Drying out herpes blisters quickly
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Hi all,
Used to quite an active member but have generally come to terms a little with my illness over the past ten months. As a back story I caught herpes off my new partner. He didn't know he had it and it was a terribly tough time. I've been through a major depressive period, but to those of you struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel. On suppressive therapy and looking after myself I have been herpes free for about 8 months which has been awesome.
Unfortunately I've just been on holiday and got a little lazy in taking my daily tablets... And here I am. 5 days into an awful outbreak.
Has anyone got any advice on how to heal the broken sores quicker ? I've been bathing and keeping them clean, washing with soap and water and applying some witch hazel (which makes me almost pass out it hurts so much haha but I feel, no pain no gain right?) but this is dragging out now, some of the sores are still not drying and obviously it is irritated and causing me pain. Walking and sitting in my work clothes is not comfortable and I just want this to end ASAP ! I forgot how annoying the outbreaks are!!
Do any of you apply anything directly to your sores ? Bearing in mind I am female and this is already a sensitive area and I don't want to irritate myself further...
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, willing to try absolutely anything at the moment.
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lost000 r35506
abt three days ago I started noticing what resembled a paper cut almost on my vaginal area. didn't pay it any mind I thought maybe it was a lil trauma from sex. But the next day the sores were more noticeable (the pain) and I know something was wrong. I immediately assumed it was herpes but my sores didn't look much like the photos I saw online. Ok next day the pain is UNBEARLABLE I went to the doctor today and she examined the sores and said it looked like herpes and prescribed valtrex. She did blood work to confirm it for sure but I won't know until maybe Monday. I don't have any problems urinating like most of you describe. I urinate with no pain from the urine passing the sores. I'm just in a lot of pain when I sit when I stand and when I lay down and the sores are only on my vulva not my butt at all. Trying to wipe after urinating is the WORST tho I have to pat gently. I was tested 10/2016 for all stds and was negative for herpes. Tested 1/2017 no herpes and 2/2017 and 3/2017 ( I tested so much bc I always had a discharge that bothered me but all my test were always negative each time) I recently started a new relationship and I KNOW that's how I contracted it bc this has never happened before now. I'm just scared on how to have this conversation with him bc he may say it wasn't him it was me and tell the whole world or it maybe that he knew he had this infection and didnt tell me. Either way I'm terrified I've been crying all day since the doctor told me she thinks that what it is and I do too as well. I'm in a lot of pain!
elizabeth57471 lost000
That is exactly how mine started. It looked like a paper cut. My dr didn't do any bloodwork. He said just looking at it he knew that's what it was (he's been around for a while) My husband gets cold sores on his mouth and while we always have been super careful apparently we weren't careful enough. The pain is completely unbearable. I've been crying all week. I think today is the first day it's actually starting to feel a smidge better. I'm really sorry about your situation. I would just be very matter of fact with him. Tell him how you've been tested so much. He might take it okay knowing for sure it was him. I've read that people can carry it and never have symptoms (lucky). Hope it goes okay!
Scared17 lost000
I just found out today and the doctor said the same exact thing to me.... I have one partner and we've been trying for a baby and then this happened. He didn't know he had it but the conversation with him surprisingly went better than I thought. However, I'm on valtrex and I'm trying many natural remedies... this is day one of the rest of my life and I'm trying not to lose it... aloe Vera gel & cornstarch I'm buying as we speak. I hope it goes over well with you talking to him... and thank you all for the previous advice!!!
confusedscared lost000
Jen0809 lost000
How did you test negative and still have the herpes sores? Did they say it could be something else.
I would ask your BF if you both could do blood tests to prove either of you have no stds. You could alway say it's because your last BF tested positive but it was after you, so HE said.
jess93150 r35506
I've had recurrent blister patch in my pubic hair area... never thought much about it bc It's only happened 2 or so times over the last few years. But I am starting to wonder if it could be herpes. From the posts I'm reading it sounds painful whereas mine are red irritated area of white clusters.. start out itching but not painful. And most sounds like they experience breakouts on the labia and inside vagina. Anybody have similar experience to mine?
