Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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    Incredible, this has very recently started happening to me. It's always at night and it's like I'm a little short of breathe ans I get this like jump start feeling in my chest and forehead. It's like I had stopped breathing and my body was jump starting.

    its very disconcerting to say the least and I then feel very anxious afterwards.(even though. I am not an anxious person by nature at all). 

    Had an ECG and all was well although Blood pressure was slightly higher than normal. It's given me a lot of relief just reading your post. 

    Please share with me anything else relevant that you find out.

    • Posted

      Your experience is identical to mine.. I get a surge of energy from chest to brain which causes me to breathe in heavily and gives me a ringing noise in my head, the feeling is very hard to explain.. It also  makes me jolt my head, arm or leg. My problem is I have it through out the day at work sometimes... & also when I'm about to sleep. I notice high blood pressure has been said a few times but I've always had high BP from a young age. I started having this experience last week. I'm 21 now
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      I'm 21 too! And a 'healthy' college athlete. Also had high BP from a young age.

      PLEASE let me know if you find out more about this, it's freaking scary

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      Hi there. I have the Jump Start thing too. I lay on my back for a while before I fall asleep and around the same time I nod off I get the jumpstart thing. It goes away once I turn to my side and fall asleep. Mine is getting worse and I am  just now researching it. I'm worried it will be a problem with anesthesia.
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      Oh yea I forgot... I am treated for high blood pressure too.
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      This has been happening to me for the past 3 months. It's like it just started out of the blue one day & my life hasn't been the same since. Two ER trips with an overnight stay on a heart monitor, ECGs, a stress test & an echo of my heart all normal. BP goes up randomly & I've NEVER had BP issues. My cholesterol was actually better than average. Never been an anxious/panic attack person, until this started happening to me every night. I literally dread bedtime now. I am crying just reading these blogs & writing this now. It has been so frustrating to go be told that everything is fine & I just need to see a counselor for my stress & anxieties. I wasn't anxious before THIS! And a counselor isn't going to talk me out of these VERY REAL symptoms that doctors look at me like I'm a drama queen making it all up & trying to et attention. Not my style. I'm the person that usually puts off going to the doctor until I can't take an illness or pain anymore. So my current stress is coming from lack of sleep & frustration. I've tried multiple different supplements for stress, anxiety, even menopause. Doctor put me on Celexa, didn't help. Helped slightly with anxiousness, but bad interactions with my Nexium because I get reflux. So I weaned off it (Celexa). I am so frustrated & upset that this is my new life & what is in store for me next. I don't sleep because taking sleep aides makes me feel sedated while still having the surges through my chest with many random pains throughout my body. Which only makes it worse because I feel like the sedation is slowing my heart & respirations. It's such a nightmare & there have been no answers. The only solace I currently have found is that there are others going through this, too & I am not a freak of nature alone in the world. But the solace is minimal compared to the fear & frustrations that have grown over the past few months.
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      Hi Susan, I found this discussion about the sensation of electrical shock when falling asleep because I am trying to understand something that happened last night. My husband (age 50, very active and fit but with untreated sleep apnea) had drifted off about 45 minutes before me when suddenly he leapt out of bed screaming in terror. I had seen him do this once before about 6 years ago and we called it a dream related night terror. But this time was different. for about 5 minutes he kept exclaiming that he had been electricuted. we carefully examined all the outlets in the bedroom. His phone was plugged in with an older lamp and the cord from the phone had fallen out of the outlet. We tried to figure out if he could have been shocked through the wire or a bad outlet or something. But after about a half hour he started exploring that maybe the whole thing was a dream and his hair standing on end was the effect of a massive adrenaline rush. Anyway, I am very interested in knowing if anyone has found out what causes the symptoms you all are describing. We are currently in a fairly stressful situation. We are on a month long vacation, staying in an Air B&B situation in Hawaii. The house is a little funny and perhaps was wired by an amateur. Also, there is the stress of fun yet intense relearning how to surf. So basically, he had a very intense adrenaline day yesterday with surfing and exercising muscles that have not been used in a while. But the sensation of being shocked was very pronounced and seems like a lot more than a dream. If you or anyone in this thread has ideas that could help us figure it out, please let me know! Thank you for posting your story. After seeing what he went through last night I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to have this as a regular occurrence. 

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      I've been going through this exact thing for as long as I can remember. I remember being 5 and having this happen. I'm 26 years old now. The only thing different is I never got this while opened eyed and walking. That just now started happening. For as long as I can remember I'd have this electric shock feeling like both sides of my brain would jolt and send a surge to the middle of my brain, I had to open my eyes after. I would try to keep my eyes closed through it hoping it go away and then frequently in a pulsating Manor kept happening and my chest would feel like it's swirling and my heart would explode if I did not open my eyes and keep myself awake for a little before I tried to go to sleep again. I also at different times knew I was going to go into a sleep paralysis or sleep apnea episode once I finally got to go to sleep after episodes of whatever brain zapping episodes happened. I've never been given an explanation, never had a doctor try to test anything. They just wanted me to take a heavy sleep pill every night which would cause me massive migraines in the morning. Just recently though I've been getting those brain shocks in pulsating time all day, not stopping. It's given me headaches and my mood has incredibly went down hill to where if I hear my kids playing it sounds too loud and hurts my ears and I find myself getting very angry telling them I need the noise to stop. Again I'm told there's nothing wrong by all these doctors that I have found are residents and can't actually help in anyway. I've been to primary care doctors, urgent care doctors, and psychiatry. So if you get any answers please share them. I wasn't worried before because of the long span with no issues of the problem but with how worse things have been in the past week and a half I think there is something that's really going on and needs to be addressed.

