Drying out herpes blisters quickly

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Hi all,

Used to quite an active member but have generally come to terms a little with my illness over the past ten months. As a back story I caught herpes off my new partner. He didn't know he had it and it was a terribly tough time. I've been through a major depressive period, but to those of you struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel. On suppressive therapy and looking after myself I have been herpes free for about 8 months which has been awesome.

Unfortunately I've just been on holiday and got a little lazy in taking my daily tablets... And here I am. 5 days into an awful outbreak.

Has anyone got any advice on how to heal the broken sores quicker ? I've been bathing and keeping them clean, washing with soap and water and applying some witch hazel (which makes me almost pass out it hurts so much haha but I feel, no pain no gain right?) but this is dragging out now, some of the sores are still not drying and obviously it is irritated and causing me pain. Walking and sitting in my work clothes is not comfortable and I just want this to end ASAP ! I forgot how annoying the outbreaks are!!

Do any of you apply anything directly to your sores ? Bearing in mind I am female and this is already a sensitive area and I don't want to irritate myself further...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, willing to try absolutely anything at the moment.


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  • Posted

    So great to read all this and know that we're not in it alone... I've had it about 3 years now, I don't take suppressives and I hardly suffer at all! This is the first one in about 18months... I've just come off the pill and I think the hormone change may have triggered it, I have just started seeing a new guy and for me this is the most difficult thing... how do you all tell people about it?

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      I thought telling a partner would be the hardest thing but you can do is be honest. I thought getting married and having kids was over for me but years later I am married with a beautiful child. It gets better !!
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      I think the best thing you can do when meeting a prospective new partner is being honest. I got hsv from a previous partner who denied it and refused to get tested only to dump me by saying he didn't want to get it. I was devastated after because I thought nobody would accept me after because of the way my ex had treated me but I met someone and I told him about it on the second date because I didn't want him to feel led on or anything but he was really accepting and actually wanted to learn about it. We've been together for a month now and he doesn't pressure me for sex because he knows I have outbreaks once a month (usually during my cycle) so it works out. He's really understanding and always tries to help me get through the pain. So all in all don't give up on love because someone out there will love you for who you are regardless of your ailments. 

  • Posted

    Hi! I made an account just because some of the advice people posted here is not accurate and I don't want folks to have the wrong information. I got herpes when I was 18 from the guy who raped me. I'm 25 now and I get outbreaks maybe twice a year, only a couple sores each time and I go on valtrex for 5 days and they heal up.

    People here have said they don't take valtrex because it is a herpes medication so they don't trust it and think it will give them more herpes and this could not be farther from the truth! Valtrex is an antiviral! It is prescribed for many illnesses, I have also taken it for shingles and my uncle took it for an unrelated illness as well. Trust modern medication, take the valtrex, either daily if you have frequent outbreaks or a higher dose when you do get outbreaks.

    Someone also said that you could only give it to someone if they have an open sore, this is not true! Herpes is spread through skin to skin contact, especially mucus membranes such as the vagina, anus, and foreskin on the penis. You can also give someone herpes when you have no sores through something called viral shedding.

    I'm not trying to scare you, your sex life will continue. I've never had anyone turn me down and I also had an ex that I had unprotected sex with for 2 years and never gave it to him, but I did give it to my current partner within the first year of our relationship. But I told him before we got together and we have still been together for almost 5 years. I just want you to know the real risks so you are as prepared as you can be.

    Good luck, and I hope they pass quickly, go to your doctor if they persist.

    • Posted

      Has anyone else used the 2 separate creams that you mix together yourself to make herpes cream? If so do you know the names? One looks almost like patrolium and the other is a yellow cream. It really helped but I lost my tubes and I don't remember what they were called. My pharmacist recommend the 2 separate creams because the regular cream was really expensive.

      Thanks in advance,


    • Posted

      How much valtrex do you take for 5 days?? How many tablets and how many mg?

      Please read my post at the bottom I’ve just joined. Would be great to have some feedback !! 

  • Posted

    My story is a little different then most I found I had it when I came back home from a trip after I had went to the beach the day before and sand got inside my bathing suit. The first out break was the worst pain when peeing cry because of so much pain. shower were hard to take because even putting water to clean the sores was the worse I had sores on my vulva cervix and butt. I went to urgent care twice couldn't sleep wasn't eating they gave an acyclovir nothing helped. Having my second out break and this is just as bad as the first one but I have noticed alcohol causes mine to flare up so it looks like no more drinking for me but to answer you question trying to dry out the sores didn't work for me but everybody in different i tried cornstarch and baby power with cornstarch in it a blow dryer on low nothing worked but everyone's bodies are different so try and see what works for you.

