Effects of Total Joint Replacement
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Hi guys
My name is Ross Murphy and I study at the University of Brighton.
I am currently conducting research into people's life after joint surgery and how it effects your lifestyle and wellbeing. I am currently looking for some people to fill out a simple diary study for me to understand your daily activities and your emotions/feelings throughout a 5 day process.
I am wondering if anyone on here is keen to fill out this simple diary study helping me move forward to help people in your situation in the future. It would be ideal if the people keen to do this were in the UK, so I can send the diary study to you.
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kittylamb ross23522
i havent had joint replacement but went in for a right knee arthroscopy for a meniscal tear and bakers cyst 5 years ago...... ideveloped a femoral neuropathy, have lost all power in my quads, and am in a full leg brace and crutches to this day..
im probably no use to you not having had a joint replacement but if i can help at all, let me know
kind regards
dan28328 ross23522
I will fill out your survey. 7 weeks from a tkr. Sleepless nights, though off pain meds. , neuropathy in both feet and shin of operated leg. Operated leg is now 3/4 inch longer than other( my surgeon straightened my knock knee and never told me I would have such a severe leg length discrepancy.
Had to get numerous shoes fitted with elevated soles to remain "straight". The fix would be another tkr on my good knee or lifted shoes. Not happy with either option. The good news is my rom is great and I am discharged from PT.
Mary026 dan28328
Hi Dan
I am so sorry to hear that about the results from your operation.
Can't they do anything to correct the imbalance.
I'm due to go for a FKR at the Spire hospital in January.
Take care
dan28328 Mary026
Unfortunately my surgeon decided to straighten my leg when he did my TKR. I had knock knees. Now one leg is straight and the other is still as it always has been. I never thought something like this would happen, but since have found out that the operation can be done differently dependent on the surgeon and the methods and jigs they use.
So my options are, aside from recovering from theoperation, have been to have extension (1/2 full soles) fitted to 5 different right shoes so that I will always be somewhat plumb, and my alignment is correct. Down the line a second surgery on my good leg is the only way to makes them both the same length. I surely don't want to redo the left leg.
My advice to you is tomake sure both you and your doctor discuss your situation throughly prior to any surgery. Make sure you know what might happen. Neuropathy should be a concern too. I know I have nerve damage in both feet and I never remotely thought that would happen. Hopefully it will subside over time.
Thanks for asking and good luck with your journey.
Irish_Al ross23522
Hi Ross,
In Ireland but willing to help if you don't get enough in UK.
Best wishes,
j68551 ross23522
Hi Ross, I am not in the UK. I live in Bangkok, Thailand. TKR patient.
My case: operation in Stockholm, Sweden. 2013. Two months later post operative infection. Two deep cleanings; one in Sthlm one in here in Bkk. Infection is now chronic. Pus oozing out. cleaning twice s day. Now, I can still work as an automotive editor. I drive almost daily. Plus media test drives, twice a month.I walk (limp) short distsances. The bone doctors here want to a "gold standard" TKR revision. That's two big operations, spacers and all. No thanks. I can manage for the time being. Thanks to tramadol 25-50 mg daily. I can control the beastly "difficult-to-get-out-of-bed-pain & stiffness" plus the almost daily deep sciatica like hip pain. I am 67 and I want to carry on working for the time being and not going through more TKR operations with uncertain outcome. Any similar chronic TKR infection cases in the UK? Finally, please tell are you s physician or a
PhD student. Best regards Johnnie
Bangkok-Johnny, here again. BTW re your survey. My experience could be of use to you, your university and the TKR patient community. As I mentioned. My case: TKR op in Sweden. 2013. Now living in Bangkok with a chronic post-op infection. But , I am still able to carry on working as an automotive editor - if I avoid walking, standing and hop-hoping down stairs. (up-stairs no problem) I would appreciate If you could kindly send me your survey. Best regards,
Alison_Weaver ross23522
if you don't mind me giving you some advice it's this.
you need answers from people from day one of surgery.
i could not of researched this operation more, but there is nothing that could of prepared me for what a tkr would do to me and my health.
pain bejond beleif from day one, and I really really did know it was going to be extremely gruesome, but could not have firseen the impact it would have on my life.
lyn32416 ross23522
Hi ross. Sorry however I am far too busy to complete a diary. First six months post bilateral (double) tkr's were mostly difficult, painful and I felt I'd made a mistake.
Now at 7 months, my balance and gait are not as good as pre-op but pain from arthritis has diminished. I feel positive about my continuing recovery and returning to the gym regularly and boxing as I did pre- op.
My main input would be to say bilateral is not something I'd choose again. Good luck.
karen27010 ross23522
Irish_Al karen27010
Hi Karen,
I hope you're pain is not too bad tonight. I too am into my 7th month. my knee was tight as you describe, but physio has really helped. Also walking in the swimming pool 3 or 4 times per week really helped.
