Ear issues and Perimenopause

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In relation to Perimenopause, has anyone experienced any strange issues with their ears? Sometimes, out of nowhere, I'll hear this tonal change, like a radio tuning in or something. I know this sounds strange. I don't know quite how else to describe it. Also, I'm in the throes of PMS right now (I typically experience PMSDD which is PMS on another level), and my left ear feels as if there's air in it, or as if I need to plug my nose and gently blow in order to equalize it. I noticed something similar the other day, like a fluttering in my left ear, and I just wondered if anyone has experienced anything like this? Possibly even those of you who have said they experience dizziness, which I actually haven't experienced myself, no dizziness, just this weird ear thing. It's not an earache, it doesn't ache. It's just as if it's lightly plugged or something, or needs to be equalized. That's the best I can do to describe. 

Hope this doesn't sound too "out there!" Lol. 

Thanks for any help.

MoonLeaf ~

;-) ... 

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50 Replies

  • Posted

    Morning, great you replied. I take antihistamine and I’m not sure if they work. Had a bad night but noise has calmed this morning. Interesting to see we now have a high pressure. I’m still in two minds about the atmospheric pressure having impact on it? Off to work now. Hope your night was restful. Let me know how you get on with the antihistamines.

    take care.


  • Posted

    I have read the anemia can cause ear issues - wooshing sounds, etc. Might want to look into it! Maybe take an iron supplement.

  • Posted

    I have been experiencing a blocked ear, head pressure, dizziness,neck and back tension for several weeks now. I am 51 and presume in perimenopause although regular periods. I have tried many things to try and reduce these issues but they recur. tis stage of life seems to throw up so many things you never even knew about.

  • Posted

    HI, just discovered this website thank goodness i as thought i was going mad!!!! I'm 53 and since july my periods have been on and off so im assuming the menopause has arrived since that time ive had a full feeling in my ears and throat combined with slight tingling in my face and odd headache been to the doctor constantly and three different ones all said it was eustachian tube disfunction got nasal spray and naproxen which helps but it doesnt go away had an antiboitic as well. I see some people have mentioned water tabs was going to give these a try as its driving me nuts!!!! Any advice would be appreciated.... ty xx

  • Posted

    I've been suffering this ear pressure and tinnitus few months ago aside from this both muscles in my feet hardens. terrible hot flashes that almost all through out the day, palpitations, I couldn't even walk farther from 10 meters cause my body gets weak. been in and out from ER, until my ob gave me HRT, the symptoms reduced to two attention least my anxiety lessens, I stopped taking anti depressants as this worsen my anxiety due to side effects

  • Posted

    while ive always had ear always, it appears the issues are becoming amplified. ive always had eustacian tube dusfunction to the point i had eustacian tube dilation to widen the Etube but i dont recomend this as it caised me at times for my tube to open too much when i drink too much coffee or run around too much my right ear can become patulous and i can hear myself loudly in my ear as well as feel and hear breathing in it but it only stuck open once for a few mins until i laid down. but due to perimenopause my ears always feel weird.

    if i drink too much caffine in the morning and run around, they FEEL like they may pop open again so i have to lay down until it passes. its not a pleasent feeling, rather scary actually, i try not to panic but its not something you want to live with. It sounds like the rest of you have eustachian tube dysfunction and that’s not fun either as when I first started suffering from that years ago, I was in a lot of pain and I think the best thing that any of you can do is just use those nasal spray to clean your nose out with the Saline solution and maybe getting a nasal spray that decongestant maybe and just take an non drowsey histamine and don’t drink dairy or eat any kind of dairy which will clog you up and inflame you more but I do believe that this is a hormonal thing that amplifies all our issues. my common symptoms is dizziness, fatigue, emotional, stomach issues, rash, headache, weight gain, craving sugar and ear issues.

  • Edited

    I am having aural fullness as well! I am not sure if it is related to perimenopause...possibly. Trying to figure this out, it has been 5 months of constant ear pressure. Have you figured out what is causing your symptoms?

  • Edited

    Dear Cat.

    You are the kindest lady 💖

    I'm sorry I haven't responded to your kind replies. I'm very ill. Not only with peri but I suffer from severe M.E and am mostly bedbound... the combination is too much.

    Getting to appointments is the hardest thing for me physically with my M.E and all the appointments one needs in perimenopause, I'm finding it all impossible and I've been very low.

    I managed to get to an ENT and he said ear is fine...must be jaw. I was surprised because the nurse who came to see me at home said I had an ear infection otitis externa 3 weeks previously which is why I thought I was in pain....... But that was it. No solution or help with it...just eat soft food (ffs!) I mentioned menopause....got the usual 'you're talking rubbush' eye roll.

    The pain/pressure/fullness/ tinitus in my ear is worse and the pain MIGHT coming from jaw joints. All I read about TMD fits. The pain radiates all into my cheek, face, gums, neck and chewing, talking or opening mouth makes it worse. This week my jaw has decided to click out so my bites off now...all along my jawline its so tender and sore...cheek muscles so sore...ear hurts constantly and the tinitus is ridiculous. Can't even enjoy food now.

    I've always had issues with my jaw due to anxiety and forever biting my cheeks, lips, clenching....but its NEVER been this bad. it just used to make my jaw ache a little. Since perimenopause my ear has become involved and its much worse to the point it affects every minute of my day and night with aching pain all through my face, jaw and ears...the slightest movement of my now utterly shot to s**t jaw joints and the pain shoots to my ears and my face muscles throb...its relentless. I'm finding the pain in my ear in particular very distressing and incredibly hard to cope with, ear pain is horrific...and through my right side of face making it numb and painful...I wake up with panic attacks because I don't know what it is that definitely causing it...thats the hard part.......or if it will ever go? I'm really frightened this is how it will be now. I can't cope with it. I'm ill enough with my M.E.

    I have roots in an old wisdom tooth site from a coronectomy 8 years ago on that side really hurting too ...they could be adding to my pain and nerve referal pain....so I don't know. I'm so tired of it.

    No doubt perimenopause has caused ALL this. It's too coincidental. But still, I don't have any definitive reasons....I'm guessing. That's the trouble with perimenopause.

    My new private dentist has been an utter joke and no help really. long story. Cost me a fortune for nothing.

    Going to ask gp to refer me to NHS max face surgeon as my dentist will only refer me to a private one costing big big bucks. Thanks again for being so lovely and kind and reaching out and giving me the idea it could be jaw.

    Bless you. xxx

    just spoke to gp. referring me but could be months wait. looks like I need to save up! No help just soft food etc.

    • Edited

      Hello Lynne,

      I just read your post and just wanted to say how sorry I am for your suffering. This is such a difficult and trying time for so many women on so many different levels. I will keep you in my prayers.

      GOD Bless


    • Posted

      Dear Cass

      It's caring, kind, loving people like you that give me the strength to keep going.

      Bless your ❤ you've no idea how much your reply has helped me today when I feel so hopeless xxxx

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