due to introduce mirt tonight

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Dear all

I have been suffering with depression for six months and have been taking citalopram 40mg without any significant level of recovery. This is the first time I have experienced depression and cannot believe how gruelling it is! my doctor told me to reduce to 20mg of cit for two weeks then introduce mirtazipine. I have done this and due to start mirt tonight 15mg as well as take 20 cit every other day.

I have read through so many posts and mirtazipine seems to get a lot of negative feedback. Has anyone please got any positive posts on this med..don't want another six months of this Iillness so desperately hoping this will work for me. Many thanks for your views xx

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47 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lorraine the mirtazapine worked wonderfully for me but and yes there is a but it is murder trying to get off the drug i have been trying to get off it for months but have now faild due to the withdrawl and started it again will now try a slower tapering off after xmas but as i said before it did realy help with depression as i was very depressed and indead suicidal now much better i think due to the mirtazapine hope you are feeling better soon
    • Posted

      Hi Ian

      so very pleased to hear it has helped you. That makes me feel better about giving it a whirl! Even reducing from 40 to 20mg of cit this past two weeks have made me feel rough! In bed most of the time! Your post has really my confidence in starting mirt.

      I really hope you manage to overcome the withdrawals on your next aattempt.

      God bless


  • Posted

    I think it difficult to write about one's own experience and know if it is going to help someone else. I was up on it about 6 months ago and increased to 45mgs. It seemed good to start with, I had been on Trazadone which didn't help although it had a few years ago. My psychiatrist added Venlafaxine after a couple of months, I am on 150mgs. I would say that I am pretty good now, I did go down for a couple of weeks to 30 Mirtazapine and definitely felt lacking in energy after a few days so went back up again. I am in my 70s and I was told I would stay on the meds for at least 2 years maybe longer. Only down side is a bad taste in my mouth from the Venlafaxine which I mask with chewing gum. Hope this might help. Maggie
    • Posted

      Hi Maggie

      how kind of you to reply to me. Your response really does help me and makes me feel cconfident in at least trying it. I'm 55 and feel that this Illness has robbed me of so much! Really want to get better forI can start eenjoying my grandchildren again!

      Thank you so much

      wish you continued improved health xx

  • Posted

    Lorraine - just wanted to send you a message of support.

    Well done for seeking help for your depression. Don't feel like it's 'giving in' by taking tablets - quite the reverse!

    Mirtazapine didn't work for me but that is not to say it won't help you. Every single human body is different, so it's not surprising that one drug doesn't suit everyone.

    Don't forget to cut yourself some slack - we're all only human and this is an illness, not a character flaw. Most importantly, this will pass. You will get better. Try to do a little something you enjoy every day even if it is only as a way of saying 'Screw you!' to depression.

  • Posted

    Mirtazapine dug me out of a huge dark hole. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I had had success with lofepramine many years agi when I suffered from post natal depression, but it didn't work for me this time. I hated citalopram, and tried some of the other SSRIs to no avail. Mirtazapine was my last hope. It was miraculous. It lifted my depression within days. It also solved many physical issues I had such as morning sickness and lack of appetite, itchiness and various allergies, migraine, IBS and insomnia; all gone! Downside was the heavy sedation which seemed to last through most of the following day, but each day this got better until I was not sedated at all during the day but it still made me sleep well at night for the first time in my life. The other downside was the weight gain. It wasn't too bad at first because I needed to gain a few pounds, but then it got too much and I hated my new podginess. However, after 3 years on the mirt, I thought enough is enough and put myself on a strict diet and exercise plan. I have shifted all of the weight that I wanted to over the course of this year. But then the mirt pooped out on me after around four years on it. My insomnia returned and so did my depression. I was prepared to put up with being on a constant diet for the sleep and the lack of depression, but not now it had stopped working. So I am currently tapering off it.

    Coming off the mirtazapine has so far been painless for me. I was on 30mg and am currently on 11.25mg and I have had virtually no withdrawals other than a bit of nausea and reduced appetite, both of which seem to hit 4 days after the drop in dose and last for a couple of days before settling again. I have had no anxiety, brain zaps or anything like that. But everyone is diffeerent and the withdrawal may hit me yet, especially as I go lower with my dose. Good luck with the mirt. I personally think it is a fantastic drug which gave me back my life.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much evergreen! I am truly grateful and any improvement from mert would be fantastic.

      I really hope your withdrawal continues to be kind to you.

      Thank you so much for the positive post.

      God bless xxx

    • Posted

      I haven't had any problems with gaining weight due to the Mirtazapine, I also has found it helps me sleep although I more aware of dreaming just before I wake up but they happy dreams not nightmares. So that is okay. Maggie
    • Posted

      Thank you Maggie

      its great to get this information as if i experience this, i will know this is normal.

      I can't thank you enough x

  • Posted

    Hi Lorraine,

    You've had some great responses so I will keep mine brief; Mirt has been the best AD that I've tried! Started at 15mg a few years ago, been up to 30mg at times, also 45mgs (felt too sedated on that, iI'm only a small person!). Currently on 15mg. Absolutely fantastic for my depression, also helps with sleep and I've had no weight gain whatsoever, perhaps I've been lucky in that respect so be aware that weight gain is a well documented side effect and follow a healthy eating plan and you should be okay. Also, many people have awful side effects stopping but again, I've been lucky in that respect, I have stopped cold turkey without any issues. Unfortunately, I wasn't as well as I thought (GP was right, I ignored his advice and stopped) so my depression returned

    • Posted

      Wow can't thank you enough sheila. I'm feeling very positive now. Does it make you fall asleep as soon as you take it? I'm trying to find the correct time to take it.

      many thanks to you xxxxx

    • Posted

      It used to take an hour to an hour and a half before I could sleep, but I've heard of people dropping off within 20 minutes.
    • Posted

      Thank you evergreen

      that's handy to know. I can't put into words the wonderful support i have been blessed to get from you and others here today.

      god bless you evergreen xx

  • Posted

    I pressed send in error, sorry!

    so I'm really happy to continue on 15mg forever. When you first start them you will feel tired or drowsy but this wears on in a few days. This is a great, supportive forum, so welcome and keep in touch with us all. Good luck 😉

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