Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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  • Edited

    Ok so what is wrong then? I have it as well, sometimes is only when i try to sleep, but diziness is prezent douring the day,, not all the time, today i went in london for a quick trip, and i felt so soft, and dizzy, i had to take 2 magnezium tablets to be able to get from that condition... Its so bad, and plus i feal bloated on left side under ribs, i dunno if it has any conection.....lets take it logical, if my go doesent help me with nothing.... Since this happens only when we try to sleep, i think, probably a hormone issue, maby adrenal glands? Thyroid? I dont even want to go to a small stroke cause it will be badsad . It makes me hate my life even more. Lets try to find something in common, and hopefull, we can find a cause or something....
    • Edited

      MrCat - I know this posting was over a year ago, but have you found out what is/was going on? I have exactly the same thing that you mentioned - dizzness constnatly, bloated on left side under ribs, and not able to stay asleep for days and still because of this 'rush' rushing through my body causing me to wake up. Been told I have anxiety and had panic attacks, but I just don't understand what is going on. Desperate for answers. Please help if you read this. 
    • Posted

      I w lent to sleep after a little while last night, but while I was falling as leep I started to get pains in my left foot, my left hand, and my chest, so I thought I better not let myself just try to sleep while this was happening, so I got up and got some dried mulberry berries and ate them, and soon the pains did not come back when I lay down to sleep again, and I had no other problems and I fell asleep, but in the morning while I was sleeping I heard a sound and I couldn't think in my dreams what the sound was but finally I woke up and it was my 5:30 alarm clock, so I turned it off and went back to sleep, there being two more alarm clocks to go off before I would be oversleeping, but I didn't hear the first one, and I don't think I heard the second one either, and I woke up at quarter to 8.  I was suppos ed to be there at 8:15, but I thought, they are not reading the pledge of allegiance yet at 8:30, so that gives me 45 minutes and that's enough time to get there, but while brushing my teeth I thought, this stuff could eat into my time to get there, but I brushed them, and brushed my hair, and got dressed, and decided I'd better stop for coffee on the way to be a safe driver, and I drank the coffee all the way there and only left a little in the cup when I went into the building without my coffee cup, and I said "I'm sorry," and the secretary said "That's okay," and gave me my assignment and I had a good day.  After work, I called my old gynecologist and made an appointment to get tested for progentin projentin(sp?) which she tested me for before and I had a lot and got taken off a medicine.  Her nurse called me back and said they had to find my records in storage so changed the appointment to a couple of weeks from now.  I took my medicigne and ate some yogurt with it and immediately my stomach and abdomen felt like it was getting a little bigger, and it looks bigger, too, now.  I ate some mulberries already and I am hoping that will prevent me from getting the pains I got last night after I went to bed.  Mulberries have antioxidants in them, the same as a glass of red wine, which is good for heart health, I forget exactly what it does.  maybe I'm just tired, if i really can't remember, I;ll google it again.  You can google white dried mulberries and there's a Nature something company that sells them online and will mail them to you if you don't have any in your grocery store.  I don't know what causes dizziness. Can't think now. Could look it up on the computer tomorrow, or tonight if I can't sleep.  I'm wide awake now, but I know I need rest because I got up early all week.  I don't know why it's only on one side under your ribs.  I felt my insides falling around last week and I thought I had had a hernia, and I was looking up hernias on the computer, and it didn't help switching to lie on the other side, because then it all rolled over to that side, and it felt like it was going to hurt if I didn't roll back onto my back and keep it from settling on that side.  It helped to stand up and walk around.  i read that if it was painful to walk it was likely to be an appendicitis.  They say appendicitis is difficult to diagnose in older people, because you do not have all the symptoms at once.  I was feeling this 'rush' through my body over the last two weeks.  There were different kinds of 'rush's.  Sometime s my head, sometimes other parts of my body.  I think that tends to mean low blood pressure.  Take your blood pressure.  One time mine was tested and was very low.  I was dying for some olive oil, eat it or put it in my hair, anything!  Finally someone gave me a big bottle and I ate a spoonful of it and felt better and forgot the bottle someplace.  Also, over the last week, I was enjoying the taste of lots of salt, on buttered matzo, eating salty greek olives, I forgetr what else I put it on.  i think salt can help your heart, expecially iodized salt for a woman.   Then my legs and my whole body were retaining water.  I could tell because when I pressed down on my skin and let go the place where my finger had been stayed white for awhile.  So I bought fresh parsley and ate a handful of it and a few hours later I felt this rush in my nose and...it was 2 a.m. then, and I was sitting at my computer typing, I felt less bloated and when I pressed down on my skin it did not get white whetre my finger had been.  Or it may have been the olanzapine I took kicking in.  Maybe just then it had dissolved in my stomach.  I can't really tell what it does but from what I read its side effects include makin ag you fat and at risk of heart attack stroke and increasing what did I saySort by:


