Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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    Oh my god this is so similar to what happened to me last week! I was on holiday in Bulgaria, and to be fair my friend and I had been partying all week, drinking and lack of sleep was a regular thing the entire time. One night I just had to go to sleep, I was so exhausted, and as I lay in bed, just as I was about to go to sleep it felt like a massive surge of energy hit me in my chest and all I wanted to do was run laps of our apartment. This lasted about 2 seconds and then my brain sort of shut down? I couldnt move my body for about 2 minutes and my brain was like it was dead, all I could think was 'oh my god what is happening to me?!' but nothing else. Then I snapped out of it and woke up my friend and I was quite frankly a bit scared to go back to sleep after that!

    I am a healthy 21 year old woman, I eat cleanly and go to the gym 5 days a week. I dont take drugs or drink often (with the exception of that holiday). The only thing I could put it down too is dramatic lack of sleep?

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      What you're describing sounds like sleep paralysis, which is sort of what happens when your mind is awake but the message hasn't gotten to the body to wake it up

      . Sometimes it happens to me, but only in the middle of the night and only when I sleep on my back/stomach. It's very scary and I can only move my feet for a brief period of time (a minute or so), but I always snap out of it. 

      I haven't heard of it happening right when falling asleep, but with all the partying who knows. There's an article on wikipedia about the condition that might be helpful - from what I gather there's no known cause but it's not an ailment to be worried about either. 

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      Possible out of body experience astro plane or lucid dreaming it sounds like you got cateplexy and narcolepsy like me.. on my electric shocks have turned into like a bolt of thunder now I big zap before it was small electric charges so I'd say my symptoms are getting worse cause the bolt of lighting surge is felt and I also go into shock spasms uncontrollable shaking can't keep still or relax it's never really happened in public but I'm tryna prepare my self for if it does i feel embarrassed but I shouldn't cause it's part of me.. just hard accepting my illness
  • Posted

    Hi guys, 

    I've dealt with the same awful sensations quite a lot in the past, and while I don't know what it's called medically I can definitively say that it is caused by stress and lack of sleep (for me at least). 

    It got really bad at one point, so if it’s to the point of really interrupting normal sleep here are some things you can try:  

    -Put on soft music that's easily audible but not disturbing…it's hard for the brain to get into that exited state when soft music is playing. I usually listen to an album from Deuter called "Atmospheres" which you can get on Spotify or Amazon.

    -Sit up straight in bed and do 10-15 minutes of meditation in the correct pose. This is a bit tougher because your eyes will naturally want to close, but stick with it. Afterward the sensations usually have dissipated. 

    -Some exercise can help, such as jogging in place, sit-ups, etc. 

    -Get a shoulder/head massage if you have a partner or somebody who can do so.

    There are also some drug options:

    -A combination of inositol and valerian root worked well for me. I used close to a dozen OTC sleep aids but this cocktail was best and had the least sides.

    -Sertraline (Zoloft) is also effective, but only after 2-3 weeks of use

    -Benzos such as Xanax and that family can also be used, but they can be highly addictive. Use only in extreme cases!

    This is not professional medical advice and you should talk to your doctor before taking any substances J


  • Posted

    Hi guys, so its been approx 9 months since my original post which started this discussion.  Apologies for not coming back sooner.....I felt in order to try to combat these issues I wanted to 'get away' from reading these forums.  But I also understand it is a good place for people to talk about their issues which can ease peoples minds.

    So let me give you an update:

    Firstly, DO NOT WORRY.  These symptoms are not life threatening.  I have had every test available and all results came back OK.

    I admit it is quite confusing/scary as I still to this day do not know what brought on these symptoms and how they actually went away (but they do go away!).  I was given no medication to combat it.  I had a couple of weeks off work and was told just to rest up, also wasnt allowed to drive and basically I just need to put my feet up and relax (you will all agree that that is easier said than done).  There was a slight chance that it could have been minor epilepsy but this was not the case.

    The only advice I can give and what has worked for me was some basic lifestyle changes (apologies if these seem a bit obvious but they do actually work).  I dont take any medication.