Missysf1 jess93150
Hi I just wanted to say that I get mine in the side of my hairline also, my initial outbreak was about 3 years ago and the only one I had that was inside my vagina. All of my outbreaks since have been in the same area of left side bikini hair line. It's definitely not uncommon to get them in different places as my gynecologist says, Herpes doesn't care which nerve path it uses to get out. You can have them on your butt or even thigh. So no its not uncommon to have them anywhere near that area. I was taking a suppression medication for the last year and had absolutely no outbreaks at all, so I decided to go off of it and in two months I've had two outbreaks again. Definitely going back on the suppression meds. It was nice not worrying about getting it. My husband and I just planned a weekend get away and I broke out yesterday. Great! He doesn't have it, so nothing is going to happen for awhile now. Mine last about 2 weeks and typically before I have my period most of the time. Oh btw, I was completely emotional when I found out I had herpes. I had slept with a guy a few weeks and then two weeks later I was diagnosed. I called him and told him. He said he doesn't have it. Yeah, right, if not you probably do now. I thought my life was over. I cried for weeks. Then I decided to date online. I met my now husband and I had gotten to know him very well but then when we finally decided to meet 3 months later, I had to tell him and I thought he would run for the hills. But he didn't and said if he had not already fell in love with me as a person he might of ran. Anyway, we've been together 2 and half years plus 3 months we talked on the phone a lot before we met. I think if someone really loves you, they won't care. Just to give you all hope. That's actually a good thing if you look at it that way. You will know who really cares about you and when it's not the right person, you will know that right away then. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do was tell this man I really really liked that I has herpes. There's some great ideas on how to tell people about it online. It's best to be prepared to explain the facts because they may not know what to say just yet and if you inform them about it while you have their attention, it goes better.
I still to this day do not know if I got it from this guy or if I had it laying dormant in me for years. But, I got a really good husband out of the deal so I'm really happy, just not so happy I am going away tomorrow and can't have sex in this fabulous hotel we are staying at. Ya know, there are other ways to please each other too.
I know this is long but I felt I needed to say it. Good luck! I was looking for some home remedies for now.
ashley39743 jess93150
Rockbaby Missysf1
I just found out like 3 days ago and I already know he cheated so well I didn't so now I'm trying to figure out how to deal with this and I will
a60192 Missysf1
Thank you for sharing your story. I have had herpes for less than a year and it has been a very emotional experience for me. The physical symptoms have been the least difficult part of the diagnosis. The hardest part is having the courage to tell anyone about it. It's hard to believe that anyone would want to be with me after I tell them that I have it. So I have taken a break from trying to date anyone until I can find the strength in myself to be honest with a sexually partner. It hurts so much knowing that someone I take the time to get to know and care for can choose to set me aside. I don't think I am ready for that type of rejection. My ego is too fragile. Life was so much easier before this. It's hard to imagine things being easy ever again. I feel so alone.
jessica31902 r35506
I've just started having my first outbreak a few days ago. I feel like my life is over and keep imagining all future events with me having herpes... exams, holidays, wedding day etc. It's the worst pain I've ever been in. Seems my boyfriend gave it to me as he has cold sores but he doesn't seem to get why I'm so down about the future. He's being really good with the pain and looking after me properly but says I'm just going to stress myself out and make it worse if I over think it. Just can't believe how much pain I'm in. When I went to the doctors they couldn't believe the extent of my outbreak. I have 30+ sores all down my inner pubic line, around my hole and slightly inside, going right through to my bottom. I'm having to take time off work and just don't know how to get better. I'm on antiviral medication, have numbing cream and strong painkillers but online I've seen that it can take 5-10 days for the sores to heal and two weeks (or more!) for the pain to go. We're meant to be going on our first holiday in 3 days and whilst I know we can't have sex for a few weeks I just wondered if anyone knew how to speed up the healing process?! At the minute I can't do anything apart from lie in bed whilst wearing his boxer shorts! All help is much appreciated.
