EBV & CMV Blood results

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I received my blood test results today for both CMV and EBV. Both tests indicate past infection. just wondering if anyone had the same result 8 or 9 weeks after symptoms started? really worried it's something else. image

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sam. By past infection does that mean way in the past? or recent past? On my sons test...there was an explanation what each one meant but i cant get it right now. Did your doctor explain what the test means as far as the symptoms you have now? are they related to a recent infection? Sorry, I am trying not to be confusing

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      The test was for Igm and Igg. I have been googling it trying to work it all out 😢 from what I have read, Igm is positive during the initial infection and Igg is positive for life. The igm was negative but it has been 8 or 9 weeks since this all started. she wasn't very helpful to be honest, and hasn't been a doctor for very long. she only graduated a few years ago. I do not recall ever having glandular fever symptoms in my life apart from recently but I am still really scared it is something worse. she said it could have been glandular fever but she doesn't know, it just says past infection.

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      I should add, all of my symptoms are gone now. I just have tiredness and swollen lymph nodes in my groin and armpit.

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    Yes. My doctor explained that it means the incubation/initial onset is over. You're through the thick of it and it's a waiting game for each of your active symptoms to start to wane. Like the oven was turned off after cooking and it still hasn't cooled off yet. It will, but it'll take time.

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      Thank you. I need to just put my mind at ease but its so hard not knowing for sure.

    • Posted

      Hi Sam,

      Mine was like this and the doctor said it is very normal, the active part has cleared and now the body needs to recover, mine was diagnosed in October 2016 and I had test results this in February 2017, it took a while to feel normal again.

      I still pop in from time to time to encourage people, it is such a long road and you feel so terrible that you are sure it is something else. The infection passes but the symptoms remain far longer.

    • Posted

      Did you have long lasting just bad nauseous feeling and headaches? and about how long before that went away.

    • Posted

      It's good to see a post from you Mono too, it always encourages me as you always speak sense and give wise and good advice! I hope so much that you and your daughter and granddaughter are doing better and in good health or as good health as possible at this time.

      I agree completely with your words for Sam, I everyone that's either a bit further down the line with recovery or had mono in the past can totally empathise with all the natural fears and concerns that Sam is going through, I went through the same and absolutely want to offer that reassure that things will get better and that because it has shown up as a past infection on blood test does not mean that it is not mono that your body is fighting - remember the physical effects of mono last far longer than it actually shows positive for in blood tests. Hoping for a settled and better week ahead for everyone.


    • Posted

      Hi Josh,

      I remember having a general nauseous feeling during the first few months of mono, and just feeling that my head 'wasn't right' somehow, even though I couldn't describe how I felt to anyone else probably. I hope so much that this can be a better week ahead for you, hang in there Josh things are going to change and you are going to get back to full health again with time. Trust God!


  • Posted

    it sounds like you are getting better. did she want to see you again?

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      Yeah she wants to send me for a chest x Ray then see me again and see how my lymph nodes are before sending me to have an ultrasound on them. I'm a bit scared to get the x Ray. I'm petrified of all of this 😦 as for symptoms I feel almost normal just tired and the Lymph Nodes are bothering me. that's what scares me the most.

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    the chances are it will always be in your blood. MY DAUGHTER HAD IT AT 14 and is now 42 and it still shows!Hope it clears for you.

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      Thank you. I know it'll always be there, it's just showing a past infection that's what I'm worried about. I want to know if everything I have been experiencing over the last 8/9 weeks is ebv.

  • Posted

    Hi Sam,

    I hope you are feeling okay today, I can only imagine this has been such a worrying and frightening time for you, I'm sorry that my knowledge about blood tests results is limited and that I'm not any good at interpreting these things. I do know that the window of showing positive for EBV is time liminted though, and after 8 or 9 weeks it is very possible that it returns a normal test, even though you are still feeling unwell and if you had had the test maybe even 4 or 5 weeks ago it might have still shown positive for mono - that is certainly a possibility, but of course I hope you can get to discuss these things with someone who has a much better understanding and can hopefully put your mind at rest.

    You've done the right thing getting these tests Sam, and just want to encourage you not to give up and remember if it is mono, which is very possible still even from these blood tests, it is very normal to be feeling beaten up and so unwell after 2 months still, and truly you will get back to full health again with some more time. My experience was that the first 2-3 months were by far the worst, and the intensity did lessen after that, even though it still took a bit of time for full recovery, so hang in there. Hoping for a much better day for you today and remember God is looking after you and is protecting you and will pull you through.


    • Posted

      Thank you Craig, for all your kind words. I am terrified. It's definitely not HIV, I made the person I slept with get tested and his test is negative. I am hoping it is Epstein Barr but the doctor didn't seem to think it is. I am so scared of what it may be 😢 I appreciate all of your comments and help. I am only 32. A mother of 2 young children. 3yo and a 2yo (She turns 2 tomorrow). my father passed away at 53 from cancer and that's why the doctor is sending me for the x Ray. I'm terrified. 😦

    • Posted

      Hi Sam,

      Just want you to know I'm thinking about you and rooting for you and keeping you in my prayers. Going through terrible worry and uncertainty is such an awful thing, I really do empathise and have been there myself and have also had a terrible week with worry and uncertainty over health - it is so frightening. I can only imagine how hard it must be to cope when a mother to young children too, hang in there Sam God will give you the strength.

      I totally understand why not having a firm diagnosis is such a draining and scary thing, in such situations Sam just turn to God put it in His hands - I truly believe you are going to get well again and this terrible time is just going to be a setback which you bounce back from and makes you stronger and more resilient in the long run.

      I know though it's hard to see or feel that when in the midst of it all, I truly do. Just take and deal with one day at a time Sam, and remember you're not on your own - God is with you and protecting You - you ARE going to get well again and have lots of healthy and happy times again with your family - that is what lies ahead for you I truly believe that in my heart. Thinking of you.


    • Posted

      Thank you Craig. I am thinking of you too and hoping you get better soon xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Sam I really appreciate your kindness and good wishes for me - means a lot. I'm still believing that you are going to get well and get strong again - hang in there.


    • Posted

      Thank you Craig. you are a beautiful person and I appreciate all your kind words and encouragement.

    • Posted

      Thanks for being so kind Sam, but it's truly because I know and remember how tough it was to go through mono and I remember how frightening and how unwell I felt during those first 2 or 3 months.

      I want you to know that it will get better, it really will. If this is mono, and there certainly is a possibility of that from your test results by the sounds of it, then it honestly is just a time factor and your body will recover, even if it takes a few months, which can be so frustrating, don't panic because all the symptoms you describe sound very normal and consistent for mono to me and they all do go with time and want you to know that there is good health and full life after mono - thanks to God there is!


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