  • Posted

    I have had this virus for 10 years. I have had few outbreaks. I wish I knew what I know the 1st time I had an outbreak.... vitamin e! I always pop open a vitamin e capsule and put it right in the sore. Its dramaticly smaller and less painful the next day
    • Posted

      Thanks for the tip! The whole capsule of oil? How many days do you apply it? Can I buy regular vitamin e cream though? Or has to be the oil capsules? Just used externally or do you take them internally too? 
  • Posted

    So I found out i have herpes last august, however, its HSV1, Should only cause cold sore orally but nope, i get sores down below. Ive had cold sore all my life since when i was little i shared a soda can with a neighbor who had one. But at 23 and suddenly getting excutiating pain down stairs i freaked out. Finding out i was having a flare up was terrible. My "partner" at the time wouldnt take no for an answer when i kept telling him i was hurting and would still make me have sex. It hurt like Hell (just were sores were forming) and each time it got worse. I finally went to an urgent care bc i would cry just walking, sitting, driving, urinating was agony, and then bc of the partner. I had 30+ sore plus damage from the sores being ripped open bc of sex. Lucky for the, the Valtrex helped so incredibly well. Almost all my sores healed up in a week, just the ones that were like gashes took a bit longer. And bc of how bad they were, my doctor gave me oxycodones which was the only way i could drive. As well as a written letter stating that my body was in no shape for intimacy and that to demand it would be causing me physical injury, which finally got the man in my life at that time to stop forcing.

    He and i Split up due to unrelated issue about my dogs. He called me up a few years later yelling and cursing i gave him HSV2 and i felt like karma was sweet as I told him I have HSV1 and sent a picture of the letter from when i got tested.

    Over the past year ive only gotten 3 other flare ups, though i have one now but am on meds and its already healing up nicely.

    To anyone stressing and freaking out, you can have a perfectly Normal life. A healthy love and sex life. Don't think that just because you have herpes you cant get married, have the wedding of your dreams or have children. In fact, you are still able to give birth naturally unless you are currently having a flare up when you go into labour, then they insist on a c-section.

    Most men really dont care. My current partner tells me even if i actually had genital herpes instead of the HSV1 with occassional genital sores, he'd still love me, and theres no way he could ever find me unnattractive. If you are really worried about passing it to your partner, be sure to use condoms, and try the daily dose treatment. I only use the take at sign of flare up dosaging.

    Remember, Ladies and Gentlemen. Herpes is not the end of your life. You can live the life you've always wanted.

    Also, teatree oil mixed with cannacoconut oil ismy go to. Ive use peroxide as well. If u need soothing, i use strong steeped chammomile and just lemon juice. The citric acid helps prevent more sores, the chammomile helps prevent a major burning

  • Posted

    I just recently had breakouts. My husband has cold sores a lot of his chin, lips, corners of his mouth etc at least every other month. I got it about 9months ago now. I've had some breakouts but recently got a larger set of blisters than ever before. I usually pop the blister snd keep a cotton ball on it,changing it often. This time I could only pop a few bc of the pain. How can I stop them from oozing till they scab? And is there anything like alcohol that I could use to dry it out? Even on the unpopped ones? My husband gets breakouts 3 to my 1 it seems. We live in Fl and it seems the hotter he gets at work the more he has his cold sores. His hurts pretty bad a day or 2 just like mine. They seem to be very similar just in 2 different places on the body. Do I have to have a special dr to get medicine for herpes? Thank you in advance.

  • Posted

    I am on my first outbreak and decided not to take medicantion and im regreting it big time. Im glad to know im not alone although this is a condition i dont wish on my wost enemy. Im on my 8 day and things dont seem to get any better. On the contrary the virus keeps spreading down there like a wild fire. Some of the ulcers look more like paper cuts. And others are very swollen and i think theyre infected. Cause every time im going to pee i have to clean myself with cotton balls and warm water and theres this pus like secretion coming out of the sores. I have tried aloe vera (the plant) but i havent noticed any change. I boiled garlic and been using that water to clean the sores. I know it doesnt smell great but due to the propeties of garlic seemed like the best option. Im desperate. Been crying myself to sleep and waking up in extreme pain. I dont know what else to do! What can i do to heal faster? Or at least to ease the pain. Cause it hurts to walk, to move. And i have a 3 yr old to take care of and have not been able to properly do so! 😭 

  • Posted

    I am in what appears to be my first outbreak. I haven't been properly diagnosed, but my ex was diagnosed with it about 6 months ago. Pretty safe to say I got it. She blamed it on me. I was with her for 10 years... never cheated, but was told it could lay dormant for 10 years. Anyway my blisters are in the process of popping. How much longer until the outbreak ends? 1 or2 weeks? This is hell. Its 3:30 in the morning and i cant sleep. Are they always this bad? It's in and around my anus. This is some pretty intense stuff. I'm walking like I have a steak knife up my butt. I met a woman off of POF, been on a few dates. We haven't done anything yet. How in the he'll can I keep her interest now?

    • Posted

      Im going trough it for the first time and its been hell. Walking wont help. I tried boiling a garlic bulb and then using that water on bassinet or anything where you can sit.  So make sure theres enough water for you to sit on And stay there for 20 mins and then dont rinse it. Let it airdry or use a blow dryer with cold air.  order yourself some zovirax. Do not touch the sores. Use a cotton ball soaked on warm water to clean the by lightly tap them. And wash your hands after. Try that a couple times a day and sleep with lose clothes. Take some tylenol pm before bed time and sleep with a pillow between your legs. The less you move the better. Im still going through this and it been a week. Im in lots of pain but not as bad as it was at the beggining. Good luck and hope you feel better soon. I know there isnt much online that really helps but talking to people thats going theough the same thing. 
    • Posted

      Use Zovirax on the outbreaks?

      Please scroll down and read my post I’ve just joined. I do have some Zovirax cream though I’ll try it tonight. How often to apply? Thx! 

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