Drying out herpes blisters quickly

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Hi all,

Used to quite an active member but have generally come to terms a little with my illness over the past ten months. As a back story I caught herpes off my new partner. He didn't know he had it and it was a terribly tough time. I've been through a major depressive period, but to those of you struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel. On suppressive therapy and looking after myself I have been herpes free for about 8 months which has been awesome.

Unfortunately I've just been on holiday and got a little lazy in taking my daily tablets... And here I am. 5 days into an awful outbreak.

Has anyone got any advice on how to heal the broken sores quicker ? I've been bathing and keeping them clean, washing with soap and water and applying some witch hazel (which makes me almost pass out it hurts so much haha but I feel, no pain no gain right?) but this is dragging out now, some of the sores are still not drying and obviously it is irritated and causing me pain. Walking and sitting in my work clothes is not comfortable and I just want this to end ASAP ! I forgot how annoying the outbreaks are!!

Do any of you apply anything directly to your sores ? Bearing in mind I am female and this is already a sensitive area and I don't want to irritate myself further...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, willing to try absolutely anything at the moment.


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    I've been dealing with this for 17 years. As I've gotten older it seems to have gotten worse. I tried taking Valtrex for a year. I still had an outbreak once a month. It's been rough the last 2 years. I never have just 1 at a time. It's usually 3 or 4, 1 after the other . I'm so tired of this. I try taking vitamin C, L- Lyson, zinc pills. I've used I've packs, aloe Vera, and other at home remedies. I'm to the point where I just don't know anymore. My outbreaks start the week before my cycle and during. That's 2 weeks every month damn near. It's hard not to stress and I drink occasionally to calm my nerves after work. Seriously thinking about trying the pill again.

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      I can't express how much I understand this.... I have only had it 6 years though and if it gets any worse... I just don't know what I'll do... I get one breakout once a month if not two on those extra special months...and sometimes cold sores too... today I got a break out in a completely new place and it's debilitating my day. I believe it's my cycle as well that brings them on... (yet this one is at least a week past my period?)

      When you say try the pill again do you mean valtrex? Or is there some other pill to help? They say it gets less and less often as time goes on... but yes mine also seem to be worsening. I've just been trying to get by each time with the hope it'll lessen over time... my hope is fading. I know a few people who also have it and none seem to as often like me... it would be nice to talk to someone in the relative same position as me to for any help or ideas in dealing with this...

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      Raw Garlic daily and acv is supposed to be good too maybe you might want to try them or propolis cream lots of natural oils don't give up. I'm still trying to figure it out myself I been on Amazon ordering like crazy hoping something will be successful 

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      What kind of side effects does the pill you take it three times a day or something cuz the doctor it wasn't very helpful as some of them are so I have an appointment with GYN next week but I already know so I asked is there something you can take but first they did blood work and some medicine I just can't take cuz the other house conditions so a lot on my plate right now so I'm glad that this is here I can talk to people know

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      Well I just found out like 3 days ago but when I read all about it I noticed that's what it was was becoming and 3 months and then past 3 days it was very obvious so I went to the doctor and then I have another doctor's appointment next week but I have to wait for blood test is it the hard part is I know that my husband-to-be cheated when he promised all that good stuff cuz I'm not a cheater person cuz I don't believe in cheating when you're in a permanent marital type relationship I don't cheat anyway but only one place I could have got it and it's him there's other stuff that happened too.Now I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with this and all that other s*** that happened because of all the things that went down

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      Did he admit to cheating? The virus can stay dormant in your body for years. He could have easily gotten it from a previous partner and it not have shown up until now. Just because he is suddenly showing symptoms doesn't mean he cheated. Men are also a lot less likely to have symptoms then women and can sometime have false negative tests. Don't write him off without knowing that facts. I know this is scary. Communication is important though. For all you know he didn't cheat and he is just as scared as you are.

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      Well I just found out about 4 days ago kind of blood test couple days ago but I me and my husband haven't been living together r so long story because I'm living with my daughter now and we lost contact through his job and cell phone and a bunch of really bad troubles but this one is not good because he cheated back in July obviously and I never cheat so and he still acting like perfect angelI was i dont play around I don't cheat so i know where it came from and if I tell him he's going to say and deny it that it's me so right now I'm just angry can't drink although I feel like because I got cirrhosis but cuz if I drink with cirrhosis I'll be dead in like two and a half months cuz I have low blood platelets

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      Let us know what works! How do you take the garlic every day and acv?? I’m thinking of doing this as an immunity boost anyway. 

