Drying out herpes blisters quickly

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Hi all,

Used to quite an active member but have generally come to terms a little with my illness over the past ten months. As a back story I caught herpes off my new partner. He didn't know he had it and it was a terribly tough time. I've been through a major depressive period, but to those of you struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel. On suppressive therapy and looking after myself I have been herpes free for about 8 months which has been awesome.

Unfortunately I've just been on holiday and got a little lazy in taking my daily tablets... And here I am. 5 days into an awful outbreak.

Has anyone got any advice on how to heal the broken sores quicker ? I've been bathing and keeping them clean, washing with soap and water and applying some witch hazel (which makes me almost pass out it hurts so much haha but I feel, no pain no gain right?) but this is dragging out now, some of the sores are still not drying and obviously it is irritated and causing me pain. Walking and sitting in my work clothes is not comfortable and I just want this to end ASAP ! I forgot how annoying the outbreaks are!!

Do any of you apply anything directly to your sores ? Bearing in mind I am female and this is already a sensitive area and I don't want to irritate myself further...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, willing to try absolutely anything at the moment.


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    I have had GH for about 20 years. I supplement to keep my immune system strong so I sometimes go several years without an outbreak unless I'm under duress. Having one now but all of mine are in my butt crack way down low at the end of my spine. I generally have just one blister and it's always gone in 3 or 4 days. Doesn't hurt much but it does itch just before it becomes an open sore. I dry it with rubbing alcohol and put Neosporin on it to help it heal faster. I've had one boyfriend in this time span and I told him but he didn't care. We were together 10 years and he never caught it even though we had unprotected sex. I told my new guy immediately and although I was nervous he would leave he didn't seem concerned. I understand people are upset when they discover they have this, and it is worse for some of you from what I've read but let me assure you your life is not over. You can deal. I look from time to time to see if they've come up with a cure but I suspect it's like cancer: if they can make money from this they are never going to find the cure. What I suggest you do is stay physically fit, eat right, supplement with Vitamin D and immuno-boosters like probiotics, digestive enzymes, spirulina etc.to stay strong and help your body protect itself. Stay away from greasy, junky food and stick with the healthy stuff like fruits and vegetables, and exercise. If the worst case is you find out your guy loves you enough not to dump you over it, that could be the silver lining around this dark little cloud. I know you ladies are as tough as I am, and I hope you all can find the right way to treat your body to keep it as healthy as possible. Best of everything to all of you. 

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    Hello, so I don't know if I have herpes or not. I changed my laundry detergent, razor and shaving cream and a day or two later had 5 or so sores down there. They hurt soooooooo freaking bad I haven't left my house in two days now. I can barely walk and going to the bathroom hurts like hell. I need to go to the doctor to see what it is for sure but the thought it could be herpes petrifies me. It's so embarrassing I want to die. Does anyone have any advice?

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    I have herpes as well and refused to take the oral medication, due to my breakouts not being very often. However, I would get them sometimes before my period or if I'm sick. I use extra strength Gold Bond medicated body powder(green bottle). Works wonders. Initial sting and you can feel the sores drying up. Do it all through out the day.

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      I read it’s not safe to use talc on private parts as it causes cancer sad 
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    Hello love

    I dont know if you still looking for ideas, but i found that rinsing with peroxide then using some gauze with tea tree oil and keeping it against the sores for a few minutes before bed and in the morning helps tremendously. It stops the itching and pain, and i like the smell of the oil which helps releive a bit of anxiety as i tend to get discharge during an outbreak.

    I go without underwear whenever possible during an outbreak which helps as well. Sadly for work i cant go without, so a dab of cornstarch before putting my underwear on for work makes it much less painful, and no chaffing. Ive actually gotten vitamin C capsules and mixed tge contents on 1 in with a tsp of cornstarch and save it in a little tubbie just for my outbreaks.

    Mine dont last more than a few days typically and I dont take meds as my town doesnt have more than one urgent care and its quite expensive. No primary care doc either since it takes months to see one.

    Stress is a huge factor! And Ive noticed that anytime I have sex and Im not wet enough, the irritation will trigger an outbreak as well.

    Dont be afraid to be intimate with someone though, 89% of the population in my country has either type 1 or type 2 and most dont know it.

    The worst part of having herpes, other than the pain, is the stigma attached to it.

