Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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  • Posted

    I an going through the same thing. It gets extreme. I thought it was the prazosin or my Seratraline medication but its both. What i try do is when i know it comes I try to focus and zone out for it to go away almost like I'm squeezing my muscles tight. (That's what it feels like) and it goes away. I also try to cut down on caffeine/ sugar and eating before bed and that works. You know when you have hiccups and you know its coming and you try super hard not to hiccup because you know its coming? its kind of like that. The zaps comes when you over think. I sometimes have background noise when I sleep or maybe try relaxing music or white noise. That will help and be careful of what you watch on Tv and cut down screen time. i cut back a little on scary movies, violent shows as well. Even negative things i read and it has helped. Try those and see

  • Posted

    same issues...for me its like an exponential increase in 'electric shock' when trying to fall asleep with a total time of each one of about 0.25 seconds. my feeling is its related to overworking, but i dont necessarily see it as a negative. actually can be quite pleasant to experience. that said i can imagine that it could be a side effect of negative conditions. just my experience, and i am no pro!

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      oh, and at the end of the shock i burst out of sleep/rest

  • Edited

    So this is my very first post.

    I have been reading all the forum posts on here thinking why are doctors not more aware of this issue.

    My nightmare started just last Friday, i had woken up with a weird surge but thought it must be sleep apnea.

    i went for a sleep study and they said it was one of the worst cases they had seen.

    Having sat down and spoken to the doctor she told me i need to wear oral device and cpap.

    Since that friday i have been having huge anxiety over sleeping, because she told me the issues i have involved 69 issues in 1 minute.

    Fast forward to today Sunday May 30th 10 days have gone by since i slept.

    As the days have passed the shocks have quadrupled, not sure if being 11 days sleep deprived is making it worse?

    I dont drink, and have never smoked, i have gained 30 pounds in the last 8 months because im stuck in a chair with 3 bad herniated disks, one of which is hitting the root nerve.

    I have tried to go to bed every night for the past 10 days and i wake up the moment im dropping off to sleep, with huge rush from my head to my chest, it takes me a few mins to catch my breath.

    I have been pacing my home night after night drinking 4 huge cups of strong coffee, but after 10 days of no sleep my health is starting to drop, vision is blurred and i lost all interest in food.

    I spent 1 hr last night trying to fall asleep and i think i counted 130 zaps, same this morning just non stop, and i have yet to find a way to make these stop for a second.

    I sit here and wonder will i ever be able to sleep again, because i have major spine surgery in 3 weeks ans if i cant go to sleep then A/wont be well enough, 2.How could they put me under if i cant be put under.

    i sure hope mine slow down, i have decided to quit coffee,and ordered some anti anxiety meds just incase, but i cant actually fall asleep at all!!!

    • Posted

      damn bro im sorry to hear about your situation....yours sounds worse than mine and mine is hard to live with. I really hope things get better for you. I was experiencing about 20-25 zaps a night when it got really bad. They come and go for me. I basically have 2-3 every night before i actually fall asleep. Could be worse like before thats why im grateful for just having a few of them a night. Im learning to deal with them the more nights it happens..:Still very scary every time they occur...i dont think theyll never be not scary....especially that ones that send a shock to your heart area and get you to jump out of bed. Those are the worst. I feel like their gonna give me a heart attack every time....This condition that we are all experience is so rare and bizarre its hard to even get a doctor to take it seriously....... Only good advice i have given myself is to try and stay positive and work out and try your best to eat healthy and at least thatll give you a piece of mind....thats been my best tool t use against this...Nothing else has seemed to work....One thing i know for sure is when i get drunk and fall asleep they NEVER happen and i fall asleep just fine...:but im not going to live like that by any chance:...i also notice when im hunger over and exhuasted the next day the zapps are much more severe that following night...its like paying the price. Hope everyone can get control these tho cuz its no way to live life being scared to fall asleep every night....please share your stories guys and gals. Thank You!

  • Edited

    Hi All,

    I'm a 40 year old Muslim male. I had the same symptoms as everyone has been mentioning.

    Zaps when i lay down, dizziness bloating, anxiety.. Had all the test and thank God all good. (i was given depression medication, anxiety tablets didn't take them)

    What I was able to find out after extensive reading and through trial and error.

    The zap is a migraine. Migraines have triggers. I experimented with a number of different diets i found the problem was WHEAT. I'm not allergic to wheat that made it hard to diagnose through a celiac test. But I'm sensitive to wheat. Once i eat bread, pasta or anything containing wheat the zaps will come when i lay down. After cutting wheat completely for 1 week the zaps disappeared. Couldn't believe it.

    Now the test.

    After one week no wheat; bloating down, dizziness gone, brain fog gone and zaps gone. I decided to test it.

    I Ordered a large pizza and had it for dinner. Then I laid down.

    ZAP, ZAP, ZAP. The next day stomach bloated, dizzy awful feelings.

    Back on the diet.

    The zaps stayed for three days. Then disappeared. I haven't had them since. Been 6 months and thank God nothing yet.

    Look into bone broth once you get of wheat its amazing for repairing the damage wheat has done to the stomach.

    Hopefully this helps someone.

    God cure us all.

