Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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    Its really relivieving that i was able to find people with this. i literally just thought i was going crazy. The brain "zaps"'just started for me a couple weeks ago. so far my research has told me it may have something to do with "tinnitus" which i find interesting because of my head always feeling underwater and my ears feeling clogged I thought it made sense- til i saw an ENT and ruled that out. im 26- i have no health issues besides on and off migraines (i seem to have one if ive "zapped" the night before) i have a vitamin c deficiency which ive been on supplements for 6 months now- but- ive also been diagnosed with anxiety, and major depression. recently i had a blood test which uncovered mono and an enlarged spleen. but its been about 5 months of that. the only explanation i have for the zapping is possibly the way the body reacts from falling asleep too fast when youre really tired? im not sure. when i can see my doctor next ill bring this up and let you guys know what he says. i still cant believe ive found a whole group of people with similar symptoms. i feel much less alone.

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      erick were you allowed to stop these wt any point at all yet??? i need some answers as well...ive been dealing with these zaps for 3 weeks straight now. i cant ever get any sleep. its ruining my days and nights. i wake up feeling so exhausted from the lack of sleep. theyre also very scary. last nught was a bad night of them. lrobabky had about 15-20 zaps last night. i was so tired from my day but it doesnt matter how tired you are. i took an ativan that seemed to

      help a little but they were still there. i didnt fall asleep till wbout 4am and even wheb i did i woke up at 9. some od

      these zaps feel like their going into my chest or heart. not a oainful feeling but its just uncomfortable and scary. anyone else get that feeling? need some answers desperately

    • Posted

      30 yrs now of Zaps,still trying to fig out ... i to, had Several last night .. first, several mini Tremors and then the big one .. i know its anxiety , Diet, lots coffee and resting of the mind .. cause thats the three happens .. now it may lead to bigger health issues down the road , started for me in my 30s .. now 63 . ive always been healthy, overweight, nervous type.. own Several businesses, meaning stress .. it may sound stupid but I dont mind them.. let them come .. i do have lots of Vacation and have business trips that it Doesnt happen as much, that ive noticed over the years .. some times i can make them Happen when i want, by thinking them to come ... if that makes any since .. they are Weird .. good luck and welcome to the club ...

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      man...this is horrible. Last night i had several zapps again...i really do think abd believe its tied into anxiety. i too am a nervous and anxious person and it cant be coincidence that when i started getting them i was at the most stressed out time of my life. There was a day where i ate healthy and i seemed to get them a little bit less Tyan other nights. Maybe its due to diet exercise and stress. i am a bit overweight....but i have been this way for awhile so j dint get how it would come out of the blue like this...over 3 weeks straight now and everyday ive had them.. Shooting shock from the keft side of my had that sometimes goes to my heart or chest and gives mu chest a tight little sting sensation sometimes...thats how mines feels. i anticipate every night now tho. Its impossible not to think about. im only 29 years old and i feel like im going to be dealing with this forever. i dread going to sleep every night now its horrible.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the response man. Any and every bit of information on this topic goes a long way for all of us dealing with this issue. My zaps have been seeming to get somewhat better as I’m taking vitamins every day… However, they are still nevertheless there every night but it seems a little less severe for me I don’t know how everyone else is doing but I would like feedback from anyone that has seen positive or negative effects from what they’re doing to counter it. Also I don’t know why the mediator on here is deleting comments and responses ....that alone seems a little fishy there’s got to be an explanation for that. Eric let me know what the doctor says please. also how often were you getting them and for how long? Were they worse before? What have you done to counter them? i honestly believe deep down it had to do with stress, anxiety, and depression. Thats the only thing i can come up with.

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      Hi I also had them really bad in the beginning a few years ago. if you search my orofile name you will see all the things that helped me. it was definitely stress for me. Youve got to destress enough that you begin not to fear them and stop dreading them. They r just a manifestation of stress. your mind is oversensitised to falling asleep so that you panic a little each time you drift off. and i dont mean you do it deliberately i mean your mind now thinks falling asleep is bad. at first long with destressing and taking vitamins etc (search my previous replies) i used TV to sistract me while falling asleep. put something not too stressful on your ohibe or laptop and fall asleep in bed while watching. that way your mind is distracted from hhe transition between awake and sleep. this helps. they still happen ocadionally to me if im really stressed or working all the hours . but they have lost their terror 😃 I can guarantee you they will pass. And you are not alone. dont excercise too close to bedtime dobt each sugar or drink caffeine in the evening. take magnesium drink camomille tea etc. it will all help. i also saw a psychologist which helped. i am in Europe where that was free not sure where you are but that akso helped change my attitude about sleep because i was terrified of losing out on sleep because of it. try the distraction. also and this sounds weird but actually when you statt to feel sleep coming and anticipate them say to yourself several times I am going to be ok. i am safe and these cant hurt me. etc. this also helps. sorry for all the typos i am typing in a hurry! search my previous replies for more tips. and note that the original poster GL10 (seatch him) also comes back saying hes recovered and it was stress. he lists all the things he did. good luck and remember this is probably your stress and you can get better. Emma