    • Posted

      Hi, did you ever find out what was wrong? I'm feeling the same as you including the bloated feeling under my left ribs. 
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      In the same boat as you. What else are you feeling? 
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      What do you mean how did I find out what was wrong?  I looked up everything I could think of on the computer and wrote down the possibilities of other things to look up on the computer as I was doing that and...do you mean the antioxidants needed for heart health?  I just happened to see dried mulberries on the shelf in the supermarket and I read all about them on the label and looked up everything on the computer and found out mulberries have a lot of antioxident power.
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      I feel fine today, because I rested all night even though I didn't think I got any sleep.  Now my problem is that my mother said I had to move out of the house if I worked more than 3 days a week and I did work and it's Friday, and I don't want to go home.  I'm just relaxing in the library in case she calls me on my cell phone and tells me she is expecting me to pick up something on the way, then I'll know she expects me to sleep there tonight.
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      Han16, that is incredible that u said bloating on left side under ribs! is it worse when u eat sometimes when u drive does it beome  say a sharper or more intense pain depending on how you are sitting?  I am dealing with the same elctric shock right as i am about to fall aslepp, immediately after or during the "shock" i experience a fear with no real center or object, just fear as a raw emotion then it will focus on the first thing that comes to mind as a threa.  started having panic attacks about a year ago, first one happened at workm since then they have occured at all times and places, driving being a recurring theme, but i do not think they are stress related. thank you for being on here.  love.

    • Posted

      Omg I have been having this uncomfortable bloating on my left side and giving me chest pain for weeks now and electrical jolts from my chest to my brain too. Please tell me u found out about what is happening to us
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      I hope my comment post to ab77671 but Lyme mimics and and every thing. And causes issues. It thru off my hormones and ect. Like I said above it is super important to be tested correctly. None of that Elisa or western blot stuff u must also check for the co infections
    • Posted

      There are many things that could be causing it. I think that is why we are all chasing symptoms. For the problem has been narrowed down to my sympathetic nervous system being out of balance with my parasympathetic nervous system. The final clue came when I noticed that sometimes while trying to sleep, the zap sensation was right on top of either a loud sound around me or any little pain that I had. My doctor figured out this means my neurological system is reacting in a fight or flight manner. Most of the time nothing is happening (that I can tell) when the jolts happen. Since we have narrowed down everything else, this appears to be it. All I can do is try and lower the volume in my life in all ways; noise, stress, milder diet, letting go of too many commitments, etc, etc.  I'm drinking golden milk in the evening then right before bed drinking a cup of aloe vera gel. Increased my pre and probiotics, and in general just babying my gut as well as everything in and around me. But this is just my issue, yours may or many not have the same cause. You should look up "grounding", as silly as it sounds the research is pretty telling of how our culture is now so sick with so many weird ailments.  Our body electric is disconnected from earth.

    • Posted

      Whoaaaa.. I am experiencing the exact things especially with sound. Makes very much sense because I feel I have been in a constant state of stress for so long and it has worn down on my system.
  • Posted

    This has happend to me a few times. I've never been too concerned about it, but it was always a 'Wow, what the hell was that' experience.  I was just reading something about weird occurance that happen in your sleep and came across 'Exploding Head Syndrome'.  I was searching to see if the two experiences were related and came across this thread.  I wonder if this experience is a variant of it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome
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    Also, I believe your body releases a chemical that paralizes you when you  are in a deep sleep.  Everytime this has happened to me, it has been when I was very tired and about to fall into a deep sleep.  I always assumed the experience was my waking mind trying to snap myself out of it while falling alseep.  I definitely think the two are related.
    • Posted

      Yes I feel the same way, like my brain says ,nope bitch wake back up lol
    • Posted

      right your body releases GABA. It's your nerves off switch so you don't go running in your sleep. it's what benzodiazepines are based off of. xanax valium and such are based off of.

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