    You are Not gross or dirty or disgusting. You are human with flaws but so is everyone. Herpes is managable. And it does not make you any less of a person. You are strong and lovable and desirable even with Herpes. With proper management and learning to tell when you are going to have an outbreak, you can reduce the length and severity, and it becomes an easy issue to deal with after that. Herpes is not a life ender, nor does it mean you will be alone and sexless for the rest of your days. For me, its relly more of an inconvenience, like my period.

    Life goes on and you can get through it.

    Best of luck dear

    You can get through this

    • Posted

      You just gave me hope smile thanks so much for your reply even though you wasn’t talking to me ! 
  • Posted

    I use baby wipes to keep them clean when I have an out break I've had herpes for 5 years now, I have a perscription for valtrex that I use as a "take as needed" type of thing and just load up when I start to get an out break and I've found that freezing a wash cloth and letting it sit on the blisters works great for the itch and pain, but I do believe the best thing I've found are the baby wipes they cool and refreshed the area without sticking to the stores and being hard or abrasive.

    • Posted

      I’d like to know as well. What dose of valtrex are you taking every day? And how many per day? 

      Please read my post at the bottom I’ve just joined. Would be great to have some feedback 

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    To avoid pain through out the day, what helps me BEST is applying some neosporin to a bandaid then apply it directly to the sore. It avoids the sore from coming in contact with any clothing or anything else. I use pain relief neosporin & it helps with the pain. This technique is such a help! It takes about 3 minutes of your time. I replace the bandage after every bathroom use & shower.  Hope this helps you as much it helps me

  • Edited

    I had a sore that I could not get rid of and I did a combination of these for two days and now that horrible sore is gone yippee.

    Home Remedies for Herpes

    Can you treat herpes at home? Well, yes! Here are some easy and quick natural remedies for herpes outbreak. Take a look.

    1. Olive Oil

    Olive oil is known for moisturizing the skin. It is rich in anti-oxidants and is one of the best home remedies for herpes sores. Take one cup of olive oil. Heat it in a pot and add some lavender oil and bee wax in it. Let the mixture cool down. After cooling, apply the mixture on the infected area.

    2. Echinacea

    Echinacea is a medicinal plant and has anti-viral properties. It is known for enhancing the immune system. All parts of Echinacea plant, namely flowers, leaves, and roots can be used for healing herpes. It can be consumed in the form of tea, juices, or pills.

    3. Ice Pack

    The simplest method at home to cure the herpes is ice. Ice provides immense relief in herpes pain. Take some ice and crush them. Fill the crushed ice in a plastic bag. Wrap the plastic bag in a sheet-like thick cloth. Place it on the sores for 10-15 minutes to get rid of swelling and itching. Repeat the method for multiple times in a day.

    Note- Long exposure of genital parts to ice can damage the tissues.

    4. Baking Soda

    Baking soda is an effective treatment for getting rid of herpes fast. It provides relief in the itchy and painful sores. Take a cotton ball and damp it in baking soda. Apply it directly on the infected area. It helps to dry out the oozing blisters.

    Note- In order to avoid contamination, don’t re-dip the cotton ball in baking soda.

    5. Tea Tree Oil

    To heal the herpes sores outbreak, tea tree oil is a useful remedy. Take some water in a glass. Add few drops of tea tree oil and gargle to remove ulcers from mouth. For genital herpes, use an eye-dropper to put drops on the infected area.

    6. Lemon Balm

    Lemon balm is one of the most effective herbal remedies for herpes. It has flavonoids, phenolic acid, and rosmarinic acid, which helps in healing the sores or blisters. Prepare a lemon balm tea. Let it steep for some time. Then, soak a cotton ball in it and apply directly on the sores.

    Add 2-3 ml of lemon balm tincture in water. Stir it well and drink. This alcohol-based liquid extract is effective for sores. Drink the solution thrice a day.

    Lemon balm is also available in the form of creams and ointments. Apply the cream directly to heal the herpes.

    7. Licorice Roots

    Licorice roots consist of therapeutic properties, which are helpful for the treatment of herpes infection. Licorice has glycyrrhizic acid, which fights against the herpes virus. For the treatment of herpes, the extracts of licorice roots can be effective.

    Alternatively, intake 2 capsules of the extracts of the roots of licorice.

