Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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    Hi all! I hope as many as possible take the time to read this as it really might help you! After sufforing from this for 1,5 years I start to come to the conclusion that this is due to adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisol!

    And if you don’t want to read everything just check the only thing that has worked for me and many others:  TRE=  (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises). There are at least 6-8 different moves. But one of them is the essential ( the shaking move, but for that you need to fatigue your certain muscles which is done with the other moves), try it and see what it does for you. And please if you feel like it, spread the word! Many might think, there is now way i could cure something that happens in my brain with some stupid, funny looking excercise, well.. this excercise has a lot to do with how to balance you adrenalins, noradrenalins and cortisol, so yes it has an effect. This excerice is learned from nature, from how animals release stress.

    I would have so much to cover, because as many of you, I saw all sorts of doctors, and experts, took all sorts of bloodtests, sleep tests, and brain/neck MRI:s without getting any help or even any understanding of what it’s all about. Nobody had a clue! However finding this blog was wonderful, because finally I have some folks to relate to. My love and compassion goes out to all of you as I know how frustrating this can be! 

    As many of you have written, the weird thing about this is that, for whatever reason those nights that you sleep, you really don’t seem to do anything differently during the day vs. those days which were followed by terrible nights. So you really don’t know what was it, that made the change. You basically ate the same vitamins and supplements, were trying to be as healthy as possible and followed the same day rhythm, but still 2 totally different nights. Wouldn’t this indicate that these symptoms are NOT simply related to nourishment and day rhythm?

    I also read that many who suffer from this, suffer because they have stopped taking some depression medicines. In these cases the symptoms are related to the fact that there is an imbalance of serotonin and noradrenalin or perhaps their transmitters. Well isn’t that interesting. Why? Well you can support serotonin synthesis with vitamin D and omega3 both of which I took for a long time with no result (which led me to think it can’t be a lack of serotonin). But noradrenalin together with adrenalin (and of course cortisol) are not nearly as easy to control, even though you can of course try, I for sure did with all sorts of different supplements, none of which seemed to work, (as examples ashwaganda, ginseng, lacrits root etc..). And by the way many of us who carry these symptoms have not taken any depression medicins. Anyway, as the symptoms are so similar to those who have, and and said there are “chemicals” in the body that we cannot regulate too easily (especially unders continues stress) I started to suspect that this must have something to do with adrenalins, noradrenalins and cortisol. So I started to check on all sorts of ways (something else then supplements) that could help in balancing these chemicals. Eventually I found a technique called TRE, Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises. I did this yesterday and boy did it make a difference. I will absolutely continue doing this everyday!

    I really don’t have any faith in doctors at the moment, because I really don’t think they appreciate the urgency of our situation. By saying “I don’t think its anything dangerous, don’t worry..” they really don’t understand that being without any sleep for days in a row is not something to undermine.

    Hope you all the best! Really hope you give TRE a try!


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    Hi guys, after suffering from this for a few years, and after trying everything, the symptoms only seemed to get worse. Then I suddenly by accident discovered something that gave me a clue AND HOPE on what this might be all about. After one more night of no sleep, I was dead exhausted. I went back to bed just because there was nothing else I could do. I put on some youtube radio talk show on the background just to distract my mind from the hell I was going through. Of course, I could not pay too much attention to the show as I was dead tired, and my brain was still trying to fall asleep BUT this time, as these zaps started to occur, I was in a totally different state mind. I was calm, there was “space” between me and the zaps. The zaps did not bother me, in fact as they came in this state of mind, they actually felt quite relaxing. Relaxing to the extent that after I had got them for some 15 minutes or so, I almost felt as if I had actually slept a whole night.

    I have been listening to all sorts of relaxing music as I try to fall asleep, but it hasn’t helped, and even those times that it has, the relaxing sensation was nothing even close compared to what I experienced when I had this youtube talk show on. This is what led me to a hint of what might be causing all this.

    Let’s think about our conscious and unconscious minds, anxiety and falling asleep phase. As we begin to fall asleep our consciousness is normally (obs normally) “as a whole” moving from the conscious to the unconscious mind. Just to demonstrate my point further below, lets imagine that the unconscious mind is located as an open bucket within the conscious mind. Furthermore, lets imagine, that in order for your consciousness to move to the unconscious mind, you need to start the unconscious mind, in a similar way you start the engine before you start driving. And now, lets think about anxiety. Again, think about it, just to demonstrate my point, as poisonous liquid that can only be stored in the unconscious mind when you are sleeping. Whereas the conscious mind cannot deal with anxiety if its turned off, ie if its sleeping. For us suffering from this symptom, TOO MUCH anxiety in the unconscious mind would in this falling asleep phase (“starting your engine”-phase) leak out from the unconscious mind to the conscious at the point of “starting” the unconscious mind. The bucket of the unconscious mind is quite simply too full of anxiety so some of it is leaking to the conscious mind when you’re just about to drift away and ZAPP!! Anxiety is poured to a sleeping conscious mind which can’t handle it while asleep.

