Early menopause symptoms - advise please
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Hello ladies
So I have my blood test results today and everything is completely normal.
I have been really ill recently. Mostly off balance, light headed, nausea, completely worn out and anxiety. My monthly cycle has also changed to every 23/24 days. I am sure that my symptoms are my hormones. Did anyone struggle in the early days? Don’t want to keep thinking it’s my hormones if it isn’t.
I have had all my bloods done to check everything else, mri, ct scan, ecg - all is fine!
The consulatant has given me the mini pill to help level my hormones.
Was anyone similar very early on. I hear a lot of people talk about symptoms but they seem to be much closer to menopause than I am.
Appreciate any help
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Guest Louise4586
The mini pill is synthetic progesterone (progesterin). The thought is if you are estrogen dominant, it is supposed to level you out. It may do the trick for you. I hope you get some relief...Good luck!
dora_39625 Guest
Guest dora_39625
Hi Dora, I am on 5mg Escitrolopram (lexapro). I’ve been on it 5 wks. Takes a couple of months so I’m told. I am supposed to have gone up to 10mg, but I am chicken. (Took me a year to get on something.) It is helping a little, I think. I am still pretty exhausted. I get the dizziness like walking on a boat...that seems to have subsided. I do not cry constantly either. Honestly, I do not feel any worse...if that makes sense. 😉
dora_39625 Guest
Ah...youre like me..haha..
I was given Sertraline couple weeks ago but too scared to take them 😂
Pathetic, right?? Having read all side effects and about feeling worse first, pit me off completely.
Don't get me wrong, if they help and work, then great.
Guest dora_39625
I know the mere fact that we read into everything is the handiwork of our anxiety😂. After reading all the side effects, I thought i was going to take 1 and combust 🤣.
All kidding aside though, it is worth a try. The side effects do stink, but I already felt crappy. I am trying to stay positive and stick it out...I do not feel like bouncing around on different AD’s. If this one doesn’t work...I’ll be done with them! Good luck!
cyndi38349 Guest
dora_39625 cyndi38349
How was the Zoloft and what side effects did you have?
lori93950 dora_39625
I was on Zoloft for 2 weeks made me a bit jittery diarrhea and hands constantly soaking wet ! I also lost quite a bit of weight .
I couldn’t handle the side effects so I quit it. I should have given it at least a month but with all these meno symptoms .... was too stressful.
dora_39625 lori93950
lori93950 dora_39625
Guest cyndi38349
Hi Cyndi, that is very promising, thanks! I will stick it out. I am def finding that I am not so fixated on my symptoms. My husband said that that I am more “myself”. I drove yesterday...which I had not done in a month! Stay well! 😀
evi75119 dora_39625
Guest Louise4586
dora_39625 Louise4586
Hi Louise. Welcome to the club!
Definitely sounds like perimenopause.
My Symptoms were/Are the same.
My periods were getting closer together and now they are further apart - every 35 days. Symptoms are pretty horrendous. Extreme anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, you name it, I've had and still get it!
I'm interested to find out how you get on with the mini pill. I'm currently not taking anything, but seriously need to start considering it.
I'm 43 and been perimenopause around a year and a half. My life has completely changed and I want my old self back!
Hope this helps x
lori93950 Louise4586
Good idea to go on a low dose pill as the side effects of Peri can limit or literally stop your life!