    Note- Excessive use of licorice may result in hypertension and lowering of potassium. So, individuals suffering from heart problems and pregnant women should avoid the intake of licorice.


    8. Tea Bags

    Black tea is highly rich in tannin. It is known for anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare a cup of black tea with the help of tea bag. Allow it to cool down. After cooling, apply the tea bag on the infected area. Leave it for 5 minutes on the sores. For best results, repeat the process twice or thrice a day.

    9. Cornstarch

    One of the best remedies for herpes is cornstarch. Cornstarch helps in absorbing excessive moisture from the skin. It helps in reducing chafing and itching. To dry the herpes sores, apply some cornstarch directly on the infected area. Take a cotton ball and dip it in the cornstarch. Dab it gently on the sores.

    Note: To circumvent contamination, do not put used cotton ball again in the clean cornstarch.

    10. Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe vera is the best remedy with its natural healing properties. It can be effective for herpes blisters. To soothe the itching and redness, pure aloe vera gel should be used on sores.

    Else, take a fresh leaf of aloe vera. Cut it into two halves. Apply one of the gelled parts directly on the infected area.

    11. Epsom Salt

    Bathing with Epsom salt water is the best remedy to soothe the itching and pain in herpes. Add some Epsom salt in warm bathing water. Take a bath from it. This remedy makes the sores dry, thereby reducing itching.

    You can also add some salt in the bath tub. Soak herpes infected area in the water. Allow it to dry and then, take a shower.

    12. Domeboro Powder

    Domeboro powder can be used for healing the herpes infection. It can be used on the sores in the form of compress or wet dressing. The powder helps in soothing the irritated and itchy skin. All you need to do is to mix one packet of domeboro powder in water as per the directions given on the packet. Now, dip a piece of clean cloth in the solution. Apply the cloth directly on the infected area.

    13. Lysine

    One of the other natural remedies for herpes is lysine. It is a kind of amino acids that is found in foods, including milk, brewer’s yeast, cheeses, chicken, etc. It is known for reducing herpes outbreak.

    Lysine cream is also available in the market. It can be applied on the infected areas.

    14. Black Coffee

    Herpes virus infects not only genital parts, but also lips, mouth, etc. Black coffee is one of the best remedies to treat them. Blisters in the mouth cause severe pain. To treat them fast, you are required to prepare black coffee. Let it cool down and take a sip. Hold it in the mouth for some time. Move it onto the lips as well. For best results, repeat the process twice a day.

    15. Soap and Warm Water

    Soaking the herpes sore in warm water surely relieves the pain and itching. To keep the affected area infection-free and clean, use soap.

    Note- Don’t forget to dry your genital parts with a clean towel. Do not share bath tub with an infected person.

    16. Herbal Tea

    Herbal tea is an effective solution for avoiding any type of skin diseases. For treating pain and itching arising due to herpes, herbal teas, like lemon, ginger, cinnamon, and chamomile are very effective.

    17. Manuka Honey

    Manuka honey has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It helps in quick healing of herpes blisters and cold sores. You just need to apply some manuka honey directly on the infected area.

    18. Over-the-counter Medicines

    Pain relievers or over-the-counter analgesics are useful in relieving the aching herpes outburst. Some of the OTC medications include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin. To treat herpes sores, some ointments, like propolis, can also be applied on the infected area.

    19. Natural Oils

    Natural oils are effective in relieving the herpes ache and itching. Olive, jojoba, tea tree, vitamin E, camellia, and calendula oils are known for fighting against the virus. You just need to apply any of the natural oil or mixture of some oils on the infected area, gently. This will heal the infected skin.

    20. Goldenseal

    Goldenseal is another natural treatment for herpes. Take some walnut hull powder and add Echinacea and goldenseal in it. Stir it well to make a paste. Apply the paste on the infected area. Goldenseal is also available in pills, tincture, salve, and bulk powder.

    21. Oregano Oil

    Oregano oil, with its anti-viral properties, helps in the speedy recovery of herpes blisters. You just need to apply some oregano oil directly on the infected area.

    Homeopathic Genital Herpes Treatment

    When herpes infection gets very severe, it becomes difficult to cure it with home remedies. In order to heal the herpes fast, you can also try some homeopathic remedies. These remedies do not have any side effects and can cure herpes completely within a stipulated time. Here are some best homeopathic herpes remedies.

