Dry flaky scalp
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Im just wondering if anyone has had issues with dry flaky skin on their scalp since peri or menopause.
My head gets a crawling sensation under the skin, sometimes a burning sensitive sensation, and I have bad dry areas that are flaking.
I had dandruff in my younger years but have had a clear scalp for ages.
My scalp was getting sensitive to hair colour so I’ve stopped salon visits and don’t use hair dye now.
Has anyone else experienced similar? Sometimes anxiety causes a similar sensation on my scalp.
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kellys38 Wannabenormal
Funny you mentioned that. I noticed this last time that i got my hair colored, my head itched like crazy and was irritated from the dye. I've never had that happen before
Wannabenormal kellys38
I keep thinking im going mad with all the crazy new symptoms I’m having.
Rhanks for replying x
kellys38 Wannabenormal
Trust me i know what you mean as far as going mad. It seems like every other day there is a new scary or annoying symptom. That's why i love this blog because every time i get a new symptom, i come on here and most likely someone else has the same thing and i don't feel SO ALONE. The itchy scalp seems normal in this crazy life of ours. Big hugs and keep talking on here.
Wannabenormal kellys38
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for that. I can't believe how many symptoms peri can cause, it's unbelievable.
This blog is a lifesaver, I'll keep talking 😊
It's definitely good to know I'm not alone in all this.
Marie xx
kellys38 Wannabenormal
Wannabenormal kellys38
Me too, I was getting other stuff but not all this latest head and anxiety stuff, it's horrible.
We sure will be tougher after this.
Take care xx
dawn70425 Wannabenormal
Hi.. yep my head is just as you say, alful, itchy, seems hot, and when I lay on my pillow in bed after a while it hurts, just seems very sentive now since menopause, mine started 4yrs ago, I wonder if this is for life now then?? Or once this so called crap the menopause as done, will things be ok after??
But nope your not on your own big hug🤗xx
Wannabenormal dawn70425
Hi Dawn,
OMG you too! Thanks so much for replying, I was starting to search google for what it could be, not always a good idea.
My head feels sensitive and hurts, it gets really itchy too but I don't scratch it.
I do hope it's not a long term thing.
Hugs for you too 🤗
Marie xx
dawn70425 Wannabenormal
Lol I know bloody alful isn’t it, as I never had the pain on my head with laying on the pillow b4 all this, and yep you start to wonder if you got some thing eles going on in your head ( well I do).. what is all this rubbish we have to go through, 😡big hug 🤗xx
Wannabenormal dawn70425
Honestly, I've never known anything like it. Now I know why it's called the change..lol.
I didn't get this sore head before all this either, it's horrible, I dread it coming.
Oh, I do hope it stops at some point.
kellys38 dawn70425
When you say your head hurts when you lay down in bed, do you mean your scalp hurts from irritation or your head hurts like a dull headache?
dawn70425 kellys38
Hiya kelly .. no not a headach, it’s like hmmm a pressure point, soreness, maybe like your skin on your head as become thinner, so when you lay on your pillow, as I watch tv in bed, after about a hour I lift my head of the pillow, as feels really sore/pressure lol .. if you get me, and I never got this b4 the menopause, always been fine... probley old age catching me up lol 🤔even tho only 53.. big hug 🤗xx
kellys38 dawn70425
Thanks for responding Dawn,
Yep I'm certain i know what you're talking about. I get the same thing recently and have never had it before. It goes along with the heavy feeling i get on the top and back of my head for no reason. 😩😩. I'm only 38 and going through all of this stuff so i don't think this symptom has anything to do with age 😊😊. Youre definitely not old either btw. Hang in there!
dawn70425 kellys38
Thank you kelly.. wow your young to be going through this crap the menopause... yeah I get that heavy feeling as well, seem to suffer more with headaches as well since going through this, and all the other symptoms it throws at us as well, good job we are woman, and have to carry on lol... think men should have some of this crap as well, what they say ‘share and share alike’ haha big hug 🤗xx
kellys38 dawn70425
I'm in perimenopause which can happen to women in their mid to late 30s. I just hope it doesn't mean I'm going to be going through this for the next 15-20 years. I will be completely crazy by then if that's the case 😬 I agree....men don't have to go through anything like we women do. I guess that just goes to show God knows women are stronger. Lol xoxo