Ear, neck and arm pain

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Have any of experieced pain behind the ear on the left side which sometimes alternates to your neck and or arm on the left side? Sometimes my jaw on that side feels tight too. Just wondering?

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33 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello sharcerv. Yes I've experienced those symptoms. Had put it down to neuralgia and the pain in my arm is referred pain. I do have Rheumatoid Arthritis so I get used to aches and pains,
    • Posted

      I'm sure someone else will be more specific sharcerv. Trouble is we all seem to suffer from different symptoms. It's just one thing after another.
    • Posted

      Yes, it's so true. I can wake up feeling one way and before the day is over I end up feeling like something else.
  • Posted

    Hi Sharcerv yes mine is on the right side at the moment, and it is neuralgia. Mine goes into ear, down and along lower jaw, straight across the cheekbone and on a really bad day straight up to the top of my head. Looking back now it was very first symptom for me, started with a tingling nose. It's come off and on over last couple of years. Stress makes it worse, you can get anti-convulsants off the doctor to treat it but they made me feel terribly stoned (not that I have been to know like) - as you will know none of the usual painkillers work. Keep it warm, rest if you can when the pain grabs right hold of you and try not to grind your teeth in your sleep xx
    • Posted

      I thought grinding the teeth had something to do with it. I do get stressed a lot lately. So naturally I grind my teeth. I have for years. I don't get much sleep at night because my one year old still wakes up at night 2-3 times. I don't know what to do about it. She goes to sleep with no problem but has problems staying asleep. So that does exacerbate these symptoms.
    • Posted

      Here is a hug for you sharcerv smile. I can totally relate to the stress issue mine at a level high right now along with anxiety. Sometimes I wonder if that is what's causing my upper left side pain. Idk I'm tired of worrying. I hope you find some relief.
    • Posted

      Hi Sharv, yes I have had this for 3 yrs. all tests come back clear. Dr says its stress/ anxiety related. It gets really painful sometimes. The pain is always there but to varying degrees. Mine is on the left too. Jaw, cheek , into temple, behind ear, down into neck and shoulder and arm. I have read that women often develop this in late forties, surprise surprise and that it could be related to fluctuating oestrogen levels. We will see. All I know is that it's vert debilitating at times. Sometimes it also makes me feel dizzy. Xx
    • Posted

      Yes I have found myself teetering and tottering around along with the pain. It's funny you mentioned that as well.
    • Posted

      I try not to worry. I know deep down everything is related to period but that part of our symptoms that is associated with thoughts of doom start playing up. I will be happy when all this is over. I want to enjoy my little ones. They will only be this size a short time.
    • Posted

      Yes from what I can find out, when the muscles in the jaw area get tight they affect the Temperomandibular joint in the jaw . As this joint is so close to the ear it can affect balance. My muscles are continuousLy tight in that area and no amount of physio releases them completely😞. I have read that there are oestrogen receptors in the jaw and in muscles so I'm guessing that could be the issue. I havnt been able to find any other logical explanation but it drives me crazy. Xxxx
    • Posted

      Well, Thank you for that info. It certainly makes sense now why the dizziness happens. As far as there being oestrogen receptor sites in the muscles does not surprise me. My GI told me we have progesterone and oestrogen receptor sites along our digestive tract which is why we get so much stomach problems during our period and during the change. Go figure!
  • Posted

    Do doctors put everything down to stress when the don't know what's wrong with us? I know sometimes it is but it happens so often.
    • Posted

      I know. Frustrating isn't it? The only thing that makes me stressed is the pain, but now I have the 'anxiety' label I think they think everything comes down to that. Xxx
  • Posted

    Hello there, I looked up my symptoms on google and came accross your posts. It makes me feel better that the symptoms I'm feeling could indeed be related to stress. Since a few weeks I have been feeling numbness and pain in my left arm and the same in the back of my left ear, as if there is something stuck there. A few weeks ago I had to go to the doctor since I was feeling dizzy and anxious and he told me it was all related to stress. But of course, having this pain worries me that I might have something more serious and that my body is giving me signs that something is wrong. Sometimes I also see my vein on the left side, at the level of my clavicle, pop out and beat. What are you guys doing in order to deal with this anxiousness? How do you do in order to not think about the pain in your arm, neck and ear? I'm glad and happy to have found this discussion group, I hope we can all get better from talking about it to each other smile
    • Posted

      I was just saying I got ready to post something and I feel like she was in my brain because I have been experiencing the identical symptoms it's crazy and when thus is going on we get anxiety so bad it makes it worse because we feel something else is terrible wrong with us I get this a lot the tightness behind my ear and then my in my face like something is on my face creepy crawlies lol it's so crazy the things we go through but I just keep praying for us that it will all end soon I try my best to keep saying it's my hormones it will pass the anxiety trys to take over grrrrrrrrr keep your head up

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