    - Morning ritual.  I now spend an extra bit of time in the morning when I get up and leave for work.  I dont try to 'rush' out of bed and into work.  Take your time having breakfast, have a shower, watch some TV.  I now dont tend to leave the house until I am 'ready'.  I might be late for work but I dont try to combat the day until i feel i am awake and ready.  Try and get into a routine.

    - Change of diet.  Eat plenty of fruit and veg.  I have cut down a lot on caffiene and now drink natural drinks like green tea.  Some porridge or muesli for breakfast.  Bananas in the afternoon and some fish for tea.  Changed to Skimmed Milk.  Stay hydrated throughout the day with water.

    Must admit that I still drink alcohol quite a bit on weekends (cut it out in the week).

    - Meditation and breathing exercises.  I find this helped a LOT.  I bought a basic/beginner guide off Amazon for a couple of quid.  A 5-10 minute breathing exercise just before bed relaxes the mind.  This really helps and I still do some of these exercises when i'm getting a bit stressed out.  I also found that using an extra pillow so my head is higher when trying to get to sleep helps.

    - Music, i found some soothing tunes can help with sleep.  You can download some stuff from iTunes.  These can be used with the breathing exercises just before bed.

    - Exercise.  I was quite fit when these symptoms started happening so not sure how big a part this plays in the recovery.  I find that fresh air helps.  Have a good stretch and go for a walk in the evenings.

    In general, I just had a new outlook in life and learned to chill out a bit more.  Try hard to not get stressed about things which are not important in life.

    I think thats it from me.  Hopefully trying some of my advice above will help you guys.  I know they sound very basic but it does help.  I do still get days when i'm spaced out (especially in evenings) but again following some of my tips above seem to help.  Dont worry about these symptoms and be happy this is nothing serious.

    Any questions i'll be happy to help.

    • Posted

      uiu i m not agree with you.

      Im vegeterian since many years. I practice yoga everyday. I m a calm take it easy person when i wake up as I don't have to be in a harry to go for a job. 

      Now i sleep without the phone next to me, even i leave in an other room.

      I leave surrounded by nature...

      And stills it happens to me....

      Someone says it s about "spiritual" or counsciencness process. I think it goes more into that direction.

    • Posted


      I'm experiencing the same thing you had. It's called myolclonic jerks. I don't have them everynight tho. I do have them at the very moment and well, I can't sleep. In my case, it all started after I tried a recreational drug (once)and had a sort of serotonine toxicity, several months ago. After that, the issue became severe when I started tapering zopiclone (sleep aids benzo-like) and valium (benzo). Right now, I've been off medication for 4 months. I had bloodwork, urine test, EKG done. Everything is fine! Going for MRI tomorrow. My neurologist told me I had nothing "objective" and therfore it should be subjective....My doctor told me to go see a psychiatrist lol I certainly don't have a psychological disorder. The worst part is that I can exercise anymore, except for walking. I used to go at the gym 4 times a week but now, I notice that relatively intense exercice during the day (ex: 30 mins of running at a good pace or playing ice hockey) makes things worst. 

      I also started acupuncture (5 sessions in 3 weeks made my situation worst for a week) and started to do 45 mins of mindfulness everyday and I must say I feel much more relaxed but still, not sure what is the source or the meaning of all this. 

      Here are my symptoms: when I fall asleep and I get to jerks electric spams in the brain (not to confuse with brain zaps), I feel electricity troughout my entire body, like a phony bone feeling + pins and needles, I feel lightheaded or slightly dizzy, sometime nauseous. I use to get anxious but know I am calm and just feel sleepy. Sometime these jerks are accompanied and synchronized with vivid dream (ex: I jerk the moment I get it in the face, in my dream)

      I think your right, time and good habits may be the only solutions. 

      My hypothesis is that my brain is now hypersensitized due to all the differents medications I took. It is somehow unbalanced...

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      Also, sometime I feel numbness sensation over the chest + the brain jerks last half a second.
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      MRI is clean. I don't get it. 
    • Posted

      I think you're absolutely wrong. It has nothing to do with out of body experiences, or spiritualness. It has everything to do with the nervous system and a change in chemicals in the body. Most likely a change in seratonin.

  • Posted

    I'm not going to lie, reading these posts made me feel a lot better.