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      Totally agree Emma and wman ... i Need To Get Healthier ... lol... Have A Great Day ... and A Better Night .. lol

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      damn thanks emma for your reply i will search more on your replies from the past...im glad to hear that it is stress related because thats something that can be worked on. Theyve been happening to me every night for the past couple months now...they do seem to get better when im less stressed but still nevertheless happen to me...just hope this terror goes away. Its releaving to hear your story tho thank you so much for sharing

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    Hi All,

    I'll discuss my situation which is pretty similar to what we all are facing. I went through the threads and half way through the comments. The bottom line of the story is that it can be anything, but shouldn't be that serious for most of the cases "hopefully". My case lasted for 3 weeks almost, and now is a bit of coming back to normal 'ish slowly. The post may be a bit long, sorry for that but it may benefit someone at the end of the day. I'm not a doctor myself, but i'm just talking and recommending actions out of my personal experience.

    What my symptoms were:

    • initially it started as very mild case with twitching legs and hands (electric buzz) during night sleep time with a wake up feeling of heart pumping and all came out of the blue with no introduction or history of un-well
    • a day or two later, it started to get more severe with that feeling of falling of, or someone is awaking your up while just in between the consciousness and un-consciousness mode, which drove me crazy at the days, because couldn't get to sleep for 2-3 hours a night at most in best cases
    • when it really really gets so bad, when the electric high voltage shocks started to be seen clearly in my head, coming at times from the brain straight to the heart and at times vice-versa with a feeling that my heart trying to jump out of my chest.

    I really appreciate all the comments and all your guidance which helped me kind of.

    What have i done since then:

    • did a GP consultation who prescribed me sleeping bills (ATIVAN) which made me sleep for 1-2 nights and then, didn't had that effect. The ATIVAN made me very nervous, and short temper the next morning, and when i stopped it due to the no effect, the high voltage shock attacks became way worse than before and drove me to believe that the retreat effect of the drug is even worse that its benefit, so i stopped it completely but slowly on stages (decreasing the dose bit by bit)
    • Did the general blood test, all came good
    • GP directed me to sleeping diseases specialist, who recommended that this might be sleep apnea specially i had severe symptoms of sleep apnea
    • did the sleep apnea test. results came out as mild case of sleep apnea, not sever .... so my consultant said it can make case worse, and i may wake up with some fatigue, but it's not the root cause of what i'm going through. he advised a prescription for the random leg movement twitches called Ropinirole which is mainly used for Parkinson's disease patients in way much higher dosage than mine.
    • in between doing my sleep apnea test and getting the results, i had read through the forum here, and went all way through half of the comments. I came across the electricity hyper sensation and the stress conversations which all came to mind and somehow relates to my case. I had some stressful moments, plus spending lots and lots of time in front of electronic devices for 2 weeks during the country lockdown of COVID-19 and found that there was a very large and long electric lead which was stored in the shape of a coil underneath the bed where i sleep and is where the room connections and electricity comes from. so i started taking the anti-measures as follows:
    • Started to ease up stress, trying to exercise and going out for walks to flush all burdens, enjoy the sun, the weather and all the things that i could enjoy with.
    • I started disabling all the room's electricity and any 10 meters near-by electricity before sleeping and even the phone being set on aeroplane mode.
    • Started fasting (highly recommended if you haven't tried it and if your medical/physical condition allows. please give it a try for a week and hopefully will make some difference for you as well) (as the month of Ramadan is starting as well "lucky me"), and knowing that proper fasting gives your body the ability to regenerate your immune system and gives the body cells the ability to reconstruct, regenerate, and self-fix any damage
    • I wore copper bracelet (you can find copper wires in all kind of motors, and in electric wires in some shape or form), as i had a talk with a pharmacist friend and he advised that this might be excess electricity in the body causing me these electric surges, and advised to wear the copper bracelet to suck up any excess electrical negative charges
    • tried earthing myself before sleep some nights (doesn't seem to have such much effect on me); but what really worked is having some naps during the day straight on the bare ground.
    • I started eating many kind of nuts, the one that really made some difference was the walnuts
    • started supplements, and specially magnisum
    • when i told my specialist Dr. about the electricity and that those pre-cautious measure kind of worked for me, he said if it works for you stick with it. He mentioned that some of the patients told him sometime ago about the same symptoms, and at the time he said nothing were documented nor experimented and so nothing confirmed.
    • Now the cases started to ease up, and i just literally got my prescription today while i was able to sleep well last night. I intent to keep the prescription as a last safe resort, but will try keeping doing what i'm doing and will see how it goes for some more nights. which actions really works, i really don't know but they all as combination works fine for me.

