Eipgastric tenderness wont go away
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My doc a few months ago thought I had a stomach ulcer, went on dexilant for a month, helped, but didnt' 100% go away... went to a GI who sent me for a complete abdominal ultrasond...
Aorta - normal
IVC - normal
Pancreas - normal
Liver - Normal
Gallblader - Normal
Kidneys - Normal
also had complete metabolic profiles done twice and came back normal
had Lipase done came back normal
in the past i had a gnawing pain in my stomach that went away with eating, now that is gone but it's still tender when you push right below the middle upper abdomen where the sternum stops... and only at that point
if i bend down i can feel the tenderness or if i streach backwards i also do.
I have a EDG schedules for next week, but what could this be? still an ulcer that hasn't healed? The ulcer was never confirmed, only thought to be by my PCP.. The GI called it stress induced reflux without any real exam... seems like an odd location to be reflux..
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Tracypo bluebsh
bluebsh Tracypo
took prevacid for a while didn't do anything, and now pantopropazol (sp?) with no help
youngatheart1 bluebsh
Hi, I have this and am going for an abdominal CT scan tomorrow. All my tests are normal, I also get pain that radiates from the centre of upside down V (sternum area) and along bottom of ribs, where bra sits, not sure if you ware female but it is the oly way I can explain it. It sometimes gnaws but is usually a burning pain, it is all really tender along bottom of ribs. When GP presses he just say's epigastric pain, which is not really helpful, I am concerned it is my pancreas as this was not seen on the ultrasound I had last year and the pain will not go away, I take esomeprazole and ranitidine which help but do not cure things, I do have IBS and GERD, which seem to cause most abdominal problems according to GP's. Will let you know if anything is found.
atram youngatheart1
Did you get results for your CT scan? I have a very similar pain. GP and gI doc both say muscle strain but it's been months and tenderness is still there.
I had ultrasound and upper GInscope and all was normal.
youngatheart1 atram
atram youngatheart1
If they haven't called hopefully all is well. You can probably go get a copy of your results if you really want to know or call the nurse.
Hoping for good news for you!
My tenderness is about an inch or so above my belly button and to the right a little. And I sometimes feel like something is stuck in the bottom of my right rib cage.
pippa58442 youngatheart1
youngatheart1 pippa58442
youngatheart1 atram
pippa58442 youngatheart1
I suspect your symptoms will be down to IBS. My bowel was full of gas and in the way during my ultrasound too so some things couldn't be seen.
atram youngatheart1
youngatheart1 atram
atram youngatheart1
Please tell me you've gotten the results?
youngatheart1 atram
Yes, but no nearer knowing what is causing pain. I have small para aortic nodes which are not enlarged by CT criteria. Increased thickening of the wall of fundus and body of stomach which is indeterminate whether due to collapsed stomach. Cannot find anywhere on google what it all means apart from thickening which can be cancer. Upper GI endoscopy suggested. I had one 18 months which was clear and an ultrasound 10 months ago which was clear. Hospital consultant said not cancer. Google say's cancer. My own GP who ordered the test has had the results for over 1 week and not been in contact so maybe nothing to worry about. I have an appointment in a week to speak to her about it. I will insist on another endoscopy. Hoping that these little nodes are what is causing pain. Will let you know.