    At first, I had a minor spasm in my left foot, and being the hyponchondriac that I am, I thought I was developing some sort of neurological disease. After about a month of constant twitching and nothing else, I just sort of shrugged it off. But just two nights ago, I was woken up by "surges" in my head. Almost like that feeling you get when you "fall" while you're sleeping, but they were more consistent. Last night, I could not fall asleep because this "tingling surge" sensation kept going to my head/stomach/and chest region. After reading these posts, I put on some soft music and it did help me fall asleep. But this morning, I was woken up by the same sensations. Also, during the day there is almost this anxious tingingling sensation in my chest/stomach. I wonder if all my symptoms could be related

    About me- 19 year old male who started college a month ago. Work out regularly, so I don't believe lack of excercise could be the cause. I have been playing with my dosages of anti-depressants and ADHD medications, which I read could possibly be a reason for these symptoms. I am going through the most stressful time of my life trying to adjust to college and all of the work. Hopefully I'll fnd some answers somewhere! Good luck to you all, as well!

  • Posted

    This is going to sound crazy but here's how I've dealt with it. The surge, I think, is a physiological response to your awareness of yourself being between the physical and spiritual realm. When you get these, you are very tired and your body has issued the chemicals that prevent you from moving. You're paralyzed and you feel like you're completely vulnerable as you become aware and these surges come. At first they are scary and you might even cry out for help - not physically of course but within your 'state' - like a desperate prayer. I actually started taking advantage of these states to pray, not in desperation, but in peace and with sincere inquisition because it's in this place I think we're out of the physical and into the spiritual world, a little closer to God.
  • Posted

    Hello. I've had these symptoms in varying degrees since starting and then stopping a course of anti-depressants about 18 years ago. I was taking Paxil (Aropax) and used them for just over a year before deciding to come off them. Clearly this has caused some latent neurological side effect which manifests itself in brain zaps. For me it starts with a whooshing noise from within my head that intensifies until the jolt. The whole process lasts only 2-3 seconds. Sometimes it gives me a fright but it doesn't worry me in general. I'm back on another SSRI as of December 2013 and experience a very mild version of this if I've taken my tablets late - although these happen in the day. They are more annoying as it feels like I'm going to pass out for a split second and they happen frequently, every 5 minutes or so, but I use them as a reminder to take my medicine. They stop once the tablets have been absorbed. 

    In short, I wouldn't  stress about it if you've had tests and been diagnosed healthy otherwise. 

  • Posted

    I have experienced both falling asleep zaps and the brain zaps of antidepressant withdrawal. They are not the same thing! Not by a long shot. They feel different, and I wanted to let you guys know before you try to fix it with meds.

    What the falling asleep zaps are is kundalini. Does it bolt out the top of your head, the point where the skull fissures meet? That's the crown chakra. Yes, it sounds hooey gooey, but the eastern religions have been musing over and documenting this phenomenon for years. If you want to learn more, look up kundalini and OBEs. You can learn some exercises to do that will make you look forward to these zaps instead of dreading them. They signal a shift between stages of sleep, and if you relax and listen after one, letting the shift happen, vibrations and sounds will start. Give it a chance, feel into it.

    You are not sick! There's nothing wrong with you. These zaps will come and go throughout your life randomly. I would even say you're one of the lucky ones, in that you get to experience this often enough to experiment with it. If you'd really like fewer of them, wait until late for bedtime and do not take naps. Lighter sleep makes you more aware of that shift into the deeper sleep level.

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      Cool answer. I will check out this. Thanks to share
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      Usually this happens when people abuse antidepressants, and other medicines that happen to be seratonin reuptake inhibitors.
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      I've experienced all these symptoms on and off for years.I'm 40 now. It's worst the longer I allow myself to stay in it. And harder to jump out the longer I stay. It happens when I'm very tired from lack of rest. I have history of drug abuse. Mostly opioids, and have history of kidney stones that cause the bloating and left abdominal pains. Like I said I get brave sometimes and allow to let it take me cause most of the time it scares the hell out of me. Tonights experience being long not know how long but long. Cause I'm half asleep and think I can feel the difference my body felt floating almost out body but can't control it.and when I finally fought my way back I awoke with chest pain heart beating so hard it hurts spinal pain like my back backwards . Does this make sense to anyone? Thank you all for your post. And cell phone app pinging is that for real if so Scarry stuff.~ ESTin76

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