same thing ?

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34 Replies

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    Do you take any supplements/vitamins at all?  Many deficiences can show up 'suddenly' at mid age (though it's really not suddenly as it's been happening for many years)  I usually suggest a good calcium magnesium supplement after dinner - more magnesium actually than calcium but both are helpful and deficiencies in either can cause 'waking' up at night.  Know that it is common for us hormonally...I find that certain times of month I can sleep deeper and longer and other times of month I slep 3-4 hrs and I'm up!  I take alot of B vitamins to off-set the tiredness...so I usually manage fine for the most part.   - for dry eyes taking fish oil can help many...sometimes any good fish oil is all you need, but I do know  fish oil with high DHA is more specific for dry eyes (not sure about dry mouth)  Hope this helped...if anything do some research on what I've mentioned for your own peace of mind.  (I'm a natural health pracitioner and also work with MD)
    • Posted

      Ok thanks might add magnesium and fish oil to my vit D give that a try x
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      I've often posted, over past few months, about sleep, or wakefulness in early hours, would love more than 4-5 hours a night.

      I see that you're a natural health practitioner so please may I too rack your brain?

      I take 400g chelated magnesium, 1000mg Omega 3, 1000g Starflower and a general multivitamin.

      I'm healthy, fit and luckily not suffering many of the debilitating symptoms of some of these ladies, except sleep deprivation!

      I've tried many supplements or teas to no avail so now resort to a tsp (just one) of Boots or Benylin night coughs! This helps me to knod off.

      My GP is hopeless! She prescribed Valium! So threw prescription away. Didn't know anything about magnesium...

      I do have good sleep hygiene so any more ideas welcome, please?

      Thank you Jx

    • Posted


      Add some calcium to your nightly routine...and a good B complex during the day...B vitamins can be a wonderful way to 'soothe'  our nervous system during the day as they get depleted with stress- if you haven't been taking one (other than your multi, which is not usually enough Bs)  then you are most probably depleted.  B vitamins are so imporant not only to our nervous system but because our nervous system also affects our homonal system!    See if that helps...and take during the day, not in the evening etc.

       I've also used herbs like skullcap, hops, passion flower in the evening as well (you can usually find a pill that has more than one of them combined- take 2-3 of those before bed if you decide to try) -  and lastly not all magnesiums are created equal either...so you may have to try more than one  - can be alot of experiementing, but worth it once you start getting relief!  smile

      PS  Yoga after dinner has also improved my rest if I need to catch up on sleep..as normally I do it before work a few days a week.

    • Posted

      Vibegirl, Thank you so much for speedy reply...I used to take Vit B Complex 50mg, daily, but read on here and other sites that it can do the opposite of de-stress you? So, still have new packs in cupboard!

      I'll start again tomorrow...

      I'll try some calcium, have seen them paired with magnesuim, but prefer to buy separately. Thanks  How much should I take pls?

      I've tried Magnesium Citrate, but can be too much for tummy so now have 400g Chelated...good for tum but not sure if helps with sleep...tricky to say!

      Tried some hop/valerian pills, not much good...become bit scared of feeling sluggish in am.  Teas didn't work either

      I try to do 10-20 mins of Yoga daily, but before dinner.

      Which magnesiums have you tried, pls?

      I do appreciate your advice as I end up self diagnosing.

      Yours jx


    • Posted

      I use a magnesium malate/glycinate combo usually and add a mag citrate also (but that's a powder and I can control how much)  Prob around 200mg total?  I was taking more initially - I actually take an herbal calcium (herbs that are high in calcium) as I prefer 'food sources' as much as possible - but with magnesium I just want to be taking it as it helps with palpitations also...very important for men and women and preventing heart irregularities actually but that's another discussion lol.  Calcium is also a low dose, not even 250mg I'd say...I used to eat a yogurt before bed and that would help too!

      The calming herbs never made me drowsy - woke up feeling good, but everyone's different.  Bottom line give it time...and as I said the nervous system can take some time to respond as it's probably been on high 'alert' for years lol when it doesn't get what it needs - I've been taking them a while now, so when I don't take them is when I notice....as now I expect to feel good and I do (also excellent for hair/skin/nails)  

      Hope that helps!

    • Posted

      Ask at your local Holland and Barrett as I went in and spoke to them they sell stuff you should NOT take with health or other medications
    • Posted

      Hope you don't mind me asking you a question. I am 56 and also experiencing sleep problems and hot flushes. I suffer with IBS, gerd and diverticular. Earlier this year I started taking magnesium, Vit c with zinc, milk thistle, probiotics and b vitamins but suffered the most horrendous stomach pains, seriously thought I was dying, gp at a loss as to what was going on. Found out it was supplements by chance following a holiday in October when I did not take them for a week, pain went after 3 days and started again when re took supplements. I am now off vits and supplements completely but want to reintroduce again especially b and magnesium, have you any ideas why I got the pains and which of the supps would cause burning type pains. Thanks for any help
  • Posted

    I get that dry mouth, eyes and skin too. My sleep has been getting better. Not as anxious anymore, but who knows if it will come back again. I try to watch TV when I'm restless. I usually get skerpy now around 11:00 so not too bad.

    Hope you get some rest soon.

    • Posted

      No. Usually just all sweaty from my night sweats and have to go to the bathroom. My usual is around 2:30 or 3:00 am. Sometimes I can fall back to sleep sometimes not. You might want to try a sleeping pill.

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    I won't do supplements.  They are not proven to work.  Get some Prozac.

    I had the same DEEP to the CORE depression.  I needed help fast and by fast I mean it takes 4 weeks to get into your system.  Don't waste your time on supplements.  Get the real stuff.  Listen to your doctor.

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      I've passed the night sweat stage as I'm post menopausal by 3.5 years but ovulated and had a period last month everything seems to be coming back with vengeance 😡
    • Posted

      Ohhh.... So much to look forward to. I'm still in the peri phase. Can hardly wait til I'm post menopausal. What's so great about getting older. Nothing.... if your miserable all the time righ?. Sometimes I hate being a woman.

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