      Please read my post at the bottom I’ve just joined. Would be great to have some feedback ! As I’m not sure yet if I have this as I need to do blood work. Etc

  • Edited

    Hey there. I'm currently experiencing my first outbreak and I want to die. I cry every time I have to go to the bathroom. I've never experienced pain like this ever. I also have a yeast infection on top of the hsv. I have 3 kids and I am so afraid of passing it onto them. Of course 4 nights ago two of them took a bath with me. At that point I only had one sore and it wasn't bad yet. Should I be worried? I really feel so stupid but I had no idea that's what it was. Any advice on helping with the pain?

    • Posted

      I went to my doctor and told them the pain was unbearable. They gave me a prescription for a cream that completely got rid of the pain and seemed to almost immediately cause sores to start healing. Don't remember what it was called but I would imagine there are only so many that are intended to relieve pain associated with herpes. I had my first outbreak over 18 months ago. It was terrible - basically it caused fissures in my tissue. But I am just now having my second outbreak. Funny thing was the first time my symptoms leading up to it were severe itching. This time the only possible symptoms preceding was a full blown cold. If I'd known that could be a symptom I would have doubled up on valtrex and avoided the blisters.

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      I called my dr last Thursday and told him about the pain. He gave me a cream called Zovirax. It stung immediately and I had to go wipe it off. He gave me samples he had but they were expired. Not sure if that's why it was so bad. I've been keeping them clean and dry and putting coconut oil on all the time. I finally started to feel relief on Saturday. Today it's even better. I wonder if I got fissures on my backside too. It hurt way worse than the sores in the front. I was so depressed last week. I hope I don't have another outbreak for a long time. My dr has my taking the valtrex for a year.

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      My outbreak also started with really bad itching!
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      Yea I'm new to this situation only found out a few months ago (9 months) have bad 3 outbreaks and this time its rt on my a**hole smh hurts soooo bad this is the worst one. I've been pouring peroxide on it and only thing I can say is it helps the pain a little while for the itching I put yea at infection cream and that definitely worked. Took away itch and kinda soothes it so its not that irritated. Yet there is still slight pain and especially an issue when you poop bc wiping is hell.

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      I know your pain...i was diagnosed with type 1 and 2 herpes 2. Months ago..n other like you it started from my back..didn't think much of it..thought it was just dryness. Couple days later OMG i couldn't even walk. It hurt so bad that i cried whenever i went to pee. Cause of the blisters burstin it ran all the way 2 my vagina then i could say it was hell..

      Couldn't wipe cause as soon as i touched it was unbearable...all i did was cry.

      Went away in a wk n after 1month here i am with it again but now it's only on my Vagina, I'm so frustrated cause of the pain especially the itching it's just bad...I'm scared 2 try anything on it so all i do is run cold water in the shower n it helps for a little but then back again.

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      And my first two only known three days but now I know why I was feeling that well for a couple months until 3 days ago and the fact that my fiance cheated because I didn't trying to figure out how to use all this with other problems are at so we can get advice from each other on this site which will help our lives I'm going to research as much as I can about it and fight this the best way I can

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      Yeah well I'm learning a lot on here cuz I just found out and then figuring out what the best thing to do and see my gun in three days. But it hurts to sit on one side there off course.its like a irritation then a bump then a raised bigger thing. So I been Google in like crazy and found this website and definitely know that my fiance didn't mean it when he says you was alone and not with anyone because that's where it came from

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      Yeah right now I can't even sit I just found out 3 days ago I'll figure it out this place helps

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      I had this strange tingling and I had like chills for like two months I like that strange and then like 4 days ago I know why cuz dore broke out headache n no appetite atall and I got blood test 4 days ago but the doctor wasn't helpful cuz I needed a cream that numbs it I'll find out what that is soon I guess and at the same time that my man is cheated cuz I didn't and we're not living together right now but he's trying to get back together and that's not going to be acceptable

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      I feel the same way everyday that I want to die when I found out,I hade no emotion when the doc told me when they show it the first time they knew what it was I thought it was something else,I hade intercourse w/ a bk guy,he lied That he was clean I regret it all,but drink some tea,& get enough sleep & where baggy sweats cause it would speed up the process for it to dry out

    • Posted

      So i am having my first outbreak but even though this sounds terrible, try filling the tub up just enough to cover your vagina with warm water and try peeing.  Then get up and rinse with warm water. No pain at all , hope it helps for you

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