    What i have noticed:

    • most of the people describing the symptoms have a way or another some shape of stress (positive or negative)
    • some people "myslef included" describe the symptoms of some shape or form of misophonia
    • we may have some genetic disorder that causes these cases (so think about it in a positive way, this is happening for a reason; may be to know and cherish the bless by ALLAH of being able to sleep with no issues which we all take for granted, may be something else who knows; but what i'm sure of is that we are special so keep hope and stay strong 😃 )
    • I noticed that when my left ear is coming any closer to electronic device (e.g. mobile device, a running PS4, or laptop connected/wired headphones) it gave me severe migraine, so i think it may have to do with my ears/my left brain side; i really don't know.

    at the end i wish the best, full cure for happy and better life for all of you out there. Try the fasting as in full fasting during Ramadan time, as i'm not sure if you have tried it or not but it worth trial.

    So the magical formula that shall work. remove (extra-stress from your life + excess electricity) + giving your body the time and the needed elements to heal = happy body soul life balance 😃

    Stay strong and safe all you specials out there 😉

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      thank you so much for all your information

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    Hey there

    Did you ever get this diagnosed? I’m a 37 year old female and I am having LITERALLY the exact same thing happen to me. It’s been one month now, several trips to the doctor, nothing has come of it. It’s always the very second that I’m about to fall asleep when this shock happens, and then my heart races. I used my Apple Watch and downloaded the Cardiogram app just to show the doctor that just heart rate spikes every single night when I’m about to fall asleep. I’m almost afraid to go to sleep now because I dread the shock. I too was asked if I have anxiety but I keep telling tne doctor im not an anxious person. Everything is great in my life. I’m so desperate now to get this diagnosed and fixed, or hopefully have it go away on its own. Have you seen any improvement with yours?

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      Thanks to check my reply above, it may help you know what is it.

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      Hi, mine Started around Thirty , I Think,(63 now) i Never Was Diagnosed With Anxiety until my First panic Attack at 59 ... my Point Is... you May Not Know you are Under Stress... Stress Never Bothered me.. ive Now have had "The Zaps" for 30 yrs ! ha .. the only Thing ive Discovered is That When i go on a vacation ive noticed they Tend Not Happen AS Much ... i may Have 8 or 10 a night that are temors or Slight ones ... other nights, a Big One that knocks you OUT of Bed Almost ... lolmine is the Same Way.. just Starting To Fall asleep and BAM ! ive also notice come up from my Left low stomach and Build up ... when i Was Younger i never noticed that ... the Good News They Wont Kill you .. ha Good Luck And Welcome To the Club

    • Posted

      im sorry to hear...yes were all going through these problems. im getting an mri and a sleep study done next week...i have them every night for over a month now...i relate it to strrss and anxiety but no one can be sure. Trust me we all feel your pain. I dread going to sleep every night now this is horrible 😦

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      how much sleep are you getting a night? Can you describe exactly what happens to


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      Lol wow I can’t believe you have been going through this for that many years! I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it. It’s nice to see that you have a positive outlook on it and that you are doing just fine even after all these years. I’m trying to get used to them. They don’t scare as much as they did a month ago, but it’s still unsettling nonetheless.

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      I would say on a good night I’ll get 5 hours of sleep. It’s hard for me to go back to sleep after that initial zap, so I usually don’t fall asleep until 2-3 am. It’s basically the same thing every night, I’m completely fine all day, but at night time it’s the very second that I’m about to fall asleep that the shock happens. It’s like my body is telling me not to sleep. I’m definitely getting more used to it now, a month ago it would scare me so much. I was afraid I was going to have a heart attack or stroke if I fall asleep. Also sometimes I do get a bit of a headache after it happens. Good luck with your sleep study and MRI!

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