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      Hi Sheri,

      This same thing happened to me a handful of times only in my sleep. I actually had dreams about being electricuted because of it. I can feel a sensation zip up my spine which feels like an electrical shock and my whole body jumps. It's very bizarre. Finally after having it again last night I looked online and found this: http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/chronic-pain/all-about-neuropathy-and-chronic-back-pain

      Basically it's damaged nerves. I pray this never happens when I'm awake. I suffer from cervical stenosis which is a narrow spinal canal and from time to time my nerves get caught in my spine because there's no space between my vertebrae which basically causes pain for a few days and limited movement. But this whole electric shock thing is new to me! I laughed out loud when you said you were looking at all the outlets which is not funny but funny at the same time because I know the feeling it does feel like an electric jolt. Definitely something to do with neuropathy (nerves) read the article.

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      Susan - I am 62 years old and have the same profile of symptoms as your husband. I have received no diagnosis from various providers in our medical community.

      My issue has persisted now for over 30 years. I have not experienced being jolted out of bed for many years now, but all else continues daily.

      I've heard these symptoms are linked to anxiety. I have also learned of a group considering a class action lawsuit against the company that manufactures Cymbalta. Other drug manufacturers providing similar medications could be drawn into the prospective lawsuit.

      Given the length of time I've had these issues with no further problems I decided to drop it. In all this time the medical community has been unable to assist. I do, however, continue to track it.

      Good luck to you and your husband in your effort to find answers.


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      Another 21 year old athlete here, just had this start several weeks ago. I was thinking it was caused by caffeine and nicotine from dip getting my blood pressure and heart rate stimulated so much. Happens every few nights for me. Sometimes leaves me up until 4 or 5 am. Probably need to cut back...
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      I actually do believe that your husband was electrocuted slightly. i believe him to be a victim of someone else using a device to electrically ping him or to zap him from a cell phone app of some kind. because sleep apnea, although it can be a serious issue for some as they are aroused out of sleep, many times, and it's uncomfortable for the heart and for sleeping soundly, will not do this electricution type of thing. there's something people can do with their cell phones and it's an app and it could involve cellular triangulation, but i don't think even cellular triangulation is even necessary. it's something someone could just do with a single cell phone. i don't know what the app is, but they can just zap a person from 100 feet away or less, and it could go through 8 feet of concrete and it is a sensation that a person can feel on the insides of their body. it's terrible, it's an attack on someone, and the police are being lame about dealing with the problems arising from cell phone users. the wife may say, "how come i didn't feel it then?" because the person with the cell phone has the ability to zap someone right next to someone else and the other person doesn't feel a thing. it's pretty annoying and a person can feel furious as it's an ongoing thing from stalkers and bulliers out there. even as i write this, the people who live beneath me are using a device or an app on their cell phone to somehow beam up at me through the floor. i know they have been doing this. one of the clues that it is from a cell phone is because of an incident that happened at work. I left the guard shack where i work to step outside in the dead of night to escape the sensation of the continual shocks as they were getting almost painful and it was annoying. i didn't know whether people were near me doing this, even though the parking lot was totally empty and there wasn't anyone around.

      well, i stepped outside and looked up at the stars for a second, just enjoying the normal feeling of not having this happen to my body. and then, i heard a cell phone drop on the pavement about 25 feet away from me from a row of bushes. i should have confronted the issue right then, but i didn't have a flashlight on me at that moment. but, i did realize that the person pinging me or whatever from the bushes on the boulevard DID have to be sort of near me to do it. it was the biggest clue when i heard the cell phone drop on the pavement. because now, it would make sense. someone could be outside of someone's home zapping them, yes. but, even a neighbour who knows where someone's bed is and who sleeps on which side of the bed could zap someone from their own home. and it feels like a current or a zap and it's felt all the way through the whole body. what current or wavetype it is, i don't know. but, the inhumaneness of others has increased and it will only get worse as people love their own wickedness and wicked ideas of how to be the most harrassing and the most bullying and the most inhumane. i hope this helps. i don't know what cell phone app it is. i don't know how much current is generated, but it puts pain in the heart and stress on the body. and a person can feel the laser like tiny wave thing piercing through the body in a tiny microwave or something. HINT: the qwave defender to block a radius of 9 feet worth of microwaves has been called out as a hoax. so, don't spend 300. on that. it has been found to have false reviews all cooped out in a small time frame coaxing people to purchase the product. i think the better route to go to block microwaves and radiation and cell phone apps unwanted is to buy some radiating blocking materials that come from sweden and elsewhere. they are sold by yardage and right now, with black friday coming up, may be hugely discounted. materials that are laid out on flooring or under beds or over walls to block unwanted signals. you may be a targeted individual, whether you deserve it or not. people are terrible. i hope this helps.

