Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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    I am desperate for answers!

    I've been battling this sleep disturbance for about a year now. I'm a 35 y/o female that works out and eats healthy, healthy weight and blood work checks out just fine.

    My experiences sound just like yours. I close my eyes to fall asleep and just as I'm about to pass out i get this sudden surge that rushes to my head. Only lasting but a second long, I immediately wake up to grab onto something to "ground" myself and control my breathing as it FREAKS me out. Sometimes, ill subconsciously feel my head twitch and then the ZAP wakes me up. This is such a sick cycle that is actually causing me to have anxiety.

    Anyone receive help for this??

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      Ive been following this thread since 2018 when this all started for me as well. I am super healthy was 34 when this started now 37. its been on and off ever since it started. currently I am at the end of a flair up.

      Just this week I saw a sleep specialist and an Ear Nose and Throat Doctor.. All my MRIs and Blood Test are normal as well as my Hearing and Neck test..

      The Sleep specialist said that I have an over active nervous system and when I get overly stressed out it creates this sleeping disorder, then the more lack of sleep i get- the more symptoms appear and the vicious cycle ramps up.

      The Doc. prescribed me the mildest dose of Gabapentne ( it controls twitching and nerves) told me to take it for 2 weeks and then get off it. I'm on day 4 and have gotten 4 nights of sleep!! I do twitch while I'm falling asleep but it only last for a short time and then im out cold! i used to inky take natural homeopathic remedies, see above post but they stopped working and this is a short term prescription so I am very relieved.. ill keep you posted but i hope this helps!

  • Posted

    I’ve been dealing with this since April of 2020 and I have to say I haven’t seen much positive progress of it from my side….I’ve learned how to deal with it more and manage it a little bit better but there still very much there. The second I slip into unconsciousness for sleep…ZAP! That surge rushes through my head…unfortunately now it radiates through different party’s of my body and hits my heart area sometimes. It’s scary. I have a lot of anxiety before going to sleep now. I noticed when I drink And get drunk and fall asleep I NEVER get the zaps. That tells me one thing…that it could be all in my head with anxiety and depression. Obviously I can’t drink every night to avoid them. I wonder if anyone is smoking weed at night to alleviate them? That’s an option I was considering to try…but weed makes me very paranoid and I’m afraid it might get worse. I’m sorry you are going through this….it’s really difficult to understand to people who don’t experience it. Sometimes I’m frightened to even go to sleep. I’m afraid if it happens that one zap will kill me. I am also desperate for answers. Haven’t found nothing yet.

  • Edited

    I’ve been dealing with this since April of 2020 and I have to say I haven’t seen much positive progress of it from my side….I’ve learned how to deal with it more and manage it a little bit better but there still very much there. The second I slip into unconsciousness for sleep…ZAP! That surge rushes through my head…unfortunately now it radiates through different party’s of my body and hits my heart area sometimes. It’s scary. I have a lot of anxiety before going to sleep now. I noticed when I drink And get drunk and fall asleep I NEVER get the zaps. That tells me one thing…that it could be all in my head with anxiety and depression. Obviously I can’t drink every night to avoid them. I wonder if anyone is smoking weed at night to alleviate them? That’s an option I was considering to try…but weed makes me very paranoid and I’m afraid it might get worse. I’m sorry you are going through this….it’s really difficult to understand to people who don’t experience it. Sometimes I’m frightened to even go to sleep. I’m afraid if it happens that one zap will kill me. I am also desperate for answers. Haven’t found nothing yet.

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      ill ask him about it. did this help you? whats your story if you dint mind me asking?

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      I wrote a detailed response but the moderator deleted it.

      The medicine is finally helping me get some relief.. I still twitch but I have been on this for 5 nights and I have slept through the night all 5 nights for 8+ hours.. hoping this puts me back on track and gets the flair up to stop.

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    I suffered from Lyme disease in 2013 and it took me a year to recover. In 2019, I was diagnosed with IBS and began having similar symptoms as you. I suspect my Lyme symptoms returned as a result of the new illness. I recovered for 2020, but the same condition has now returned in 2021. This summer, I began feeling extreme fatigue, possibly from the jolting feeling you describe. I have the tinnitus in my left ear, too. My mouth tends to be very dry and sometimes I have a metallic taste. Sometimes I awake with palpitations. It leads to a sick feeling all over. Sometimes I feel as if my chest and throat will seize up. I have the tingling and pulsing sensations in my arms and legs. Occasional twitching. My doctor placed me on metronidazole and ciprofloxacin for elevated PSA and white blood cell count, so I know the antibiotics are rough, but the symptoms predated those medicines. The nervous jolting feeling when I sleep started as I got worse during the summer. The tinnitus before that. I can't help but believe the IBS is unrelated to this. When I receive B12 shots, it goes away for about a day. When I received IV fluids from the ER, I felt perfectly normal the next day before relapsing. If it is the phantom Lyme symptoms, I don't know if it can be helped, which is worrying. I do know the shot of Ativan the ER gave me knocked me out and I can generally sleep without interference if I take acetominophen. But during the day, the fatigue still returns. I hope this might help.