    Say Ameen,

  • Edited

    i have been suffering from this for 23 years now. it started after i got the 1st bout of the shingles at age 20. then I got the second bout of shingles at age 36 I'm 43 now it's definitely due to the damage the my nerves. i wouldn't say i am all that stressed at all I'm quite a laid back person.

    i do have chronic nerve pain down the left side of my body. i get the surges at the point of nodding off to sleep they range from a few muscle spasms to a full on neck crack or heart jolt that lifts you out of bed. blood pressure and heart rate shoots up for a few minutes.

    I also get the foggy head dizzy spells while sitting up sometimes almost like a sense of vertigo with a jolt. I sometimes get tinnitus in my right ear too.

    I wish doctors would take the condition more seriously and do some proper research into it.

    But from reading here I at take some comfort in knowing I'm not the only person who suffers from this.

    to any medical professionals reading this please do some research in to it please. I'd start with looking at the nerves.

  • Posted

    i have these sometimes, never spoke to anyone about it because i thought they would think i am mad? Its quite scary, had one today and i have chest pain. I was feeling really tired but since the episode i feel wide awake! Thanks for sharing folks its good to know i am not alone

    • Posted

      Ive been having these almost every night for over a year now....it honestly never gets any less scary for me when it happens....im up right now just thinking about it....scared to fall asleep...i wish these never cane into my life....they seriously make me depressed and miserable....Sometimes wheb i get them i get a shooting pain right in the middle of my chest or heart and itll feel like im having a heart attack....ugh im so tired if them. I have them so much now that i exoect them every night....ive went to the hospital a couple times and all the doctors basically rule out is a heart attack...i seriously feel like my wife is going to find me dead in ny bed from one if these zapps one morning. Im scared guys. Idk what to do. Does anyone else have any stories and experiences they like to share if this horrible condition

  • Posted

    Greeting All. I'm a victim of this disorder as well. I'm 72, very poor condition, very large and have many other conditions as well. However, I also have severe tinnitus which I noticed mentioned by others. I have only had 5 or 6 zaps so far; when I'm going to sleep; accompanied by the sound of lightening (not thunder, the actual sound you hear if you are close enough to a lightening stroke. Kind of "ZZZZTH." It feels like lightening going from ear to ear or so. I also get an odor sensation of something burning. I am diabetic and have peripheral neuropathy with balance issues. I will see my doctor on July 1st and let you know if there have been any breakthroughs in "brain zap syndrome."

  • Posted

    I've had this for 2 years. All fine during the day but sometimes get an overwhelming feeling to move my legs when I'm relaxing in the evening, almost to pre-empt an involuntary spasm. its worse when I'm tired.

    Then at night, at the moment of falling asleep (stress free) I'm jolted awake with fluttering in my chest and a feeling of doom and fear. Then as others say, you just have to wait half an hour for it (adrenaline?) to subside so you can try again. Its a really unpleasant feeling, but not a panic attack.

    Research led me to a post by a man who had had every test and seen every doctor. The last one said that although he was not diabetic, his pancreas wasn't coping with processing sugar and advised him to cut it out from midday onwards. Now- I like my puddings and always had sugar in tea but I like s good sleep even more and this is a truly horrible feeling. So I completely followed the advice and have not had a single episode for a week!! its early days but I think Ive cracked it. Thank you so much to the man who posted that explanation.


  • Posted

    These symptoms have been effecting me

    since 2017 on and off. I started getting the twitching after a year of IVF procedurs.. the more sleep i lacked the more the symptoms progressed over 7 months. they went away for 2 years and would occasionaly persist with a extra stress or whenever i was cominn down with a cold or getting sick..but then this year after Covid hell and working stress, they came back and new symptoms

    came with it. Vertigo, both spinning and rocking, nerve sensations, major brain fog and disorientation and anxiety.

    I took ashwaganda in the past and it did help, im strting up that regimen again as well as benedryl. its helping but its a still battle each night and when i wake up in the middle of the night, its a battle all over again.

    ive had an MRI and other testing, nothing has come back with any concern.. Hoping to get answers from a Ear Doctor in September.. keep you all posted and PLEASE do the same. we need to figure this out!

    • Posted

      Im sorry to hear about your story...ive been coming on here probably more consistently than anyone else over the past year or so.. a very scary feeling. I was getting 30-40 zapps a night on the bad days….once it started radiating to a feeling near my heart is when it got really scary….it felt for a couple seconds I was having a heart attack every time it happened….I still get them bad like that from time to time…but I definitely overcame a couple obstacles the last year or so…..it’s something I struggle with every night. I started changing my diet and what I eat and that seemed to help a little. I’m trying to get my body healthy along with my mind. I hope everyone can chime in more on this thread so we can keep this talk alive…..a small percentage of us experience this everyday and it helps knowing others are going through the same thing we are….hope to hear from you guys soon.

    • Posted

      Im sorry your having such a hard time. Do you still try and find a Doctor to diagnose the issue, what do they say?

      Do you expereince it with Vertigo?

      Have you tried Adhwaganda?

    • Posted

      I’ve spoken to doctors a few times about this….I’ve had several tests done in the last year. X-rays, ekg, blood work etc….I got put on some anti depressant pills called celexa I believe and that kind of helped but didn’t cure it. Was still having them zapps. These last few weeks have probably been the best few weeks in awhile. I only have about 2-3 a night. I’ve been on a strict diet and I’ve been working out and running so that might have something to do with it I’m sure. I still have my nights sometimes though….I don’t really experience vertigo. I think I experienced it once or twice with it but it was super rare. I have tried ashwagandha and I’m not sure that did anything. I’m going to give it another try.

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