    1. Kreosotum : This medicine is especially meant for herpes in women. It is used when there is a burning sensation in the vagina.

    2. Hepar sulfur : It is helpful in treating suppuration in inguinal gland.

    3. Lachesis : It is used when genital herpes outbreaks before menstruation.

    4. Apis : It is used for treating scrotal edema.

    5. Ranunculus : It is used for neurological problems occurring as a result of herpes outburst.

    6. Croton tiglium : It helps in treating genital herpes in men.

    7. Arsenicum bromatum : It is used for glandular indurations and herpes.

    8. Aconitum : It is used when a person is on the early stage of herpes and feels a tingling sensation in the infected area.

    9. Thuya : It is known for its powerful action against genital herpes, warts, and venereal ailments.

    Preventive Measures

    These are the preventive measures that will surely help in avoiding the attack of herpes virus.

    Avoid sexual intercourse and kissing for some time until the sores are properly healed.

    Drink a lot of water to maintain dehydration level in the body.

    During pregnancy, seek regular and early prenatal care.

    Practice proper hygiene, like hand washing, to avoid bacterial infection.

    Use latex condoms during the sexual intercourse.

    Engage in stress management or stress-relief activities, like yoga and meditation.

    Stop sharing spoons, drinking glass, silverware, toothbrushes, and mouth guards with the infected person.

    Maintain cleanliness and dryness in genital parts.

    Avoid smoking

    Take 7-8 hours of sleep, daily.

    Take a proper diet, including healthy vegetables and fruits, like apples, cabbage, beetroot, papayas, carrots, mangoes, etc.

    Avoid alcohol, sugar, and junk foods.

    Avoid chocolates, seeds, peanuts, and cereals as they have a high amount of arginine.

    Synthetic, silk, or nylon undergarments can worsen the symptoms of herpes infection in genital parts. So, always wear cotton clothes, which allow the air to circulate.



  • Posted

    Hi I have been. Living with Gh since 2000 . It's been ruff I taken meds for years without bo then u get stressed over something an not again. Well I been using anitbotic cream it's help along with cleaning the area no matter what u use it going to itch an burn until it heals an but the key is to not get stress out while u have a bo stay calm an don't think bout it cause the more u dwell on it the worst it get an stay longer.

  • Posted


    I made a profile just to leave a comment on this thread. I hope it helps some people reading...

    So i was diagnosed with genital herpes in Dec. Of 2012. My first outbreak was unbearable. I had over 30 blisters at once, i couldn't work, i couldn't walk...it was horrible

    Then EVERY SINGLE month after that i had at least one outbreak. And i tried everything. The pills, the creams, natural approaches, certain soaks. Everything failed. I was desperate because as we all know, the pain is bad.

    So i went vegan about 8 months ago (not because i thought it would help withoutbreaks) i just wanted to start eating healthy... And my outbreaks completely stopped. I genuinely couldn't believe it. Not one outbreak. For someone who suffered from at least one a month, to none at all, i was shocked. THEN a couple months ago i slipped up and ate a dessert made with dairy, and i got an outbreak about 5 days later.

    Now I'm not one of those vegans who try to force people around me to pick up the vegan lifestyle. I honestly don't care about what other people eat.. But I'm convinced that dairy was what was causing my outbreaks. I most likely will never eat any meat or animal byproducts for the rest of my life

    ALSO... When i had my last random outbreak, i read on another forum that BACTINE spray worked to heal soothe the pain, and it definitely worked. I even think it shortened my outbreak.

    Anyway. I hope this helps someone out there who is seeking a little bit of help or guidance

  • Posted

    I’ve just discovered that I have herpes, but I’ve been with the same partner for over 2 years now and have never had any outbreaks. I haven’t cheated and I know my partner hasn’t which makes me 100 times more scared to tell him. Although I haven’t been medically diagnosed by a Dr I know for sure it’s herpes. How can I tell my partner without having him think I cheated on him?
    • Posted

      You should tell him, if you know you haven’t cheated then he probably gave it to you. Ask in a non-accusatory way. Tell him you experience and ask him is there something he needs to tell you. Recommend you going together to get tested. Also take L-lysine. It’s a game changer!!

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