    Now, lets get back to why the youtube talk show probably helped me to cope/experience these zaps in a totally different way. Perhaps you already guessed it. Some of my consciousness was still in the conscious mind because it was still listening to something they said (talk vs. music= talk gives the conscious mind more to grasp, that’s why its easier to sustain some parts of your consciousness in the conscious mind). So simultaneously as some of my anxiety spilled out from the unconscious to conscious mind, I was aware enough to experience the anxiety on a conscious level. This seems to make all the difference. To be honest it almost felt like some beautiful hypnotherapy at its best. I could deal with anxiety on a very physical level.

    So basically what I suggest is not necessarily to put on a youtube show, but to listen to some of these

    Relaxation Sleep Hypnosis, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSk95v3wLDw[/b]

    but there are many, with different voices styles etc. Try one which feels good for you.  My technique is not to even concentrate too intensively on what they are saying, but just relaxing. Letting yourself fall asleep whenever if you feel like it.

    Lots of love

  • Posted

    I have had this for years, around 10 now. When it started it was also accompanied by tingling in my head and chest but that has since gone away. I have it every night now, some times it faint, maybe a small jolt and then I fall asleep or on the worst nights, it's every time I try to fall asleep and I have to get up for the night. It gets worse with anxiety.

    I too had all the tests done and nothing was ever found to be wrong. It's just something that I have adapted to, though it's not as bad as when it first started. I don't get them during the day but I do know that on a night that they will be bad, I get the buzzing foggy head and I don't bother trying to go to bed.

    I have found that taking magnesium seems to help some, but it hasn't gone away. Wish I knew what caused it but have just come to accept that it's there.

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      Hi Marie17455

      I'm so sorry you have been going through that for so long. I admire your strength. You are a remarkable soldier, I cant even imagine going through that for a month, let alone years, how, I mean, how did you overcome those attacks at night. It feels like a scene from poltergeist on my bed I shake so bad, I really don't want to go to sleep. I fear that feeling.

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is.

  • Posted

    Hello GD10,

    I just found this on my own, I had same exact attacks if that's what we are calling it. It started a few days ago with me just getting light headed, thought I was dehydrated, drank water as if I was on death row, felt better, until last night, I have experienced many bad things in life, car accident, not sure how I walked away that day, a drug over doze, again, not sure how I survived and again, walked away, family dying in front of me, all when I was 17, (brother passed cancer) 21 (bad car accident) 35 (cocaine overdose) took me a while to clean myself up, but with help, support of family, I'm drug free and not associating with the bad crowd I once hung out with. I am healthy, traveling the US working hard to stay afloat. I do love my life, and enjoy what I do. I sit and think about how I am today, I have no reason to panic, I talk to my family every day, I was blaming myself for how I'm feeling today, thought all those years of polluting my body finally caught up to me. Until I found you guys. I feel some relief now that I've read your blogs, and I assure you, ive read every single word on here.

    My worst episode happened this past Saturday night. I went out on a date, few clubs and yes I was drinking. We got back to the hotel, and we laid down, all I remember is looking up at Trish screaming and my neighbor trying to hold me down. I had no idea what was going on. Rob, my neighbor heard the yelling and ran ovet to my room, he and Trish explained that from me laying there, all of a sudden, i started shaking almost like convulsions status. Rob said it looked like a horror movie scene. I didn't remember any of ir, but did feel the after shock feeling on top of my head down to my neck. Iv had about 6 episode to this day. That being the worst, it hasn't blown up since then, but do feel the electric and dizziness 3-4 times a day. I can control it most of the time, but still get that, are you retarded look from people. I feel and understand the frustration we feel not being able to fully understand nor explain what is happening to us. I sure hope you feel better and live normal lives as we should be doing, please don't think I'm weired, just really want it to stop. I will be in here daily, I feel like I know you guys personally. Hope to hear from you all soon. I will write here daily with progress or , let's just stick to it will be better. Take care, I actually really feel good knowing I let it all out. Just so you all know, it's 2:46 am, and I'm so afraid to go lay down. Talk soon.......

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is.