  • Posted

    Just wanted everyone to know I’ve had several check ups lately and the doctor can’t find exactly what it is that’s causing my zapps…However, there is something concerning I have to report. As I’ve said before the zaps have now gone to the point where it’s radiating near my heart area every single night now…Having said that I had a stress test done and and echocardiogram test done and the doctor has said that there is slight damage to my heart. It’s not bad to where my heart can’t function but it’s bad enough to be concerned about it. There was mild LAE, T-Mild TR…there is moderate increases wall thickness…and the left atrium is dilated….I never had issues before I started having these problems… I don’t mean to scare anyone but these are results and facts of my recent test. I still continue to get my zapps every single night. Probably around 4-5 zapps a night. They happen more often when I lay in certain positions. It happens a lot when I lay on back…anyway…I hope we can get this thread more talkative and more discussions on here from now on.

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      what are the next steps? what is your doc suggestions?

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      Well… I’m going back into the cardiologist in about a month to discuss further options….My doctor said I might need further additional testing which I don’t know what more tests they can run… Also my doctor said My heart may need to be monitored once a year…I’m not sure sure exactly what other options there are at this point. I have to wait it out and see what these other test results show. By the way I’m a 31 year old male. Slightly Overweight but I’ve been healthy most of my life. Been in sports at a very early age. Always exercised and workout. Just the last couple years specifically I let my health go a little bit. But it shouldn’t have an impact like this…anyways ill keep this thread updated. It was really hard for me to get an appointment with my cardiologist again… So I have to wait till November 23 for him to see me.

  • Posted

    This all started months ago. Firstly Tinnitus in my left ear mainly. Months of tests and nothing unusual.. i still have the "jolts" at night until i take a sleeping tablet. If i don't take a pill i wont sleep. I was worried about having to get a brain scan but after reading this thread i see there's many in the same boat. From what i have read of your replies it seems as if it has something to do with Antidepressants. I went on them for a month and then stopped abruptly, which i know the doctor said not to stop suddenly but i hate taking pills. I went back on them and i still get the Zapp" or Hipnic Jerk" at nights. It's like the damage has already been done. Bow i only take a sleeping tablet at night or i wont sleep. I have never liked Antidepressants but i tried them because of my depression. I think the pills starved my brain of Dopamine and now my brain is starving for the right balance. let me know if anyone comes up with a cure.

  • Posted

    I have never been so happy to finally find this discussion. I have been experiencing similar issues for the past month or so and it appears to be getting worse, or at least more frequent. It sometimes wakes me up with what I can only describe as mild brain 'zaps' but it feels like the point of origin is my eyes. It's very strange and though I have mentioned it to Drs in the past I have gotten no real help with it. I have an appt this coming Monday to really talk more about it and hopefully get some answers or at least set up for some tests. It's very unsettling, to the point lately where I kind of dread going to sleep. Scares me too I have to say, fearing it might lead to in terms of a seizure or even a stroke. I am 58, taking meds for high bp and cholesterol and have had afib in the past. Despite that I do exercise, eat well, drink moderately and do not smoke but I suspect this is anxiety related, something more difficult to deal with than anything else really.

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    Hi, have you ever found out te cause of all this yet?

  • Posted

    I am presently experiencing this weird electrical shock wave and it is very painful. I am surprised that others don't find it painful. I can't sleep and I have taken several sleeping pills but to no avail...I am presently trying out some walking exercises within my home just to get tired enough...One interesting thing I have noticed with my own experience is that it becomes noticeable worse whenever I approach the area of my house where the electricity Mains is located. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that perhaps my home is not wired with an Earth wire to the ground. This is really terrible, I feel like I am dying...Can someone please suggest any fast remedy before I overdose myself with sleeping pills

    • Posted

      im sorry youre going through this....its definitely horrible. Trust me im right there with you. I thought i had them under control but turns out they got even worse over time. At first i use to get the brain shakes just before drifting off to sleep every night. Now i get shooting nerve pain in the middle of my chest every night. If only people really understood how bad and stressful and scary this is.....i dread going to bed every night. Only thing that sometimes helps me is xanax because it knocks me out. But of course i dont want to have to take that every night. I have another doctors appontment tomorrow. Im gonna ask about prescribing Gabepetin. Someone recommend that to me a few months back so im going to ask my doctor about it. How has everyone else been doing ?!

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