Dull pain on my right side below rib cage
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I have a dull pain on my right side below my rib cage i have had it off and on for 9 months .
I am wondering if it is my kidney`s , i am 56 and weigh 300lb which is not good for my 5ft 3in frame but as from today i will be not touching bread cakes biscuits and chocolate .
I also love butter but with giving up bread will not be touching the butter , i hope this helps me.
Would love to hear from those with similar symptoms.
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helen10706 lulu99310
Further research showed it could be a side effect of gallstones; I had an ultrasound which showed no gallstones, but I have noticed now, that the pain is related to over-indulgence!
Sometimes the pain is so bad I cannot stand upright and can last more than 24 hours, but rantacide clears this and by avoiding acidic foods, I rarely suffer this now. If I do get that pain I can normally think back over some fatty or acidic foods I have eaten.
If your pain is also in the rear of your ribcage, I would try antiacids to see if this had an effect, and hopefully by you cutting out fatty and sugary foods this will have a good effect in any event, but otherwise check with your doctor for gallstones. Hits the 5 "f"s female, forties, fifties, fat and fertile!
lesley89854 lulu99310
Well I am 60 this year and weigh 23st 7lbs.
I am also going through my Peri menopause!! I am 5ft 7ins!
I get pains in my side and also lower stomach pain.. My stomach acid is awful and it feels like my whole insides are burning!!!
Although it has been a few weeks since my last bleed I still get all the symptoms and more! Do you worry more because you are overweight?
I know I do.. I go to slimming world which has changed my life.. I was 25st
so am heading in the right direction slowly! It could also be gallstones that get aggravated by eating certain foods..
Good luck with your weight loss.
Lesley x
shaznay96184 lesley89854
I applaude you with your weight loss. Its bloody hard to shift a pound once you hit 50, so I think you're doing great! Fantastic that good ol' Slimming World plays a part in your weight loss. Lost about 3st over a few yrs when I was in my 40s. I have to say having been a yo-yo'er all my adult life, I think by far the best club is SW. Great bunch of women, great laugh.......and tons of grub!
re: acid reflux. I've had it for about 3wks now. But my diet's been cr*p so I know it'd be very easy to stop it by cutting out certain foods. For the day-to-day management of it, I have a swig of Gaviscon when its bad. But sleeping in a more upright position is fantastic, especially as I sometimes like to lie completely flat Give it a go, it might give you a rest from it for the night.
Another thing I read on here that has worked wonders for a whole bunch of my symptoms (mainly constipation, dry skin, lack of concentration, aching joints) - Drink Plenty of Water!! Really, within days I felt so much better. (I admit I do put a bit of sugarfree squash in to help, but that's better than not drinking huh?)
shaznay96184 lesley89854
Meant to mention: happened to walk past Iceland today and noticed some new advertising posters on their windows. They are obviously working with S'World now as they advertise lots of 'S'World Free' Foods.
For those who don't/can't cook, this sounds like a godsend.
karen08805 lulu99310
shaznay96184 lulu99310
I'm sorta in agreement with helen10706. Straightaway I was thinking Gallbladder issues. Gallstones can block the bile duct and cause a lot of pain. Kidney pain is generally round the back - I sometimes get this when i don't drink enough fluids.
Son's new g'friend's mum has just had her g'bladder removed via keyhole surgery. Think she's around 52, and according to my son she's 'the same size' as me........that'll be interesting to see when we eventually met
I always remember hearing the saying: 'Fair, Fat and Forty' as indicators of those more susceptible. Well I've been all of those, and I'm OK at the moment at 54........!
I am prone to a bit of over-indulging on a regular basis, but think you're right to cut back on the things we all reach for in a time of crisis - I applaude your willpower lulu!!
My thing at the mo is acid reflux. Had it for about 3wks. Sleeping in a more upright position really helps. Burping a bit, which I never ever did. I'm not silly, I know what's causing it: my insane addition to crisps!! When I 'm in one of my moods, I get all the crisps out of the house, allow myself 2 slices of bread a day, and cut out diet coke = works wonders. Just got to get the mindset to do this now.
Keep up with the good work lulu, you'll feel much better for it, I'm sure. x
nixnix lulu99310
liz1234 lulu99310
nixnix liz1234
sharcerv52408 lulu99310
When you next go to the doctor have them test you to see if it is your gallbladder. The area you described where the pain is sounds like that is what it could be. Sometimes when our liver is overloaded with a lot of fats from our diet, it can trigger this in the gallbladder. Hope you feel better soon.
lulu99310 sharcerv52408
I am so glad i found this forum i can see there is lot`s of support ..
sharcerv52408 lulu99310
nixnix sharcerv52408
liz1234 nixnix
lulu99310 liz1234
Here is self treatment for gallbladder issues
1. The juice of a whole lemon
2. Latte mug
3. Hot water
Leave to cool then drink first thing in morning when you get up, also a glass of apple juice with a tablespoon of applecider vinegar through out day this relieves pain and dissolves the sludge and gall stones.
Our inners become sluggish as we age and all the fatty foods we enjoy don,t help but hinder.
Take care