elizabeth57471 jessica31902
You poor thing. I had about ten sores and thought I was going to die so I can't even imagine having 30. I started this whole process of cleaning the area, drying it really well with a blow dryer then applying coconut oil and thats when I started to finally feel better. It took a good week before the pain started to go away. I had a really bad one in the area between my lady parts and my bottom and it was SO painful. Make sure you keep it really clean and dry. The coconut oil really helped. I slept with no underwear or pants on. During the day if I could I walked around in a skirt with no underwear to keep it open to air. There's hope, it will get better I promise. They tell you stress doesn't help but when you're in that much pain how can you not be stressed?! I felt the same way emotionally about having it. More than likely my husband gave it to me the same way, he has cold sores on his mouth. I felt so dirty though. My dr assured me that herpes are way more common than we think. My husband didn't even think twice about it. Hope you feel better soon ??
dani90826 jessica31902
I too am having my 1st outbreak. I cant even believe im tyling this and this is really happening. I thought i was getting a yeast infection. It didnt go away and a feveloped sores, finally went to the no who confirmed it was herpes. But sent out the dwork and swab test. I know its herpes... i have nly d sex w ne person in the last 3 months, i must have gotten it from him, he says he didnt know he had it. I have over 20+ sores and 3 more just developed near my ass. I dont know how much more i can take. I cry all day long. This is the most unbearable pain ive ever experienced. This has been going on for a week & a half. None of them look like they are on the verge of healing. I am taking the antiviral medication religiously. I need relief. I feel like my life is over.
michelle26167 dani90826
I too am having my first break. Keep moving! I know it's painful but the pain slows down. Don't wear pants or underwear around bedtime let the sores dry. I don't take the medication at all. I take my bath corn starch and lysine cream is working. It only really feels worse when you stay still and stay moist.
jo86893 dani90826
I feel your pain just been told 6 days ago I've got genital herpes I've never felt so ill in my life I couldn't speak for about 5 days every gland came up not to mention the temperature I had over 3 days then the pain from the sores was unbearable I kept bathing 3/4 times a day now on day 8 and I'm still walking like I've ridden a horse and haven't worn underwear in a all this time . I haven't had sex in a month so I'm unsure how this just happened something must have triggered it . The person I slept with is getting tested although he says he is sure he's clear .....I'm devastated I got this having never had anything in my life ( I'm 43 ) .
jennifer69446 jessica31902
I was diagnosed 4 years ago, and I still have problems coping with it. However, my past boyfriends even my current partner have supported me and have been there for me. I've told all of my sex partners, had a sit down with them, and they seemed more comfortable with it then I did. Even shared stories of their sisters or brothers contracting the disease. I had 20 open sores on my first outbreak. I cried every night! I tried the gel, but it made it worse, acyclovair worked the best. I took it faithfully! 3 days My sores were already healing. I used a slightly cold damp towel, and placed it in inbetween my buttox when I fell asleep. It helped with the pain, also pain killers. In the shower the soap hurt, it was too harsh so I would use conditioner. It soothed it almost immediately. Did not use hot water, it burned! Luke warm water on the area with conditioner was the trick. I would use to different towels. One for the infected area the other for face and body. I never used the same towel. Do not let your children use your towels! If your concerned about the toilet seat, wipe it down with a disenfectant, none available use clorox, and wash your hands repeatedly, pat dry after using the bathroom. A bit of rubbing may soothe the itch, but it'll feel like a rug burn afterwards. The first outbreak is always the worse, but it'll get better.
bmolly jessica31902
im currently having my first outbreak as well. my last boyfriend cheated on me and infected me. the only symptoms i had were a slight burn when i peed and a few little bumps that i brushed off as ingrown hairs and a stray pimple. i just got rid of a UTI about a week ago so i figured it had come back. i started taking AZO to help. i woke up the next morning with multiple open sores and wounds and a very intense burning sensation. i went to the bathroom and woke my roommate up with all the screaming and crying from the pain. i have NEVER felt anything like it. im on day 3 now and ive had to call out of work and it's horrible. i have no idea what to do. i just discovered today that it was herpes and it's labor day so i havent gotten into the doctor yet. i cant even walk at this point. all ive been doing for days is sitting in the tub or laying in bed. i cant even think about what will happen in the future because it hurts so bad right now. ive tried multiple pain meds, i tried AZO again hoping it might help, warm compress, cool compress, coconut oil, etc. ive tried so many things and nothing is helping me. this infection has taken over my life in a matter of days. ive had to call out of work so much im scared i wont be able to afford my rent. and now im reading that it could be another 10-14 days before the pain goes away. i feel completely hopeless. im only 19 and i feel so alone. my roommate and my best friend are the only two people ive told and all they could say was "im sure it'll get better tomorrow."
