Drying out herpes blisters quickly

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Hi all,

Used to quite an active member but have generally come to terms a little with my illness over the past ten months. As a back story I caught herpes off my new partner. He didn't know he had it and it was a terribly tough time. I've been through a major depressive period, but to those of you struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel. On suppressive therapy and looking after myself I have been herpes free for about 8 months which has been awesome.

Unfortunately I've just been on holiday and got a little lazy in taking my daily tablets... And here I am. 5 days into an awful outbreak.

Has anyone got any advice on how to heal the broken sores quicker ? I've been bathing and keeping them clean, washing with soap and water and applying some witch hazel (which makes me almost pass out it hurts so much haha but I feel, no pain no gain right?) but this is dragging out now, some of the sores are still not drying and obviously it is irritated and causing me pain. Walking and sitting in my work clothes is not comfortable and I just want this to end ASAP ! I forgot how annoying the outbreaks are!!

Do any of you apply anything directly to your sores ? Bearing in mind I am female and this is already a sensitive area and I don't want to irritate myself further...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, willing to try absolutely anything at the moment.


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182 Replies

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    It clearly say you can go months or years without knowing that you have virus. So don't say never .. you should always be cautious

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    I do not take Valtrex or anything internal. I was prescribed an ointment called Zovirax that I apply when an outbreak occur.

    I have had this issue over 20 years and I have learned when I eat certain foods it activates an outbreak, particularly greasy or pork products.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Absolutely Foods can Cause an OB. For me it's any and all nuts, too much broccoli or other vegetables that are high in arginine and wheat bread.

      Stress is also a factor. It's very important to pay attention to your body.

      Dabbing peroxide on sores has helped me, as have ice packs.

    • Posted

      I think all the here outbreak meds do that cause same thing happened to me & I stopped it,the outbreaks came back few times very painful & went away never came back but they come on & off

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    New to this site but not to herpes. I know everyone experiences it differently but in my case it is rarely something I have to deal with. I was horrified when I found out I had it. Life was over! Turns out it wasn't. My husband gave it to me so we don't need to worry about protection so I guess that limits the impact. I. Wish everyone well and am happy to have found this resource.

    • Posted

      Well damn we are the same I just found out months ago and my husband also gave it to me. I have my 3 outbreak and its the worse its at the edge of my ass hole this is ridiculous and I haven't coped with this yet. Sometimes I really need someone who understand to talk to but you can't trust ppl so I just sit and look up stuff on it.

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      Have you gone on Amazon they have a lot of natural remedies on the site hope with some trial and error you can feel comfortable. I'm trying raw garlic and acv in hopes that it can suppress it. We shall see. Ever wanna talk I'm available nice to not feel alone in this. I've had to 4 yrs and haven't told anyone I have it.

    • Posted

      I an the same way,  going through it right now and it is the worst.  It feels horrible. I have had an outbreak in more than one place and I can honestly say this is he worst I have EVER felt.!!!
    • Posted

      I an the same way,  going through it right now and it is the worst.  It feels horrible. I have had an outbreak in more than one place and I can honestly say this is he worst I have EVER felt.!!!
    • Posted

      Well I just found out about 4 days ago because I got a sore spot crusted over and itchy and then I checked all the symptoms and I had them so I went to the doctor got blood test apparently my husband was cheating because I didn't and we're not living together right now so I just found out I have it so apparently he did back in July or something so if I say anything to him he's going to say that I was cheating which I never do so we're not living together right now anyway long story

    • Posted

      That's very true I feel the same way everyday cause I know there's alot of judgemental ppl out therr

    • Posted

      Hello my name is heather . i just found out i have genital herpes and i dont know how to cope with it yet . because i thought my whole life was over . But from seing all of you saying you have had it for years and u guys learned to cope with it made me more reasuring that i can live with this .any natural remedies you recommend to put on the sores for them to go away.i am 25 years old

  • Edited

    Ok so hi everyone I literally created an account just to tell you all,

    MELISSA is the answer. This is a root, lemon balm. Mix it with licorice extract and it's a miracle. Ask your naturopath about it, my doctor has 2 patients that the herpes remains dormant and 1 patient that the herpes is no longer in them. It's amazing.

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      Ate you applying this or drinking it?
    • Posted

      HI there. I have recently found I I have herpes and am looking for every possible way to not ever have another out break and so many questions. I'm not comfortable with my family doctor and I am in seak of talking to someone who may help. I found the lemon balm mentioned somewhere online and went to my pharmacist and they had never heard of it. Please help.not of everyone and their comments, yours stood out

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      What are the amounts you should mix together or does it matter and how is it used, topically or orally?
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      Is this something you drink, or something they are applying to the sores to help them heal?
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      Melissa - of a the name of treatment or root ? 

      Can I purchase at local grocery store ? 

    • Posted

      Is melissa what it is called or part of the ingredients?? Do u take is orally or apply it directly too the affected area? I need to try this. Pls n thank u
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      i just ordered some on Amazon are you using the leaves or the oil??
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      Go on Amazon that is where I found mine. The real Melissa is very expensive about $80 per bottle 5mls so be careful and read up on it 
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      So do you apply this like a salve cuz I just found out like two days ago I went to the doctor and apparently my fiance cheated because I didn't and I know it was something it was first week of September then I started feeling chills and like this is weird Sensations and stuff so I'm like p****d off over a lot of stuff that happened over the summer like just basically that he's alone and he hasn't been with anybody else when he was away getting his deal is music deal I'm a musician n singer too but now know cuz I definitely am not a cheater lol i best some serious s*** in the past I'm sure that I'll figure this out too I'm glad that I found this site because it got to talk to people that know

    • Posted

      Sure it's not in them anymore sure never heard of that just like I heard about food grade that it cures herpes

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      can you put the link of the one you got off

      amazon, please

    • Posted

      i am in England. can i have a picture of those 2 items to buy please.

      do i just rub them when I feel its coming on

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