Best wishes,
Take care,
karen27010 ross23522
robert57719 ross23522
Good morning Ross
I had tkr 6 weeks ago at the Nuffield hospital leicester after years of pain , had arthroscopy and debridment and cortisone injections before surgeon was reluctant 2 replace due 2 my age 57 , finally had surgery with general anathesia with nerve block not to much pain had meds etc did exercises, got discharged 3 days post op , keen 2 get mobile as I play golf 4/5 per wk got of main meds 2 weeks post op walked u aided after 1 week and did 5 mins on exercise bike (very painful made me cry ) 🙈
I ice regularly 20 mins every 2 hours even nighttime
Having Physio from hospital x private sessions in order 2 get rom back got 110 degrees x not quite straight which Physio said will come bearing in mind have been walking bent for a number of years
I am very focused on getting back to normal as had 2 Heart attacks
I am now back driving and on my bike doing 20 mins per day cardio , still not sleeping perfectly but getting better , the worse experience for me me is the different days & sensations due I guess to nerves healing etc but there is light at the end did little bit of golf walking etc last Sunday (4.5 weeks post op ) very tired but ok seeing Mr Tandon
( surgeon) next week 😀😀😀🎉🎉??????🚴🚴💃🏼 Generally happy this forum has also been very good and supportive. My last comment is that u do need 2push yourself early on 2 stop the scar tissue building up and 2 get your rom , need other knee replacing very soon
Hope this helps good luck
Bit long winded
natalie1989 ross23522
Hi Ross I don't know if you are familiar with the surgery called Trochleoplasty? performed on patients with recurrent disclocations and also having a shallow groove therefore the kneecap as know stability to sit nicely, hence the dislocations, Well I got diagnosed with Trochlear Dysplasia 2014 and had a Trochleoplasty performed on my left knee with Lateral Release I'm nearly 7weeks post op next weds!
The scar is nice and neat which I'm happy with since it was open surgery I thought it was goin to be worse than I thought, the recovery side of things as effected me so much as I'm generally a active mobile independant person and its turned my life upside down from not been able to do small things like bend my knee yet so its hard for me to get in and out of the bath, get dressed, stand and cook, and not been able to go out for a walk, I have been provided with aids from the occupational therapist like bath boards and a handles to help me in the showerand handles at my front door,I am unable to get a bath due to not much bend in my knee yet... I also have crutches and a raised toilet seat so I am fully equipt not to forget my zimmer walker frame which I dont tend to use lol,
The actual sergery its self is basically straightforward I have had my groove made and deepened so my knee cap is more stable and does'nt go off its track,
I'm 27 and my lifestyle as been turned upside down its been emotionally and mentally challenginig not been able to go to the toilet properly or to make yourself food and not been able to walk holding my plate to sit in the lounge even making a cuppa tea is hard and carrying it in to the room I have a tecnique i move it from the kitchen side to the hallway to the side table back on the floor then on to the coffee table lol anyway..
I get so low some days when am alone I think about everyone getting on with there lifes I feel stuck so bored throughout the day I am unable to drive my daily routine is get up, breakfast, medication, hot water bottle for my muscles then a deep massage with E40 has I have got a lot of scar tissue and my knee feels like a led weight ...then exercises including foam roller exercises finishing off with my ice pack 3-4 times a day.
In the first couple of weeks it was so hard no weight bearing at all 20 degrees knee flexcion i was basically dragging my foot i was in so much pain and my leg was 100 times bigger than my other leg, the DVT socks have just recently come off i had them on 24/7 apart from bathing, Then the next 2 weeks after that I could bear weight a little 30 degrees by this time I was going to PT the pain as calmed down and the swelling I am now in week 6 and I still have a stiff knee also tight so there's alot of scar tissue still present, I can weight bear much more I'm now 42 degrees knee flex and still doing my daily routine I have good days and bad.
My wellbeing as been on the down side I dont feel comfortable in myself or happy at times I knew it was going to be a long road to recovery but did'nt realise how slow my body is actually recovering I am not able to wear the clothes I would usually wear like jeans etc I'm still restricted to shorts and loose things dresses and clothing like that so I wouldnt mind but it aint exactly summer lol, I have been having alot of anxiety thinking all kinds of thoughts like am I healing ok is there something wrong inside my kee making it not want to bend cos it is really stiff, Should i be doing more excercises or resting my leg shoulda coulda all the time
1-3 weeks I was unable to sleep on my side due to pain ended up with bed sores on the back of my ankles and a numb coccyx due to laying on my back it was the only way i could lay now I can lay on my side but I support my operated leg (left) with my right leg it aint so bad when I lay on my left side I just tend to get abit of pain on my thigh muscle but am sleeping much better now anyway.
hope this helps
sue37592 ross23522
j68551 sue37592
HI Sue, Walking and TKR. I am three years post-operation. Still with pain and stiffness. I am 67. It's painful when standing and walking. I carry my forearm crutches in the trunk of my Mazda all the time. I love driving. I work as auto/lifestyle editor. But, walking only short diatances without my sticks. I hate hopping downstairs. I don't have enough 'flexion' to descend normally down the stairs. Up no problem. Just grab the rails and pull you self up. I sure like escalators. Standing is another painful issue because I also have hip & sciatica pain. Always looking for a chair. When flying never without wheel chair request. Wheel chair service also at large shopping malls when my wife gets in the shopping mood. Like in S'pore recently. One advantage though here in Bangkok is that I always get priority parking at when I am down-town. Sleep seems to be a common problem among TKR patients. I sleep well at night. Plus a nap in the afternoon. I try to control my weight 73 kg. No sugar less fat food etc. Plenty of water. Shoes with thick soles also help. Low impact exercise like swimming and home exescise. Hang in there. Eight months is still a short post-op time after such a big operation. I've seen the YouTube videos.
Best regards,