Early waking, anyone else have this?

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For the past 4 months, I am wide wake at 3:30am without any alarm. I've always been a good sleeper, sleeping until 8am. Now that the time went forward, I wake at 4:30, which is a bit better, but I miss waking at a normal hour. I fall asleep just fine, but wake ready to go way too early. Up until recently, I was waking several times a night. Anyone else have this?

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  • Posted

    On top of me waking after four hours of sleep, i normally drop off again (if im lucky) only to be woken by my husband to tell me to stop snoring!, which according to him, i do in the early hours!! Can't win lol x
    • Posted

      Pinkcatfairy, this is so unfair to go through. I pray we all get answers and solutions.
  • Posted

    hey ladies, those who are waking up shaking with hypoglycemic feelings please make sure you eat some protein just before going to bed and also after waking...the night is a long gap of our stomach remaining empty making our sugar level plummet down

    try cheese and/or boiled egg

    hope it works

    • Posted

      Thank you. I have been having hypoglycemic attacks since yesterday. Of course I would eat and 2 hours later be shaking violently. Im ending my cycle and seembto have a rough time at the end. Today Im a mess. No appetite, anxiety, feeling fuzzy, and upset. What on earth is causing this at the end of the cycle?
    • Posted

      The up and down dips in hormones is what's causing it. My flow was on Friday, Saturday, Sundag, and Monday. Since Tuesday I've been wiping brown and I have the weird head. I'm just over it. It's always something.
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      Maybe I need to be on HRT to stop my cycles? I don't know if I can take this much more sad
  • Posted

    Hi Ladies, 

    Just want to share something I learned with all of you. I found out I have high cortisol levels and didn't know what was causing the levels to be elevated, well, just found out thru Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet that declining estrogen causes the body to destabalize and release more cortisol. Increasing cortisol causes anxiety. Also we need estrogen to help the brain make seratonin. So..... many of us may just need more estrogen. Of course get tested first and formost, but those of us dealing with anxiety, this could be our big problem. I am going to get Dr. Vliet's book called Screaming to Be Heard in which she talks about this. What are you opinions on this? I always thought I needed more estrogen but this makes sense why my cortisol levels are elevated. Has anybody read her book? 

    • Posted

      Hi Snowbell,

      I haven't read the book but within a few days of taking estrogen my body began to relax and I was very surprised at just how uptight and anxious I had been, either without realising it or because after having it for so long I'd just got used to it.

      Also the serotonin connection must be right too because depression started lifting too.

    • Posted

      Hi Zigangie, 

      I'm so envious that you have the estrogen. I went to the doctor today and was refused estrogen until my surgery for the cyst on my ovary. They can't risk the cyst growing due to the estrogen. So, in the meantime, I am left to suffer, but at least have hope that the estrogen may fix me after the surgery. I would love to have the money to become a patient of Vliet, but the cost is so high, almost $900 for a phone consulation. Yikes! Not in my budget at the moment, but her books are on the way and I may be able to tell my doctor about her recommendations and show him. 

    • Posted

      I really wanted to see Professor Studd but so expensive.

      He is up on depression and sleep with HRT.

      My depression is loads better but sleep is a nightmare and not looking like improving.

      The experts are happy to tinker with types and doses unlike the GPs.

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      I have read several reviews on that book and it is supposed to be a really good book. I'm going to see if I can get a copy on Amazon.
    • Posted

      This may very well be true. I use a hormone tracker and when my estrogen levels are elevated, I have very minimal anxiety and the doom/gloom and negative thoughts are kept at bay.
    • Posted

      Oh yes they do love to tinker with types and doses. GP's are a one size fits all. 
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      It certainly does make me think now that could very well be what's happening.
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      I seemed to perk up a bit after I applied the Estriol cream. I know they dont want me to use any until my surgery but my goodness, how can I sit here and suffer like this? I was bawling my eyes out this morning and shaking so badly. It isn't right to let a patient sit and suffer. 
    • Posted

      WOW, I had no idea that low estrogen and erratic dips of estrogen can cause all this.

      Arthersclerosis, headaches and migraines, fatigue, vaginal infections, hot flashes, dry skin, vaginal dryness, rapid heartbeat, thinning tissues, weight gain, loss of libido, thinning hair, anxiety, hot flashes, panic attacks, memory lapses, mood swing, depression, low self esteem, night sweats, arthritis, and difficulty concentrating. No wonder we feel horrible.

    • Posted

      Oh my, those are most of my symptoms right there. Im sure I have the erratic dips because my estrogen is already on the low end of normal and I can only imagine what happens when it dips. Probably what hapened this morning. I was a dang mess! Im embarrassed to even think about how I must have looked to my husband. He was just trying to console his mess of a wife sad 
    • Posted

      I'm sure he understands. I never realized that estrogen did so much. That's most of my symptoms too. I'm scared thinking I have more years of this to go through.
    • Posted

      I will try taking my husband into letting me see a specialist, when I was asking before he was just angry about how much I had already spent homepath herbalist tricologist private dermatologist. Herbs vitamins potions.

      He may be more receptive to it now he has a big part of his wife back and some sex life.

      Estrogen is definitely the one that helped I was on it one month before I had to take my progesterone pills , I had high hopes of the progesterone causing me to sleep as from my research and what my GP said it can cause sleepiness.

      This was not the case the estrogen right in the begging made sleep a joy but it was sorry lived.

      I'm not complaining though it stopped me being so hot and increased my libido which is why I wanted to try it, but so many other things too. No doom and gloom depression still lifting anxiety and palpitations gone.

      Still have sleep problems and painful shoulders.

      Have not had the very painful bottoms of feet since I started it.

      I can also finish my own sentences. I'm thinking more, a higher dose may improve things even more as a lot of stuff is like early peri, example although I can finish my own sentences once more there is a little time lag sometimes when I forget what I was saying or the word I need start with the panic then before my family can second guess and fill in for me the word or what I was getting at will pop back into my head. This was exactly how it all began with the memory stuff.

      It is though far better than groping around in a head full of absolutely nothing.

    • Posted

      You give me hope Zigangie. Im so glad it worked out for you. Im praying it will work for me as well.

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