Nicky99 bmolly
Hi i'm currently going through my first outbreak at 18 years old so I understand how you feel with having this so young and feeling really alone in that. It feels devastating at the moment but I'm hoping these occurrences are few in far between. I'm terrified how this will affect my future as it is affecting my daily life now. I feel so lost and angry why this has happened to me. I don't know how or if I have to tell my parents and I'm so afraid they'll be disappointed in me. I have never had intercourse just oral sex so it frustrates me more because I am so inexperienced with all things sexual yet when I tried with someone I love deeply and have been seeing for almost a year this happens. Anyways, just wanted to reach out and say that I understand what you're going through in some aspects.
bmolly Nicky99
im sorry to hear you're going through the same thing as me. it's been unreal these past few days. i finally got to the doctor and she took one look at my vagina and said, "it's definitely herpes." still did a swab to be safe and it was so painful that she wouldnt even do the rest of the testing, she said to come back in a week. so i called in my prescriptions and go to pick them up only to find out they were out of the numbing cream and i'd have to wait till tomorrow. i literally started crying in the middle of the pharmacy just thinking about going another minute feeling this way. i went home completely hopeless and tried to find some help online. i found someone talking about dermaplast spray and it is awesome!! i bought it at walgreens for like $13; make sure you buy the blue can! i got home and sprayed a good coating over my whole area, even with open sores. the first time i tried it it started to burn a little bit but i had to pee SO bad when i got home that i couldnt hold it any longer so i peed right after spraying it on. basically it hadnt started working yet. i sat in warm water for a bit and just had to pee in there and deal with the agonizing pain. but after i felt soothed enough i got out and dried off and sprayed it on again and it actually worked!! i was able to walk normal and lift my knees up which would have had me screaming before. i highly recommend it!! since that first time i sprayed it, the only other issue ive had was after sitting for a while it seems to sort of dry up leaving everything almost a little stuck together.. i just soaked a papertowel in cold water and gently patted/wiped the residue away and then reapplied it and it felt fine again. it'd probably be best to soak it off if you can though rather than the cold paper towel. but anyway this got much longer than i thought it would.. just wanted to take my mind off things and hopefully help someone else with their pain!! goodluck and stay strong 💚💚
jessica79408 jo86893
lisa13566 bmolly
I had my first outbreak at 18 and it is was the worst pain I have ever felt. I couldn't sleep and could barely move! I had what I thought were cuts from shaving all over my clit and as I was on my period it just seemed to spread all over my vagina. In my experience my first outbreak was definitely the worst, my other outbreaks have been few and far between and have never been as sore or as bad as my first. Having said that I am currently going through quite a bad outbreak and although it is not as sore as my first I have way more open sores than I have ever had. I have tried everything under the sun and what works best for me personally is sudocrem. It soothes them and gives instant relief from the itchiness which is a bonus. I also recommend drinking as much water as possible, it will dilute your pee so it's not as painful and flush the virus out. Drinking greentea is also a good natural healer. I know it feels as if your life is over but herpes is so much more common than you think. I have only told my current partner who I have now been with for three years and it just so happened that he had it too! I promise that it is not the end of the world and the pain will be over soon!
hoolpa13 dani90826
What I've come to find to help is taking Echinacea to boost my immune system and if I feel an itch coming on prior to getting blisters/sores I apply hydrocortisone all over (not internally) and it relieves the itching which in effect prevents the blisters/sores from occurring. I've been doing this for the past four outbreaks (I was diagnosed in June 2017) and it's really been helpful.
blessed21582 hoolpa13
Rockbaby dani90826
Ones enuff..just found out...definetly over with husband he still cheats apparently.i gotta live with this now. Ifellt chills two now n tingling .Then I got a sore spot that turned into a bigger area n kinda scabbed.three dsys I just got this.Right away I'm thinking oh no relationship after this one.we had problems with his behavior anyway.