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear that wow yours sound way worse...I haven't had in long time since I posted i guess but the only common reoccurrence I seem to figure out what this is that most of the people that share this have a drug history normally with opiates or cocaine but this didn't start until the opiates I've been clean for over a year thanks to methadone almost off it now seems like most of my transitioning from it hard to worst comes in my withdrawal phase off opiates... Hope it hasn't anything to do with that and hope we can get this figured out I seem to be a little late there when it's happening and let it happen if I want to almost induce the feeling once it starts

  • Posted

    Thank you so much for this conversation, like everyone else I feel so relieved to know that there are so many of us.

    I'm a 34-year-old woman with non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder and a severe tendency for insomnia. I really wasn't in need of a THIRD sleep disorder!

    Mine started only a few days ago when I started a heavy dose of beta blockers for high blood pressure, at the same time I was having a very upset stomach. At first I started waking up with a massive electric shock. A couple of days later I started having these shocks when I was trying to sleep, like my body was shutting down. Every time I relax even a little bit I get this "orgasm of death". (Unfortunately that is the best way to describe it!)

    I wasn't able to get any rest at all and I was getting very anxious, until I found out that I was able to avoid these zaps by sleeping on my stomach. I usually sleep on my stomach, and I realized that I had stopped sleeping on my stomach exactly on the same day as this started, because my stomach was too sore.

    Doctors have no idea what's going on so I'm just trying to change my diet now. I really hope that I will at least be able to continue sleeping on my stomach. I just can't figure out why an upset stomach craves to be slept on!

    I have searched the entire Internet and I can't seem to find any other case of this related to an upset stomach. Strange stuff indeed!

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      UPDATE: It's probably not the stomach thing after all, the shocks seem to go away (for a few hours) with benzodiazepine. I have used small dosages on and off for many years for insomnia and I've never had any problems or any withdrawal symptoms. When this started I hadn't taken any for a week so I guess it could be withdrawal, I have headaches as well. My doctor advised me to take one benzo before going to bed and when/if the situation stabilizes, slowly lower the dosage.

      Due to my other sleep disorder I am forced to stay up a lot at night (European time), I feel pretty scared and alone so if any zappers out there want to chat, send a message. <3

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, I have went thru these exact symtoms plus like 100 more. Please please go get tested for lyme disease and all the co infections. Do not get the western blot test, its only accurate maybe 50 percent of the time. Go to a lyme specialist. I don't know where each of u live of course but in Houston tx is the one i went to. After a yr of symtoms I finally found answers. Please ask questions if u have any. I know how miserable and scary this symtom is.

  • Posted

    There is a good chance you are ALL deficient in magnesium!! I had the same for about 2 weeks. Same story. Athletic and drink a lot of coffee had me drained to almost zero. Started taking supplements. Noticed a difference within a day or two.
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      I drink a cup of hot CALM (a fizzy calcium/magnesium drink) before bed for sleep every other night, (more frequent causes a laxative effect). I take Calcium Lactate now which has been a very significant help for muscle spasms in my back, which oddly does also seem to help lighten this hard electric jolting sensation a bit. When I run out it takes a few days to get enough in my system to help.  Calcium Lactate is ONLY used by the muscles, not bones. My dose needs to be at least 3 tablets, 3x a day with the last dose at night. If I wake up at night I may take a couple to help ease the jolts when I try and go back to sleep.  For me there does seem to be a connection now with caffeine use, and even slight and occasional alcohol use seems to make it worse.  This article seems to describe my particular symptoms the closest mostly because of the "falling sensation" that precedes the shock sensations. https://www.sleepadvisor.org/hypnic-jerking/  There are some additional articles at the bottom of this sleep advisor article.  I hope by everyone sharing what works we can help one another some of us can go back to getting a normal nights rest. 

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      Not all forms of magnesium are created equal Bob. What type are you taking?
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    Im suprised to see how many of you have went to the hospital or an overnight study for this, i honestly dont think its as big of a deal as some are making it out to be, if your unable to sleep because of it ok i guess but iv had this goin on for many years and have found it to be anywhere from a slight pleasure to a mild annoyance, depending on the severity of the shock and speed of the recharge.
    • Posted

      I'm glad yours has only been a "mild annoyance".  I am not so lucky.  In about 9 months mine have gone from mild to extreme and frequent.  By extreme I mean the shock is now sometimes painful and for a few minutes I am completely numb all over. When the jolt is severe, my eyeballs and ears feel it the most, but my entire body feels the hard surge. I can only tell you that the point of origin seems somewhere in my mid-trunk area.  This sensation is anything but pleasant. As a calm, observant, non-reactive person this "now" is causing me some sense of anxiety as the falling sensation starts, as it now feels like this hard "discharge" could be dangerous to my body. I spent a week in the hospital with tons of tests and all were non-productive in terms of finding the cause. 

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