Drying out herpes blisters quickly

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Hi all,

Used to quite an active member but have generally come to terms a little with my illness over the past ten months. As a back story I caught herpes off my new partner. He didn't know he had it and it was a terribly tough time. I've been through a major depressive period, but to those of you struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel. On suppressive therapy and looking after myself I have been herpes free for about 8 months which has been awesome.

Unfortunately I've just been on holiday and got a little lazy in taking my daily tablets... And here I am. 5 days into an awful outbreak.

Has anyone got any advice on how to heal the broken sores quicker ? I've been bathing and keeping them clean, washing with soap and water and applying some witch hazel (which makes me almost pass out it hurts so much haha but I feel, no pain no gain right?) but this is dragging out now, some of the sores are still not drying and obviously it is irritated and causing me pain. Walking and sitting in my work clothes is not comfortable and I just want this to end ASAP ! I forgot how annoying the outbreaks are!!

Do any of you apply anything directly to your sores ? Bearing in mind I am female and this is already a sensitive area and I don't want to irritate myself further...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, willing to try absolutely anything at the moment.


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182 Replies

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  • Posted

    I have just found out month ago I wonder how stupid I am !!!!I am 63 !!!! Haven't had blisters just the itching almost drove me crazy. My X-boyfriends is who gave it to me and he knew he had it but did not tell me. Now he is mad at me for " outing"him I have a GREAT doctor and I will get through this. I just need to talk to others who are living with this

    • Posted

      Oh no, I am so sorry. Don't ever question how stupid you could be. You had no clue. The scumbag ex is who did this. I could never imagine finding out by the person passing it not telling you. We are always here to listen. I'm not sure of you could ever message someone to talk on here outside of the forum but I know people here would be happy to help. Myself included.

  • Posted

    well have had it since i was 15. I got it from when i was raped when i was 8. I was raped repeatedly for 4 years. I had it since i was a kid but had by first outbreak at 15. I use coconut oil warmed on a rag to calm the pain and itching after a bath. It works. I also take coconut oil pills. i find that stress triggers my outbreaks. Working out can help minimize the amount of outbreaks as well. I experiment on myself.It works. Eat a lot of detoxing foods as well.
  • Posted

    Thank you so much for your advice. I am so sorry to hear how you got it and the horrific abuse. I went through some similar abuses. We are SURVIVORS! Wishing you the best. Thank you again.
  • Posted

    Baking soda works for me I you it in the shower it dries them up istantly
    • Posted

      How do you use it? Wash with it? And rinse it off? How about in the bath? Xx
  • Posted

    Yep me too. But this last outbreak has been overwhelming and sore and not sure what to do on them to dry them out. Blah
    • Posted

      Try boling garlic and keeping that water in a container. Apply that on the sores with cotton balls. It worked for me. Doesnt smell great but it sure helps. I had my first outbreak and found out was prego it was devastating.
    • Posted

      Thanks I tell try it next time. They have cleared now due to valtrex. Salt an Epsom salts in water worked the best to dry them out.

  • Posted

    I just found out I have herpes and I don’t know how to deal with any of the pain, or even what to do. I am taking medication but this is my first time with an outbreak and it’s so painful. I cry every time I use the restroom I’m afraid to eat or drink anything because I don’t want to use the restroom In fact. It’s so itchy and painful when I walk lay down or even sit. Any advice?  
    • Posted

      I've had this virus for over 20 years. I take oil of oregano capsules and I have an outbreak maybe once every couple of years. Just one lesion almost always in the same spot. It's itchy but not painful. It's usually gone in about three days. I also eat very close to the ground (fruits and veggies) and mostly organic. I work out about three days a week. I also take vitamin D3 and ginkgo biloba as well as a few other supplements to help boost my immune system.

  • Edited

    I  am 21 and 7 days into my first outbreak. I was tested in January and came back negative, since i've 2 sexual partners the first i noticed red swelling and itching but i just thought my vagina was irritated from rough sex. (Sorry if the is TMI or long). 3 months later i had a new partner and 2 days after our first time having sex i began my outbreak, which was also the day of my period. It was 2 small bumps that's have turned into about 12-15 inside/outside my vagina and near my butthole. When the pain progressively got worse i set an appt with my obgyn & they said to wait til my period was almost off (mind you im already 3/4 days in). But i agreed then 2 days later im at work in the most pain of my life, i suddenly become dizzy and my vision went out! So i went to urgent care where the dr diagnosed me in 30 seconds. He prescribed valacyclovir and doxycycline both for 10 days. Im 2 days in on the meds, i try to hold my urine all day because when i pee i cry. I also squat in the shower and run cold water while i do, it helps sometimes. Sitting, standing, walking and even laying down are unbearable. Sometimes i just cry all day. My mom is very supportive but i'm having a really difficult time seeing a future in life living like this, especially if the first year is gonna be the worst. Im trying to think positive and keep in mind that with a healthy lifestyle and suppressor pills i can maybe have almost NO more outbreaks because idk if i can take anymore. I use vaseline on a panty liner to try and help with the pain of ripping my panties away. If almost feels like a wax! Im going to try the numbing spray and just ask my dr if they have any numbing creams or some heavy duty pain meds. Today i woke up at 2 am drenched in sweat with tears running down my face because the pain meds wore off. I hope i heal soon and if you have any suggestions for the pain please let me know. thanks for reading 

    • Posted

      Did the doctor say why you got dizzy and vision issues?  

    • Edited

      Update!!! Since my first initial outbreak I haven't had anymore. I do NOT take any suppressors because I don't trust them. I try to take a lysine pill twice a day (some days I dont) and when I see the skin begining to look irritated or feel as if an outbreak is about to occur I apply cortisone OINTMENT*** twice daily (for like 2 days).  spray bactine after I shower and use the bathroom and I sleep with no panties to let it breathe & I seriously believe it has made a tremendous difference. No sores at all. Mental health plays a big Role too. 

    • Posted

      Can I use hydrocortisone cream instead 

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