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      and furthermore, the device used to ping someone or zap them can located by heartbeat. it senses heartbeat and heart current and that is the device locating the person. it could be an abuse of FINDME device, the device used to located people under rubble in earthquakes by sensing their heartbeat. but, that device is like 10,000$ so, it's almost impossible to believe someone would own it, but vets could and be abusive. others who have an income you wouldn't expect, could have purchased it and used it and abuse it. the tiniest microwave is used with that device and i wonder that somehow now on cell phones, the FINDER device is being emulated into a program someone could just use on their cell phone. 

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      I m 32yr old guy havin common symptoms shared on this thread.. I was thinking the same coffee and nicotine, yet i had done no test at very first time i got worried about this i felt to have a blood pressure diagnosis
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      Im so glad I came across your story because I too share this problem with the pulses of electricity when I'm tired but your story is the only one I read that also mentions the other thing that always follows this sensation; the sleep paralysis, only, in my case this form of sleep paralysis happens while I'm still awake! This always happens when I sit still for too long while the pulses have started (usually after a long day at work while I'm unwinding in front of the TV) I will be sitting up, eyes open, and I suddenly without warning go completely limp like a wet noodle. My head always falls as my neck won't hold it up, and I can't move and I can still see everyone sitting in the room so I try to shout for help and try with all my strength to snap out of it but I'm trapped inside this wet noodle of a body for usually about 10 seconds or so before I finally muster the streangth to shake myself out of it! Its not only embarrassing but its terrifying and a lot of the time I feel like I'm not breathing. Im a 30 yrs old and this has only been happening for about a year but it happens almost any time I'm tired. Did you ever find out anything else about what may be causing this?

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      Hi thanks for reply. I had mri ct scans all clear the doctors say it's anxiety which I know it is not. The doctor don't take this problem serious enough. I'm at my wits as I think I'm going to die

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      Jeffrey I too experience this while laying on my back. Do you have any muscle pain also?
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      I used to have these same sensations when falling asleep. They are terrible! By sheer chance, I began using deodorant instead of antiperspirant -- the latter contains an aluminum agent. I haven't had an episode in over 20 years and I'm convinced ceasing use of those products worked for me. I hope this helps you or others.

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      You have Narcolepsy from the sound of it. Could the electric sensation be cataplexy? Do you have a lump on your vertebrae between your shoulder blades at the base of your neck?
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      Hey ....i am having same symptoms ....one thing i noted is that it happens when u think of it ....like when i rushed to bed feeling so sleepy that didn't even thought of it ...that day I don't get these .....i had faced panic attacks n have anxiety too....

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is.

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is. 9792482744 plz text so I know who u r and we can talk about it. Don't hesitate

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is. 9792482744 plz text so I know who u r and we can talk about it. Don't hesitate

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is. 9792482744 plz text so I know who u r and we can talk about it. Don't hesitate

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is. 9792482744 plz text so I know who u r and we can talk about it. Don't hesitate

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is. 9792482744 plz text so I know who u r and we can talk about it. Don't hesitate

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      A lump as in a natural occurring shape of your spine or something that wasn't there before?

      I have these symptoms, and the worse I sleep the more I have them, but what does having a bump at base of neck have to do?

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      Clarisa, I only have the butterfly/shock just the moment I'm falling asleep. Arms to get worse the more tired I am, but at least I don't think I have other symptoms. Why do you think all this might be Lyme?

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      If u have tested for other things and ur getting normal results. I'd especially say its Lyme or a co infection. Lyme mimics and or make issues such as asthma, allergies, strokes, seizures, Anexity, numbing, tingling and everything in between .. Must its very important to test correctly if not it won't find it, I can't stress that enough. I had a spinal tap and that missed the Lyme cuz it was tested wrong. And another reason I say that cuz all the knowledge ive learned this last yr and a half that pretty much everyone carries at least one bad microbiome of a co infection. Ur symtoms depend on how long u have had it, ur immune system, and the co infection u have. Mine harbored for 15-20 yrs. I know that cuz the Dr based it on my results also looking back on it now I know y I had stomach issues as a kid and arthris is my hands when I was 13.

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      I get them and have super low BP.  Always have.  But I get the same feeling in my chest.  Heart beating hard, I can even hear it in my ears, like when you have ear plugs in.  And that weird boinging sound that is in your head it's so hard to explain to anyone!

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      you have non epileptic myoclonic seizures or its also called pnes disease you need eithera sleep study or mri i have been havingthem for 30 years
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      Thank you. I will look at those conditions online and mention it to my doctor.

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