ectopics and hiatus hernia
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Over 15 years I've had feeling of missed beats followed by a thump, but in last few monts this is a lot more frequent. I have been lover of strong good coffeeso have cut back from about 6 cups to 1 per day. I also have quite large hiatus hernia and wonder there is a link. Noticed in other bloggs that some link it with overeating and indigestion and I experience this a lot due to the hernia. I don't know whether to go for check again with dr as I had treadmill and ECG at beginning of this yearwhich revealed nothing. Find it strange that so many people do not get satisfactory investigation-one likes to know the cause and to know what can help. :roll:
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PS I went caffine-free for 1 year & it made no difference whatsoever.
Merryl Guest
amanda2014 Merryl
Merryl amanda2014
What type of chest pain are you getting? Mine is a heavy painful feeling but it is gone in a flash. As time goes on the chest pain is coming more frequent.
Merryl amanda2014
amanda2014 Merryl
Anyhow started low dose bisoprodil 4 weeks ago raised 2 weeks ago and saw my cardiologist yesterday who raised again and slowly getting less frequent I have just realised late for work as I initially wrote really good long reply and my phone cut off
Will finish off later as yesterday at doctors found out few things didn't know which could be of help to you but definitely bit of peace of mind Amanda x take care will be back
Merryl amanda2014
amanda2014 Merryl
Anyhow 9.30 Saturday evening day down after dinner and bang ectopic back with a vengeance quite uncomfortable but I know I have to try and ignore and stay fairly calm and I can cope with them. The doctor put me on another dose of bisoprodil and he told me something that I have never heard before that the best thing to do is take some exercise like a short stroll or maybe doing housework as exercise stops them and i have to be honest I make bespoke kitchens and do spraying and when i am very busy I don't notice them very much at all and as he said and we all know it is at rest when we are much more aware of them he said if it was any other part of us internally having something go wrong we would not be so aware but because it is very easily felt internally and felt with our hands (which if you are aything like me i sit feeling my chest constantly sometimes when getting a lot ) we cannot seem to shift them.
Anyhow I am hoping this higher dose of bisoprodil will help will let you know.
I hope you are ok let me know more about yours and when you get them also I wonder with the digestion part as everyone else says I always get them way worse after eating like now x takecare
Merryl amanda2014
I received a letter yesterday from the hospital where I was a patient for an appointment to have a 48 hour monitor fitted. When I was in hospital I had the 24 hour monitor and another one which recorded everything my heart was doing and they could see it all in the cardiac ward. I had this on for 8 day's. Can't remember the name of it. I don't feel well in myself with all this going on. I am also waiting for a lung function test because of the breathlessness which I hate.
I have heard excercise is supposed to stop them but with the breathing problem I would be afraid to try it. I also get horrible chest pain on and off with movement but not as often as I get the E/beats.
Hope you feel better soon on the higher dose. x
amanda2014 Merryl
I think that is where people like us are in a better position as because we are being tested for problems and assessed carefully it is this close monitoring to prevent situations like my brother if that makes sense.
Your breathlessness could be something else and I have just thought of something just before I was diagnosed with over active thyroid one of my symptoms was real breathlessness and I thought this was linked to my ectopic but 2 months on and steady rises in thyroid medication I have realised that this has subsided..
My bisoprodil was started on 2.5 then upped to 3.75 now I am taking 5 and I do think it is slowly helping as you say it just takes a while for the dizziness to stop but as your body gets used to this in your system it should settle down everything takes time when we have not had it before . The thyroid drug I take gave me really weird feelings but now nothing at all.
Maybe ask your doctor for blood tests just to check your thyroid is ok as we initially thought the ectopic were thyroid as you get palpitations as a side effect t.
Again I hope to hear from you again out of curiosity are you as ancient as me lol
Merryl amanda2014
I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid 3 years ago and I am on thyroxine. I had a blood test while in the hospital and it was normal. I have been reading on this site about people feeling breathless on Bisoprolol. I don't know if this is the cause of my breathing problem. I was having breathing problems before I started taking them but the meds could be making it worse. I got a telephone appointment this Friday with my Dr so will ask him about it.
I am more ancient than you, you are still young. How are you getting on with the higher dose? Is your meds the same as mine, Bisoprolol, because yours is spelt different. Did you have any scans/monitors when you was in hospital and how long did you stay in for?
amanda2014 Merryl
My dose seems to be working ok am not getting breathless at all and funny enough although quite a high dose no light handedness thank goodness.
I always believe we know our own bodies best and if we have to keep chasing the doctors for answers that's what we should do, I don't really think any of us would want to keep having blood tests and checks for no reason,
Was in hospital for 3 days tonnes tests and scans and still more to come have also to see endocrinologist yet as no idea what's happening with thyroid and the meds they have given me.
Merryl amanda2014
I am on a low dose of thyroxine but still get tired. When I was in hospital I had a blood test which came back normal, so it must be the right dose. I am lucky I don't need to work if I did I would'nt be able to cope with it. I think having an hiatus hernia does'nt help the situation either. One of the Dr's at the hospital said hiatus hernia can cause these E/beats.
I think I mentioned before that I have a telephone appointment with my Dr tomorrow, so will ask him for the results again for the hiatus hernia. I have had this for years and it can get worse over time. Take care.
amanda2014 Merryl
Merryl amanda2014
k3rivers amanda2014
rabiya27671 Guest